Old McDonald said:
donald trump, elon musk, and their allies want you to believe that they have the unilateral authority to do whatever they want just because they say so. they are lying, just like they lie about everything else, and they know it.
they are not above the law no matter how bad you want them to be. sorry our government doesn't allow your favorite oligarchs to play king.
Trump is the duly elected leader of the administrative branch. The fact that you did not vote for him does not allow you to limit the authority or the inner workings of the executive branch.
That goes for solitary Federal judges as well. If they issue injunctions and base their ruling on some sort of "Orange Man Bad" rationale, they - as well as the injunctions - are primae facie evidence that said injunctions are more of an intrusion by the Judicial branch into the lawful workings of the executive branch than they are of any check on an abuse.
Again, just because YOU think Trump and Musk are liars, doesn't make it so.
It amazes me of the cognitive dissonance that liberals are going through to oppose cleaning up our government. Arguing that officials who are elected by the MAJORITY of the country don't have the authority to see who's getting checks from the Treasury, but any random employee of the IRS has access to ANY payment over $600 going to or from any checking account.
That is the literal definition of insanity. And I'm tired of daily irrational, illogical arguments. Bring a real argument, or give it a rest.