BTHOtrolls said:
My suggestion is to also look into the Galveston Campus.
I was also an out of state student. The Galveston Campus had a lot more scholarships per applicant to facilitate in state tuition.
Your daughter can use the time at Galveston to knock out pre requisites and become a Texas resident.
If she wants to transfer from Galveston to college station then the process is no different than if she were to start at college station and change majors.
If she knows her preferred major at College Station then Galveston advisers can help with picking the right courses to satisfy pre requisites.
Big fan of Galveston as well. My eldest son is a Sophomore in MART there which is an amazing program but they definitely work with kids trying to get to CS. Much easier environment to adapt to college as well, largest class is probably 75 and most are in the 20s. The campus is on Pelican Island so it's isolated but also 5 minutes from being in town so super safe. Only about 2500 students and you can walk and get around so much easier than CS, you don't just get lost like it is so easy to do in CS. You also get first pick on football tickets, my son was between the 40's on the 3rd Deck basically every game as a Freshman and front row twice.
It's definitely a lot quieter and laid back though with a fraction of the clubs and activities. My son has embraced it and is taking heavy course loads (22 hours last Semester, 20 this Semester) and will graduate early. Know a lot of kids that have transferred up to CS though and are also doing great.
I also know a lot of kids that went to CS and have struggled. It's just so damn big now and going up and taking a bunch of Freshman classes with 400 students and a million distractions is a lot to adjust to. A kid has to be very self reliant to succeed in that environment.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan