Prescient said:
The Student Financial Aid Office still will be your best resource, and I would be absolutely stunned if they didn't guide you to the Brown Scholars program.
Since your post last week, we've been going nonstop for my son's robotics competition. We just got in, and it was a great experience. They didn't place as well as they did last year, but they learned new things with each match, and they came home happy, feeling pretty good about it, in general. We were running on very little sleep the entire time, but in his spare moments, he's done a little research to find contact information for Craig Brown, but will look harder tonight and tomorrow, now that he's home. He has a letter ready to send (he excitedly wrote it on the drive to competition), and he is considering just mailing it if he doesn't make any headway on finding an email address. Email would be so much faster, but a nice, hard copy might be nice as well. We will see how it goes now that he can focus and look.
I just wanted to mention that we have not contacted the SFAID office again since Aggieland Saturday. Prior to that day, he called several times to ask for options or advice, but felt he was a bother and was given the exact same answer, whether by email, phone, or in person. They just kept saying that they were sorry, but all of the University funds had been awarded, and his only hope would be a departmental scholarship from general engineering. They never suggested the Brown Scholars program, and although it is a glimmer of hope, we know this is very late in the process.
I would imagine that departmental scholarships will have to go out really soon, and we haven't seen anything, nor have we heard of any others who are also hoping for something. I know the waivers can only be given to 5% of students, so we're hoping they aren't all given out yet. Again, not giving up hope until there is no other choice.