maverick2076 said:
gkaggie08 said:
Ag_SGT said:
gkaggie08 said:
Ag_SGT said:
But you haven't earned a free ride at the expense of the tax payer.
American tax payers exist because folks chose to swear allegiance and fight for this country. What I have is not a free ride, I earned everything I received
Once again, reread my post and check your reading comprehension
Don't speak out both sides of your mouth, I agree with half your statement but vehemently disagree with the rest of it
You took one sentence out of my entire post and you say that I am speaking out of both sides of MY mouth? Check the paragraph above that sentence. I clearly stated that current VA benefits are well deserved. My argument is that new benefits that the legislature creates should be scrutinized.
When I say free ride, and you in turn saying you earned everything, does that mean that a 4 year contract in the military should earn you a retirement package for the rest of your life? If you did a tour of duty in a combat zone you shouldn't ever have to pay income tax?
Talk about talking out of both sides of the mouth! You've earned everything you've received, why are you asking for more?
Your assertion s are ridiculous. No one gets a retirement package for the rest of their life after serving 4 years. That's absolute hyperbole. Does someone who served have the right to file a claim for service-connected injuries sustained while they were in service? Absolutely. But it's no "retirement package". And VA ratings can and are reevaluated and reduced if the condition that caused the rating improves.
Literally no one made a claim that serving a combat tour should exempt you from paying income tax. Stop making **** up.
If you want to "scrutinize" new benefits, I'm all for it. Take this property tax exemption, for example. From what I can find, it was passed in 2011, went into effect in 2012, and hasn't changed since. Considering the increase in housing costs over the last 13 years, this appears to me to be an attempt to adjust the old legislation to keep up with rising housing costs. By making it a strict percentage instead of a specific dollar amount, the legislature is probably attempting to make it self adjusting so they won't have to revisit the topic every few years.
GD, reading comprehension needs to be added to basic training, apparently. I know 4 years doesn't get a retirement, it's 20. Guess what, I also know that a tour of duty doesn't get you out of income taxes you dolt!
In my previous previous post, I said that the current VA benefits for veterans are A OK with 99% of this board, but new stuff keeps coming up 'for the vets' and I made a statement that serving your country doesn't earn you a free ride from the tax payers.
He's arguing that basically ANY new benefits were already earned with prior service. I'm just fighting the absurd with the absurd, the old Rush Limbaugh tactic.
Do you think a 4 year contract should give you a retirement package? If you did a TOD in a combat zone, do you believe you should be exempt from income taxes? You, and others on this thread, haven't found a benefit for vets that you disagree with yet, I'm just trying to see if you can draw your own line in the sand at some point