I'm going to suggest that parents have ruined public schools. First and foremost by making sure discipline is almost impossible. Second by helping the kids too much with their work.Ellis Wyatt said:Owlagdad said:
I am a firm believer that more government involvement ruined the schools. Be careful what you wish for.
To me, this is where the public schools are failing. Worrying more about hurting kids' feelings than making sure they are educated. But that could be fixed.Quote:
I remember having "accelerated" classes growing up, even in elementary school. The smartest kids were in a class together. The average kids were in classes together. The slower kids were in a class together. That allowed teachers to teach to their students at the pace the class could handle. It meant the "dumbest" kid in a class wasn't so far behind the "smartest" kid, so everyone learned better.
But that isn't fair now. Everyone has to be in classes together, which doesn't make the slowest kid smarter, it just means the smarter kids get held back from learning as much as they could otherwise. That is failing students. Yes, there are AP classes and there are still GT/TAG classes, but kids could be better taught to every day.
And fix public education we must. Despite the breathy talk on this forum, getting rid of public education won't happen until all of our social systems fail. There's too much demand for it, even if it is broken.