The pain of having an adult woke far left child.....

27,699 Views | 265 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by Medaggie
third deck
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I am really sorry you are going through this. I don't have the answers, but would highly encourage you to check out a book that may be helpful/comforting…
"The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" by Rosario Butterfield. Fantastic speaker and an amazing story that I believe speaks to some of the situation you have described.
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Man, that stinks and I will pray for your daughter and your family.

On another note, does she have a job? Does she file a tax return? Does she pay her own bills? That might help.
Urban Ag
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ProgN said:

TheEternalOptimist said:

......who calls you 'Nazi' and says 'You are not my parents'. Who rejects the precepts of God and morality.

I can not be alone. But it is a very lonely feeling at times.

Thankful for my other two children who encourage me to be faithful and stand true.

What we are dealing with personally has made me loathe the whole woke nonsense even more. It is a mind virus and it harms families deeply. I righteously resent it.
Remove every privilege that you and your wife provide for her.

My parents are old school and would never, ever, suffer dishonor or slander from myself, my brothers, our wives, or our children.

Likewise I would never suffer it from either of my sons. I would still love them, be for them within reason, but were they to dishonor my wife and I in that fashion the doors close.

Loving your children and suffering their hate are not the same.
Aggie Infantry
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Good friend of mine (62M) has a only child (41M) who is a raging liberal. They argue all of the time. The son is divorced and no kids. Probably won't have any - so end of that blood line.
When the truth comes out, do not ask me how I knew.
Ask yourself why you did not.
BMX Bandit
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When I first read this while drinking my morning coffee, the first thing I thought was that this is an easy fix and it involves a belt.

Taking a belt to adult usually ends great. Beat the gay out of her.

Try a little note subtlety in your trolls. You will hook more.
BMX Bandit
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Very sorry to hear you're dealing with. It does sound like a heartbreaking situation.

Reading your post here, it is clear your head and heart are in the right spot. Keep praying and hopefully your daughter will be brought back to the love of her family.

Don't give up on her. She needs your love even if she doesn't know it.

Ignore the loser posters that have no clue how you raised your daughter. Despite a parent's best efforts, sometimes kids don't turn out the way they were raised to be.
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gabehcoud said:

I can't imagine choosing politics and/or religion over family. You don't have to agree. Just try not talking politics

This. Love your children unconditionally.
BMX Bandit
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Just try not talking politics

Good luck with a liberal. They can't help themselves.
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BMX Bandit said:


When I first read this while drinking my morning coffee, the first thing I thought was that this is an easy fix and it involves a belt.

Taking a belt to adult usually ends great. Beat the gay out of her.

Try a little note subtlety in your trolls. You will hook more.
I'm not trolling. Having said that this woman needs to face some repercussions.
I am sorry this man is having issues with his spoiled brat of a daughter, and that's exactly what it sounds like.
I'm not saying he should beat the kid now, but again I would not be surprised if that child never heard the word 'no'.

My wife is a retired teacher and is extremely conservative like myself. She saw first hand the type of kids that are funneling thru the schools now. Entitled, disrespectful, rude, and honestly not worth a bucket of warm spit.

That all comes from parenting.
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First... ya gotta quit using that stupid word "Based".

Just say what you mean. Gotta quit making **** up.
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AnScAggie said:

We need a new Rush, he did wonders for my 25 year old. When he was 8 or so he would throw a tantrum that I'd have Rush on while we were driving. When Trump honored him with the Medal of Freedom at the SOTU and when Rush died, I think he may have wept. We need another Rush to carry the next generation forward.
This is the best post i've read on this site in years.

I've told my wife numerous times that Rush's voice is greatly missed.

I know he is looking down from heaven and smiling from ear to ear regarding our current President, and at the same time weeping at what is happening to our youth.

My brother in law has 5 kids, and they have all been homeschooled. They aren't catholic, everyone of his kids is conservative and respectful.

Hate to say this but the Catholic church has a tendency to teach liberalism.
That and the satanic Episcopal church which I left and will NEVER step foot into again.
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Boomer#85 said:

BMX Bandit said:


When I first read this while drinking my morning coffee, the first thing I thought was that this is an easy fix and it involves a belt.

Taking a belt to adult usually ends great. Beat the gay out of her.

Try a little note subtlety in your trolls. You will hook more.
I'm not trolling. Having said that this woman needs to face some repercussions.
I am sorry this man is having issues with his spoiled brat of a daughter, and that's exactly what it sounds like.
I'm not saying he should beat the kid now, but again I would not be surprised if that child never heard the word 'no'.

My wife is a retired teacher and is extremely conservative like myself. She saw first hand the type of kids that are funneling thru the schools now. Entitled, disrespectful, rude, and honestly not worth a bucket of warm spit.

That all comes from parenting.

You're lucky you're not raising kids right now. The woke brainwashing is particularly effective against clueless parents.

And yes, if you think it's only kids that are spoiled rotten who have been indoctrinated by this stuff, you are clueless.
Hamburger Dan
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If you don't mend your relationship with your daughter, you'll regret it the rest of your life. Politics should never divide a family. It's not worth it. There are both good and bad, on either side of the political fence. It's always been there, but now, it's more of a finger pointing/ you're to blame, for my shortcomings. I lost a 23 year old son. Nothing nefarious, but it's been almost 18 years and I don't feel any better. I'm 65 years old, right or left in power doesn't change a thing about me. I'm going to continue to do as I was taught, many years ago. Good luck.
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When ones you love push you away, pull them in even closer than before. Love them even more.
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Yeah...I have an oldest daughter who is a dyed in the wool communist. I haven't spoken to her in several years. She's the most vile, rude, hateful person in the world to be around when it comes to politics. I have two grand-daughters by her that I've never met...which is a shame. Even so, I don't deal well with anyone telling me or another family member to "f- off" when she's the one pulling up political topics then getting her head caved in with plain old common sense arguments from her brother or sister - who lean conservative.

No, she directed a "and F U too" at my mom, when my mom asked her to calm down and drop the political discussion at a family get together. My mom and dad looked at her in shock then quietly left the room. I immediately asked her husband to take her home. She has never repented for that awful behavior and until she does, she is not welcome under mine or my parent's roof.
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We too have a prodigal daughter. Very far left thinker and self proclaimed feminist. She is the oldest from my first marriage, and her mom was (is) abusive. She has rejected God entirely, and surrounds herself with people who think alike. She rejects our faith and our politics and the world has taught her that because we don't agree on those things, then we must reject each other too. I haven't spoken to her in almost two years.

I text her often telling her that we love her and miss her and pray for her often. I'm sure that we made mistakes as parents. But my current wife and my heart is always trying to do what is best for her. It also got to the point where it was toxic enough that we also had to think about the rest of the family (7 other kids in our blended family) and start setting boundaries.

For now, I wait… ready to wrap my best robe around her when she returns and is ready to be.a part of our family again.

Man, there is no pain like kid pain. You, your daughter and your family will be in our prayers.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29
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Captain Winky said:

I see lots of blame being placed on schools and the internet and everything else, but no mention of parenting….
Honestly, I think many of these cases happen despite the parents' influence.

We all know the trope of the "preacher's daughter" who -- while raised to be pious and holy -- grows up to be a real hell-raiser. It's simply a matter of rebellion and a search for identity. Some young people have that streak in them.

My own kids are far more liberal than me. But then I have to remember that when I was young, I was more liberal than I am now.

Life experience teaches you a lot, and I can already see their eyes opening around some issues.
Logos Stick
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Sorry to hear it OP.

My oldest son is left of center but he's not hostile about it. We don't talk politics.

I think people are born the way they are. Without spiritual intervention, their eyes can't be opened.
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UntoldSpirit said:

TheEternalOptimist said:

In fact I believe it has become somewhat common. It is a goal of the left to separate children from their parents. The left uses cult-like techniques to do this, and in case you haven't noticed, they do collectively act as a religious political cult.
This is 100 percent true. You can see the evidence everywhere.

One of the memes that sticks out to me is Obama's "how to talk to your racist uncle at Thanksgiving" (for some reason, they always picked on the uncle). Literally telling young people how to disrupt a gathering centered on giving thanks with family by arguing over politics.

Remember Julia and Pajama Boy? Propaganda efforts by the Obama administration to increase young people's reliance on government rather than family.

The whole anti-Boomer meme is a perfect example of viral attempt to separate young people from their older parents -- blaming them for any slight a young person might experience.

You can find thousands of posts on X about disowning your family over politics.

There are books and podcasts and news articles galore about severing family ties to avoid "toxic" parents.

It's definitely a strategy. And many young people have been caught up in it.
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I've been estranged from my mother and two sisters, one of which is an Aggie like myself. I've not spoken to my mother and sisters in over 15 years. A lot of it comes from politics unfortunately. Those three women are America hating democrats. My mother thinks the Clinton's hung the moon. She apparently loves murdering babies and thinks Trump is this horrible man. The two sisters are just idiots. I miss my youngest sister very much, but the middle sister, the Aggie, if she was a man, i'd kick the **** out of her. She is evil. If the people of the town that she is the mayor of knew what a vile person she is, i'd be willing to bet she'd be run out on a rail. If her kids knew what a piece of crap she really is, i'd be willing to bet they would have nothing to do with her and her husband, as this is her second marriage. (use your imagination).

But it's not just politics with my mother. She's betrayed me on numerous occasions. She's not welcomed in my home as my wife who is one of the nicest people I've ever met will have nothing to do with her.
If my mother doesn't go to hell, no one will.
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OP, have your daughter read a Thomas Sowell book. He does a great job at dismantling liberal ideas. One thing that makes him compelling is that he was once like your daughter, even at an older age. He was formerly a Marxist, and he's African American.
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TheEternalOptimist said:

......who calls you 'Nazi' and says 'You are not my parents'.

If my kid did that, I'd beat his ass and cut him off. Take away everything.
infinity ag
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TheEternalOptimist said:

American Hardwood said:

Scary stuff. I got lucky. My middle daughter is very into theater and was a frequent participant in a local theater group. She has been surrounded by LGBT for most of her formative teen years and on into early adult life including her time at A&M given her pursuits and the people that generally are found in that activity. She took an internship in the belly of the beast at Disney.

However, despite that environment, she is decidedly un-woke and is well on her way to being a staunch conservative. One of my proud moments was a recent photo she sent me of her at her first gun show in Florida. Last year, she asked me for a handgun for her birthday.

You just never know how it will turn out, but all you can do is be steadfast and loving when it comes to kids.
Mine is living a Lesbian lifestyle.

And we won't acquiesece to her demands that we will support it.

We accept she has chosen this path. But we will not be bullied into abandoning the truth of the Gospel.

Luke 14:26:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

Sorry about this and I know how devastating it can be for a parent.

However, I don't think she "chose" it. People don't choose to be gay, they are gay to begin with. Some know it, some hide it because of societal shame, and some are open. Very very few play gay just for the publicity.
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infinity ag said:

TheEternalOptimist said:

American Hardwood said:

Scary stuff. I got lucky. My middle daughter is very into theater and was a frequent participant in a local theater group. She has been surrounded by LGBT for most of her formative teen years and on into early adult life including her time at A&M given her pursuits and the people that generally are found in that activity. She took an internship in the belly of the beast at Disney.

However, despite that environment, she is decidedly un-woke and is well on her way to being a staunch conservative. One of my proud moments was a recent photo she sent me of her at her first gun show in Florida. Last year, she asked me for a handgun for her birthday.

You just never know how it will turn out, but all you can do is be steadfast and loving when it comes to kids.
Mine is living a Lesbian lifestyle.

And we won't acquiesece to her demands that we will support it.

We accept she has chosen this path. But we will not be bullied into abandoning the truth of the Gospel.

Luke 14:26:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

Sorry about this and I know how devastating it can be for a parent.

However, I don't think she "chose" it. People don't choose to be gay, they are gay to begin with. Some know it, some hide it because of societal shame, and some are open. Very very few play gay just for the publicity.

That's like super wrong. "Science" has repeatedly failed to show that you are born gay. There are many a people (esp women) that repent of their homosexual lifestyle and say that it was a choice. That they are not born that way.
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It's a choice. Humans aren't born gay
BMX Bandit
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people choose to do gay things.

people don't choose to be attracted to the same sex anymore than you chose to be attracted to the opposite sex.
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Op, you can do what you want but for me, nothing comes between me and my kids. Not their friends. Not my opinions. Not my politics. Not my religion. Not my God. I will break every law of my kingdom and the Lords if I must to support and save my kids.

You say your kid is living a lesbian lifestyle. Is she a lesbian? It's a pretty ignorant and uneducated view to set up camp and die on the hill of "it's a choice". She has not changed from a child. She does not want you to "save" her. She wants a father that supports and guides her. If you want to use the Bible as a crutch and excuse to not help her, that is of course your decision but be aware that you will die before she comes back to you if you do that. It is your choice to make.

I have an old man that is stubborn and ignorant as well. I spent many years trying to fix the relationship but it's not me that needed to fix it. He's broke. He Hasn't spoken to me or my sister in 20 years, my mother died, he owes the government money. He is alone. Completely alone.

You will not win this if you continue on your path of stubbornness . If you must beat her on the head with the Bible, find some of those mercy and forgiveness verses to do it with. Again, you can do what you want but I'm telling you how this is going to end.
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Sorry man. Been reading this but not responding. Prayers for you and yours.

My only feedback is that it's good she is healthy, thinking on her own, even if wrongly, and is likely to grow out of this phase eventually, even if she doesn't 'correct' politically. This sort of 'rage phase' we had to deal with, with one of ours in particular, but not quite to that scale.

The world is a tough place, and having good parents who love you is something she will eventually appreciate, imho.
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BrazosDog02 said:

Op, you can do what you want but for me, nothing comes between me and my kids. Not their friends. Not my opinions. Not my politics. Not my religion. Not my God. I will break every law of my kingdom and the Lords if I must to support and save my kids.

You say your kid is living a lesbian lifestyle. Is she a lesbian? It's a pretty ignorant and uneducated view to set up camp and die on the hill of "it's a choice". She has not changed from a child. She does not want you to "save" her. She wants a father that supports and guides her. If you want to use the Bible as a crutch and excuse to not help her, that is of course your decision but be aware that you will die before she comes back to you if you do that. It is your choice to make.

I have an old man that is stubborn and ignorant as well. I spent many years trying to fix the relationship but it's not me that needed to fix it. He's broke. He Hasn't spoken to me or my sister in 20 years, my mother died, he owes the government money. He is alone. Completely alone.

You will not win this if you continue on your path of stubbornness . If you must beat her on the head with the Bible, find some of those mercy and forgiveness verses to do it with. Again, you can do what you want but I'm telling you how this is going to end.

I don't mean this to offend you, but if you put your children before God - you don't know God. I would seek repentance for making your kids idols that you put before the God of the universe.
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In all relationships there has to be give and take on the part of each side whether its' a marital relationship, parent/child, siblings, work, social.......sounds like there is a lot of take and no give on either side in this one. The parents are highly religious, the daughter not. The daughter has chosen her path and the parents abhor her behavior and won't abide it. Until both sides decide their relationship requires some giving nothing will change. If the daughter can't make some changes and try to understand the parental position and the parent can't make some changes and try to understand the daughter's position nothing will change. It will only get worse. It appears there may be no relationship left to mend and both parties need to finally accept that and work toward personal closure. As hard as that will be, prolonging that decision while waiting for a miracle to happen will only bring on more heartaches for both sides and they are just putting off the inevitable
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ProgN said:

TheEternalOptimist said:

......who calls you 'Nazi' and says 'You are not my parents'. Who rejects the precepts of God and morality.

I can not be alone. But it is a very lonely feeling at times.

Thankful for my other two children who encourage me to be faithful and stand true.

What we are dealing with personally has made me loathe the whole woke nonsense even more. It is a mind virus and it harms families deeply. I righteously resent it.
Remove every privilege that you and your wife provide for her.
had a sibling start pulling that sort of stuff and that is exactly what my parents did. 2 months of not having a clue how to pay bills/tuition/rent/gas and a relentless schedule of work and study really did the trick.
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Is this Elon Musk?
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TheEternalOptimist said:

aTmAg said:

What age?

Sadly - like the Prodigal Son - you may just need to let him go and find his way back the hard way. As long as he knows he has a dad who has an open door and a closed mouth, your best approach should be to say or do nothing at this point. He doesn't get to disrespect you, period.
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TheEternalOptimist said:

......who calls you 'Nazi' and says 'You are not my parents'. Who rejects the precepts of God and morality.

I can not be alone. But it is a very lonely feeling at times.

Thankful for my other two children who encourage me to be faithful and stand true.

What we are dealing with personally has made me loathe the whole woke nonsense even more. It is a mind virus and it harms families deeply. I righteously resent it.

I've mentioned it before but my brother used to be very liberal (not woke) but definitely a lib, and then he became a small business owner. I guess what I'm saying is that twenty-two is still pretty young in the grand scheme of things with a lot of growing up left to do, so I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
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Aggies1322 said:

BrazosDog02 said:

Op, you can do what you want but for me, nothing comes between me and my kids. Not their friends. Not my opinions. Not my politics. Not my religion. Not my God. I will break every law of my kingdom and the Lords if I must to support and save my kids.

You say your kid is living a lesbian lifestyle. Is she a lesbian? It's a pretty ignorant and uneducated view to set up camp and die on the hill of "it's a choice". She has not changed from a child. She does not want you to "save" her. She wants a father that supports and guides her. If you want to use the Bible as a crutch and excuse to not help her, that is of course your decision but be aware that you will die before she comes back to you if you do that. It is your choice to make.

I have an old man that is stubborn and ignorant as well. I spent many years trying to fix the relationship but it's not me that needed to fix it. He's broke. He Hasn't spoken to me or my sister in 20 years, my mother died, he owes the government money. He is alone. Completely alone.

You will not win this if you continue on your path of stubbornness . If you must beat her on the head with the Bible, find some of those mercy and forgiveness verses to do it with. Again, you can do what you want but I'm telling you how this is going to end.

I don't mean this to offend you, but if you put your children before God - you don't know God. I would seek repentance for making your kids idols that you put before the God of the universe.

Praying the gay away is batting 0.000 in all of history.
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