Harris was fed the questions

15,497 Views | 187 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by aggiehawg
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BallerStaf2003 said:

They also asked Kamala how she was going to fix the Middle East with Israel Gaza when the year has gone on for over a year under her watch. They did ask pointed questions towards her.

Did she talk about how to fix the situation where gay people and their family are thrown off buildings in those Muslim hellholes?
I mean, I'd think that was important if I was gay.
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For those of you who either think she wasn't given questions or that it doesn't matter, know that you're lemmings. Useful idiots, just like Lenin called those who helped him get in power without even asking for their help. That's what the Dems think of you.
Cheating is fine, because winning is all that matters so they can keep power. That used to be what liberals hated. Today, they love it. Donna Brazile got caught after feeding HRC questions. The same thing happened here as the tell was pretty simple to see. Kamala had no word salads, which she always has anytime she's in front of a live mic and without a teleprompter. And that those DNC mods never questioned her or fact checked her was another tell.

I don't expect any of you lemmings to get this. You don't want to nor do you know what to do if you ever figure out that you've been used. But again, when communism arrives, the useful idiots are the first ones that get killed and imprisoned. See Bolshevik and Mao Revolutions.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

aggiehawg said:

She didn't have one word salad moment. That's the tell that she knew the questions in advance and had memorized her non-responsive answers.

It's called preparation. I remember before the debate you made fun of her for sitting in a hotel room and locking herself away for the weekend to prepare, so which is it?

If Trump won the debate so easily, like he has been obsessively saying, why does he spend so much time blaming everyone for losing?

The moderators.

Her earrings.

She was fed the questions.

He's pathetic.

Did you see the post debate polls? He didn't lose.
Kentucky Jeff
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I think it's comical that she was given the questions well in advance...and then...proceeded in the debate by not answering the questions.
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If anyone didn't know what the topics were going to be for the debate just based solely on polling, they should fire the entire debate prep team. The idea that both sides weren't prepared for these topics is idiotic.
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JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

They also asked Kamala how she was going to fix the Middle East with Israel Gaza when the year has gone on for over a year under her watch. They did ask pointed questions towards her.

Did she talk about how to fix the situation where gay people and their family are thrown off buildings in those Muslim hellholes?
I mean, I'd think that was important if I was gay.

That's a hell of a derail, buddy.
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HTownAg98 said:

If anyone didn't know what the topics were going to be for the debate just based solely on polling, they should fire the entire debate prep team. The idea that both sides weren't prepared for these topics is idiotic.

The issue is cheating and breaking the debate rules. The Dems are very good at it and will go to any lengths to win.
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Did you see this board and all the Trump supporters saying how awful he did? He lost, by a mile.

What polls are you discussing? Newsmax?

Even fox is using the debate poll saying 53 to 24%, Harris
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Kenneth_2003 said:

She wasn't given the questions. It's a STUPID distraction for simple minds. She was in a very friendly environment. The moderators NEVER once pushed her four an answer. Her questions were softballs and she still dishes and deleted them with pre -memorized lines. Yes she was very well prepared/rehearsed. But the preparation was all memorized lines that kinda related to the question, then attached Trump on a random topic.

Again the"She had the questions in advance" is stupid. She never answered one! You have to think if she had the questions she could have gotten at last one answer! She didn't! The moderators just didn't care that she wasn't answering

This is my take as well. An appropriate moderator response to her first answer would have been "Madam Vice President, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought."

Trump won the debate and every poll reflects that
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Jesus, knowing the questions is not the point. Debates are meant to press you on the spot and see how you can counter and pivot in real time. They're not monologues. Knowing the moderators are are your side, will help guide the conversation, and protect you is egregious and takes any apprehension debayes are meant to gauge and throws them out the window.
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If the two party system is a farce, then having another "Biden" debate situation is BAD for business.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

Did you see this board and all the Trump supporters saying how awful he did? He lost, by a mile.

What polls are you discussing? Newsmax?

Even fox is using the debate poll saying 53 to 24%, Harris
We know Kamala supporters are going to say she won. After the debate they're still voting for Kamala.

We know Trump supporters wish it would have gone better. After the debate they're still voting for Trump.

The independents are the real target of the debate

Pollsters say Kamala won on points, but lost on optics.

Also this shows independents are tracking with republicans on the debate
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BallerStaf2003 said:

aggiehawg said:

She didn't have one word salad moment. That's the tell that she knew the questions in advance and had memorized her non-responsive answers.

It's called preparation. I remember before the debate you made fun of her for sitting in a hotel room and locking herself away for the weekend to prepare, so which is it?

If Trump won the debate so easily, like he has been obsessively saying, why does he spend so much time blaming everyone for losing?

The moderators.

Her earrings.

She was fed the questions.

He's pathetic.
If it was preparation, it was horrible.

Even you know that if Trump had avoided answering EVERY question and had pivoted to something irrelevant, a) he would have been called on it during the debate; and b), he would be facing unbearable heat after the fact by the corporate media for avoiding the questions.

And yet here you are, celebrating her ability to memorize irrelevant attack speeches and simple platitudes.

There's someone pathetic in all of this, but it's not who you think.
Ag with kids
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FWIW, here are just main questions asked, not any follow ups. See if you can detect any bias just in the questions asked:

DAVID MUIR: So let's get started. I want to begin tonight with the issue voters repeatedly say is their number one issue, and that is the economy and the cost of living in this country. Vice President Harris, you and President Trump were elected four years ago and your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters, are you better off than you were four years ago? When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?

DAVID MUIR: Mr. President, I do want to drill down on something you both brought up. The vice president brought up your tariffs you responded and let's drill down on this because your plan is what she calls is a essentially a national sales tax. Your proposal calls for tariffs as you pointed out here, on foreign imports across the board. You recently said that you might double your plan, imposing tariffs up to 20% on good coming into this country. As you know many economists say that with tariffs at that level costs are then passed onto the consumer. Vice President Harris has argued it'll mean higher prices on gas, food, clothing medication arguing it costs the typical family nearly four thousand dollars a year. Do you believe Americans can afford higher prices because of tariffs.

LINSEY DAVIS: I want to turn to the issue of abortion. President Trump, you've often touted that you were able to kill Roe v. Wade. Last year, you said that you were proud to be the most pro-life president in American history. Then last month you said that your administration would be great for women and their reproductive rights. In your home state of Florida, you surprised many with regard to your six-week abortion ban because you initially had said that it was too short and you said, "I'm going to be voting that we need more than six weeks." But then the very next day, you reversed course and said you would vote to support the six-week ban. Vice President Harris says that women shouldn't trust you on the issue of abortion because you've changed your position so many times. Therefore, why should they trust you?

DAVID MUIR: We're going to turn now to immigration and border security. We know it's an issue that's important to Republicans, Democrats, voters across the board in this country. Vice President Harris, you were tasked by President Biden with getting to the root causes of migration from Central America. We know that illegal border crossings reached a record high in the Biden administration. This past June, President Biden imposed tough new asylum restrictions. We know the numbers since then have dropped significantly. But my question to you tonight is why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act and would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this?

DAVID MUIR: Let me continue on immigration. It was what you wanted to talk about earlier. So let's get back to your deportation proposal that the vice president has reacted to as well. President Trump, you called this the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country. You say you would use the National Guard. You say if things get out of control you'd have no problem using the U.S. military.

LINSEY DAVIS: Vice President Harris, in your last run for president you said you wanted to ban fracking. Now you don't. You wanted mandatory government buyback programs for assault weapons. Now your campaign says you don't. You supported decriminalizing border crossings. Now you're taking a harder line. I know you say that your values have not changed. So then why have so many of your policy positions changed?

DAVID MUIR: Linsey, thank you. We have an election in just 56 days. I want to talk about the peaceful transfer of power, which of course we all know was a cornerstone of our democracy and the role of a president in a moment of crisis. Mr. President, on January 6th you told your supporters to march to the Capitol. You said you would be right there with them. The country and the world saw what played out at the Capitol that day. The officers coming under attack. Aides in the West Wing say you watched it unfold on television off the Oval Office. You did send out tweets, but it was more than two hours before you sent out that video message telling your supporters to go home. Is there anything you regret about what you did on that day?

DAVID MUIR: We talked immigration here tonight. I do want to focus on this next issue to both of you. Because it really brings us, this into focus. Truth in these times that we're living in. Mr. President, for 3 and a half years after you lost the 2020 election you repeatedly falsely claimed that you won, many times saying you won in a landslide. In the past couple of weeks leading up to this debate, you have said, quote, you lost by a whisker, that you, quote, didn't quite make it, that you came up a little bit short.
DAVID MUIR: Are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020?

DAVID MUIR: Mr. President, thank you. Vice President Harris, you heard the president there tonight. He said he didn't say that he lost by a whisker. So he still believes he did not lose the election. That was won by President Biden and yourself. But I do want to ask you about something that's come up in the last couple of days. This was a post from President Trump about this upcoming election just weeks away. He said, "When I win, those people who cheated," and then he lists donors, voters, election officials, he says "Will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, which will include long-term prison sentences." One of your campaign's top lawyers responded saying, "We won't let Donald Trump intimidate us. We won't let him suppress the vote." Is that what you believe he's trying to do here?

LINSEY DAVIS: Turning now to the Israel-Hamas war and the hostages who are still being held, Americans among them. Vice President Harris, in December you said, "Israel has a right to defend itself" but you added, "It matters how." Saying international humanitarian law must be respected, Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians. You said that nine months ago. Now an estimated 40,000 Palestinians are dead. Nearly 100 hostages remain. Just last week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there's not a deal in the making. President Biden has not been able to break through the stalemate. How would you do it?

DAVID MUIR: And I want to turn to the war in Ukraine. We're now 2 1/2 years into this conflict. Mr. President, it has been the position of the Biden administration that we must defend Ukraine from Russia, from Vladimir Putin, to defend their sovereignty, their democracy, that it's in America's best interest to do so, arguing that if Putin wins he may be emboldened to move even further into other countries. You have said you would solve this war in 24 hours. You said so just before the break tonight. How exactly would you do that? And I want to ask you a very simple question tonight. Do you want Ukraine to win this war?

DAVID MUIR: I want to take this to Vice President Harris. I want to get your thoughts on support for Ukraine in this moment. But also as commander in chief if elected how would you deal with Vladimir Putin and would it be any different from what we're seeing from President Biden?

DAVID MUIR: Thank you. I want to turn to Afghanistan. We witnessed a poignant moment today on Capitol Hill honoring the soldiers who died in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. I do want to ask the vice president, do you believe you bear any responsibility in the way that withdrawal played out?

DAVID MUIR: President Trump, thank you. I want to move on now to race and politics in this country. Mr. President, you recently said of Vice President Harris, "I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black." I want to ask a bigger-picture question here tonight. Why do you believe it's appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent?

LINSEY DAVIS: I'm sorry, we're going to move on, Vice President Harris. This is now your third time running for president. you have long vowed to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. You have failed to accomplish that. You now say you're going to keep Obamacare. Quote, unless we can do something much better. Last month you said, quote, we're working on it. So tonight, nine years after you first started running, do you have a plan and can you tell us what it is?

LINSEY DAVIS: Vice President Harris, in 2017 you supported Bernie Sanders' proposal to do away with private insurance and create a government-run health care system. Two years later you proposed a plan that included a private insurance option. What is your plan today?

LINSEY DAVIS: President Trump, thank you. We have another issue that we'd like to get to that's important for a number of Americans, in particular younger voters, and that's climate change. President Trump, with regard to the environment, you say that we have to have clean air and clean water. Vice President Harris, you call climate change an existential threat. The question to you both tonight is what would you do to fight climate change? And Vice President Harris, we'll start with you. One minute for you each.
Logos Stick
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Kamala supporters have jumped from "she didn't get the Qs" to "getting the Qs doesn't matter".

The idiocy is thick!
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BallerStaf2003 said:

JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

They also asked Kamala how she was going to fix the Middle East with Israel Gaza when the year has gone on for over a year under her watch. They did ask pointed questions towards her.

Did she talk about how to fix the situation where gay people and their family are thrown off buildings in those Muslim hellholes?
I mean, I'd think that was important if I was gay.

That's a hell of a derail, buddy.

So no answer and don't care…that's about right and what I'd expect.
Hubert J. Farnsworth
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Why is everything the left does so dishonest and underhanded? Could it be that their policies are crap that can't stand on its own merit?
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She's still using the same memorized answers from the debate.

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Rocag said:

aggiedent said:

There wasn't a single question asked that the folks prepping Harris and Trump wouldn't have expected. Both of them should have had answers ready for every single question.

It's such a ridiculous excuse.
Yeah, I can't remember any question asked of either candidate that was unexpected or a "gotcha" question in any way. All topics they should have seen coming if they did any preparation at all.

If ABC was giving out the questions beforehand lets see the evidence that shows it.
You expect cheaters to admit they cheated...really?? Now, who looks stupid??
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ts5641 said:

Thank God we have an honest media who will tirelessly investigate this.
do I detect the sarcasm?
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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whatthehey78 said:

Rocag said:

aggiedent said:

There wasn't a single question asked that the folks prepping Harris and Trump wouldn't have expected. Both of them should have had answers ready for every single question.

It's such a ridiculous excuse.
Yeah, I can't remember any question asked of either candidate that was unexpected or a "gotcha" question in any way. All topics they should have seen coming if they did any preparation at all.

If ABC was giving out the questions beforehand lets see the evidence that shows it.
You expect cheaters to admit they cheated...really?? Now, who looks stupid??

The evidence is in the fact that Harris obviously had a monologue prepared for each question. Compare that to her rambling impromptu answers to even the most basic questions that she is not prepared for. Anyone capable of critical thought can see she knew the questions in advance.
Logos Stick
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Per the Kamala supporters I recommend the following going forward:

All questions are published in advance for all to see since having the questions doesnt give you an advantage.

We live in Idiocracy now!
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Absolutely right.
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aggiehawg said:

She's still using the same memorized answers from the debate.

Wow. Disastrous. Trump should just air that as an infomercial in all the swing states over the next few weeks
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stetson said:

whatthehey78 said:

Rocag said:

aggiedent said:

There wasn't a single question asked that the folks prepping Harris and Trump wouldn't have expected. Both of them should have had answers ready for every single question.

It's such a ridiculous excuse.
Yeah, I can't remember any question asked of either candidate that was unexpected or a "gotcha" question in any way. All topics they should have seen coming if they did any preparation at all.

If ABC was giving out the questions beforehand lets see the evidence that shows it.
You expect cheaters to admit they cheated...really?? Now, who looks stupid??

The evidence is in the fact that Harris obviously had a monologue prepared for each question. Compare that to her rambling impromptu answers to even the most basic questions that she is not prepared for. Anyone capable of critical thought can see she knew the questions in advance.

I agree it appears that way. Need some direct evidence tho
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To make it worse, guess what her major was at Howard?

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DarkBrandon01 said:

Anyone could've predicted what questions would be asked. Harris had dozens of pre memorized responses for any question. This is called debate prep.
5 days of debate prep and those corny, non specific answers and accusations is all Kamala could come up with?
I mean i can see how it might impress the TDS, democrat voting dunces, but she did nothing for independents.

She might have a lower IQ than Dark Brandon, you know, the guy who used to **** his pants in public
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Wow. Disastrous. Trump should just air that as an infomercial in all the swing states over the next few weeks
He is. He dropped the whole thing as an ad yesterday.
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whatthehey78 said:

Rocag said:

aggiedent said:

There wasn't a single question asked that the folks prepping Harris and Trump wouldn't have expected. Both of them should have had answers ready for every single question.

It's such a ridiculous excuse.
Yeah, I can't remember any question asked of either candidate that was unexpected or a "gotcha" question in any way. All topics they should have seen coming if they did any preparation at all.

If ABC was giving out the questions beforehand lets see the evidence that shows it.
You expect cheaters to admit they cheated...really?? Now, who looks stupid??
Literally no evidence has been presented that shows anyone at ABC provided the Harris campaign with the debate questions in advance. Nothing. That hasn't stopped nearly everyone on this thread from immediately accepting the accusation as true.

But somehow I'm the ridiculous one here.

Literally the only argument is: "Well I think Harris is dumb so if she showed up at the debate well prepared she must have cheated."
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JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

They also asked Kamala how she was going to fix the Middle East with Israel Gaza when the year has gone on for over a year under her watch. They did ask pointed questions towards her.

Did she talk about how to fix the situation where gay people and their family are thrown off buildings in those Muslim hellholes?
I mean, I'd think that was important if I was gay.

That's a hell of a derail, buddy.

So no answer and don't care…that's about right and what I'd expect.

Was there a question about it?

Did Trump mention the genocides going on in Sudan?

What a stupid question.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

JWinTX said:

BallerStaf2003 said:

They also asked Kamala how she was going to fix the Middle East with Israel Gaza when the year has gone on for over a year under her watch. They did ask pointed questions towards her.

Did she talk about how to fix the situation where gay people and their family are thrown off buildings in those Muslim hellholes?
I mean, I'd think that was important if I was gay.

That's a hell of a derail, buddy.

So no answer and don't care…that's about right and what I'd expect.

Was there a question about it?

Did Trump mention the genocides going on in Sudan?

What a stupid question.

Well, being a white straight man isn't getting anyone killed in Sudan. However, in the Middle East, which she has been asked about bringing peace to, a fairly commonly know problem is that they believe LGBTQ folks like you should be killed as painfully as possible. I'd have thought that would bother you as a prominent gay man on this forum. It's why I asked.

Sadly, though, like your moronic choice for being the next President, you dodged the issue.

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Wait, so should I be mad at the moderators for not bringing it up? Trying to keep up with some really "moronic" logic here.
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BallerStaf2003 said:

Wait, so should I be mad at the moderators for not bringing it up? Trying to keep up with some really "moronic" logic here.

Hey, if it doesn't bother you, no skin off my back. I just figured you'd hate that she won't mention this or bring it up to help a community of people that she overwhelmingly supports and gets overwhelming financial support from.
Oh well.
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This thread is about the debate, buddy.
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Rocag said:

aggiedent said:

There wasn't a single question asked that the folks prepping Harris and Trump wouldn't have expected. Both of them should have had answers ready for every single question.

It's such a ridiculous excuse.
Yeah, I can't remember any question asked of either candidate that was unexpected or a "gotcha" question in any way. All topics they should have seen coming if they did any preparation at all.

If ABC was giving out the questions beforehand lets see the evidence that shows it.

This crowd watched Harris pummel an unprepared Trump and calls her dumb. When did we become the excuse or living in an imaginary world party. Why not just say... our candidate is a lazy moron but he's our moron and I'm voting for him because even in that condition, he's better than putting the left in charge. They fix problems that don't exist and make problems that do exist worse! Coming up with fake reasons he lost has to be turning off the handful of dummies that haven't seen enough to make a choice.
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