I have a surgeon friend who lost his hearing in one ear following the second Moderna jab. He's recovered enough to wear a hearing aid now but he reports that he's met several others who have experienced the same thing.
you took the jab with Viagara? were you hoping to score with the doctor?Captain Pablo said:
I experienced a HUGE issue when I got the vax
Of course, I got the vax around the same time I got a bottle of Ultra Male Primal Xtreme supplements, so it's difficult to say what's responsible for what
unmade bed said:
I never got any of the boosters (pointless once Omicron came around) so no telling how terrible Aggie sports could have been.
Same HUGE issue here… never took the jab.Captain Pablo said:
I experienced a HUGE issue when I got the vax
Of course, I got the vax around the same time I got a bottle of Ultra Male Xtreme supplements, so it's difficult to say what's responsible for what
You took Hydrocloriquine and ivermectin, or did you drink bleach?unmade bed said:
I took the Trump Magic Juice pretty soon after it was available - have several family members in medical industry who were able to get me "in" early and I had several co-morbidities (fat ass, high blood pressure, etc). Pretty sure it was Moderna.
Since my sister and brother-in-law were both briefly hospitalized with Delta after Halloween, I figured I would go ahead and take the vax. Didn't mind being part of the experiment.
Pretty soon after I got the first shot, the Ags got screwed out of the College Football Playoff in favor of crap Notre Dame team and an Ohio State team that had played like 3 games. That sucked. Didn't really notice that many adverse effects after that until last year when our stupid baseball coach was negotiating a contract with the t-sips while the Ags were in Omaha. I'm afraid I'm stuck with the consequences of the vax for life now.
On the positive side, after seeing that Covid pretty much killed only old people and fat people, I decided being fat wasn't such a great idea so I started working on my diet and exercise and I have dropped about 40 pounds since 2020 and am off my Lisinopril now. Not sure if the Covid vax contributed to the weight loss.
I never got any of the boosters (pointless once Omicron came around) so no telling how terrible Aggie sports could have been.
Stressboy said:
I have a buddy who began having vertigo like symptoms and he swears it's the Pfizer vaccine.