Hungry Ojos said:
Stupe said:
Gaeilge said:
Hungry Ojos said:
Can someone explain all of this to me like I'm five? What she did and how everyone got screwed?
Created bull**** memecoin. Held ~97% of volume back from market. Ran 3% up. Dumped x% of the 97% when enough stop-buy bids were present to rake in stupid money. Made millions in fees. Coin crashed. Coin worthless. Idiots on internet lost millions.
Explain it to me like I'm three.
I'm right there with you.
I'll take a Kindergarten level stab at this...
Remember Game Stop and it's crazy runup?
Now, forget for a bit about the hedge fund that had tremendously shorted a stock in a physical brick and mortar company. Pretend that half of the equation doesn't exist. But there's the internet, and SnapChat, and Reddit, and I'm sure some other platforms... And they got GME all pushed higher and higher. Was there anything in GameStop from a brick and mortar standpoint that justified the runup? Heck no. Not in their current form. BUt some people on the internet were encouraging further buying and (in crypto parlance -- similar to HAT or MOAR on TexAgs boards) HODL, HODL, HODL (Hold)! There was absolutely nothing backing that runup and eventually the holders sold because, Dear mother of sweet floating baby Moses, who wouldn't eventually take advantage of such a run up?
Well GME was a "Meme Stock." Well this is a "Meme Coin." There's even LESS backing it than game stops brick and mortar or the underlying collapsing hedge fund. The ONLY thing "backing" this meme coin are some 1's and 0's on the internet.
Imagine paying for porn then trying to resell it when everyone else can just download it for free. But fools and their money are always parted.
Oh, and as others have said. Once some of these digital "coins" were out and owners were "Hodl'ing, the creators apparently flooded the market with their holdings and crashed it. Of course the initial buyers paid in fiat or perhaps a coin with a greater, and more stable, perceived value and thus able to be converted to fiat. I know you can buy, for example, BitCoin with real US Dollars and there is a process to somehow convert those BitCoin BACK to USD.