Francis Macomber said:
Ellis Wyatt said:
Believing in the Constitution and the rule of law is not extreme. Being thankful to God for the gift of being born in the greatest, most benevolent country in world history is not extreme. Celebrating the genius of the men who founded this great nation is not extreme. Except to people who are themselves extreme.
If only that described this board, that would be awesome.
But it doesn't.
Quick scoreboard update.
"We" have the White House, the USSC, the Senate, the House, the majority of governors, state houses, and electoral votes. Not to mention the popular vote. That makes us the majority or the mainstream. More people are currently voting for Republicans and identifying as Republican than democrat.
The majority of those that post here support the policies and agenda that President Trump is implementing, as do a majority of Americans as evidenced by the election.
I have little to no concern as to how you label us. Extreme right wing? Nobody cares.
My assumption would be that you, like most liberals, suffer from a lack of self awareness and outward thinking that is multiplied by the media you consume which 80-90% left leaning, much of it far left leaning. And when I say "media" I mean all media - news, sports, social, entertainment. This constantly reinforces the notion that you are the mainstream and therefore most people are like you. They're not.