Entry level jobs as an oil and gas pipeline scheduler (coordinating movements of oil through pipelines from point A to point B). Any bachelor degree can get you a job. You'll start really low. Offensively low. Almost as a test to see if you are willing to work hard for cheap just to get to where you are going.
Learn the pipeline business and after 2-3 years in a scheduling role move over to a commercial/business development role negotiating pipeline or storage deals with oil and gas producers to move their oil and gas on your assets of responsibility.
Change companies twice and you'll be $200+ within 6-8 years. With some personal skills and luck you can easily be $350+ within 10 years.
You just have to be willing to start at the bottom. And you need to do it before you are too old for a company to give you a chance at that entry level job.
Downside is you are stuck in Houston or Oklahoma until you retire.
Learn the pipeline business and after 2-3 years in a scheduling role move over to a commercial/business development role negotiating pipeline or storage deals with oil and gas producers to move their oil and gas on your assets of responsibility.
Change companies twice and you'll be $200+ within 6-8 years. With some personal skills and luck you can easily be $350+ within 10 years.
You just have to be willing to start at the bottom. And you need to do it before you are too old for a company to give you a chance at that entry level job.
Downside is you are stuck in Houston or Oklahoma until you retire.