Iraq2xVeteran said:
This is great news, but Congress needs to crackdown on illegal employment. Economic opportunity is the main force driving migration. Therefore, since illegal employment is a magnet for illegal immigration, it only makes sense that the United States government must find ways to take that magnet away. We must continue to step up work site enforcement, which requires Congress to fund more law enforcement positions for ICE to actually investigate companies across the nation. But first and foremost, E-Verify needs to be mandatory.
See previous posts about the drastically overestimated amount of illegals being employed in the US.
There are certain industries and employers within those industries that are responsible for the largest abuses of hiring undocumented, illegal workers with the sole intent to take advantage of their work status to pay less than market wages. Meat processors are the prime example. This behavior is wrong and the employers should be investigated and prosecuted same as if they were taking similar advantage of workers here legally.
In other industries, such as agriculture, construction, lawn mowing, the laborers are a mix of legal residents, migrant workers with proper permits / visas, and then many undocumented workers. Improvement to guest worker programs, documentation requirements, paths to citizenships would be welcomed by the workers, the employers and the end consumers.
E-Verify is what you would expect of any government program. Ineffective, burdensome and wrought with inefficiencies, errors, etc. Same goes for holding employers liable for a potential employee presenting false documents. Run through the scenario where I have a company and I am now responsible for vetting the citizenship or work authorized status of an employee. Do I need an expert in document authenticity? Maybe DNA test these applicants? Do I only challenge brown applicants on their paperwork? Am I granted immunity from EEOC investigations that will surely come from such a "robust" verification of immigrant applicants?
E-Verify though well-intended is not a great answer.
Finally, let's further playout dealing with the "demand" side before effectively addressing the "supply" side. The result is what you see in NYC where you now have migrants you must support for housing, healthcare and food and you are preventing them from any work and have scared off any potential for work by your threats to lock up anyone who hires them.
I get your perspective, but "illegal employment" is not a root cause. Its a symptom. We need curative treatments not sympathetic care of symptoms.