Spotted Ag said:
Oh, here we go again with the medical community deciding who gets to live or die based on their personal beliefs. Here's a thought, just do the damn job you signed up for. Help people. I swear, if you find a doctor that cares more about patients and doing right by patients rather than following protocol dictated by big pharma and big insurance then you've found a truly good one. Health professionals can be just as corrupt as the damned politicians. Sad what the medical community has become. A cured patient is no longer a patient...better to just treat the symptoms.
Ding, Ding, Ding!
And that's the issue big Pharma, Rockefeller institute, and now the Gates foundation have dominated medical procedures and education for decades. And when Obama came in they went to war against natural pathic doctors. Literally!
They attacked vilified anyone who came out against the Covid scam and on this board the leader of the Covidians was Infec Ag 11.
These are the same ones who said trust the science, well they blew that trust. Sorry.
And the efficacy of many of these is no one near 100% and yet they act like it is.
Furhtermore, we really don't know what sort of long term impact some of these can have.
We have a corrupt FDA and NIH and CDC. So... yea. No vax should be forced. PERIOD.
Oh have had some vaxes and gave my children vaxes that were tried and true. A lot of the new stuff, NO WAY.
It's about the money. And docs were trained in the system, So they have been tauctaught to question the durg makers and it can be quiet harmful to ones carrier in medicine to do so, if not your life.
So many drug whitsleblowers committed suicide, So many, And so many naturopathic docs as well. Or the get attacked, Like Dr Mercola or Simon Gould or thousands of others.
"only one thing is important!"