Claverack said:
JWinTX said:
One of my favorite moments on the Epstein Netflix documentary was when Bill Clinton said he couldn't recall ever going to the Pedo Island…and then they showed the record that he had been on the visitor log to the island…26 times
Always reminds me of this great scene....
Movie was hilarious and Clinton would certainly behave like that even if confronted by direct evidence to the contrary.
"One cheap, English-made London Tart."

"Ah sware honey, that ain't mah thing."

"One book, entitled, "Cheap London Tarts are My Thing, by William Jefferson Blythe Clinton..."
You know, Bill Clinton wasn't a bad President, for the most part. He owned the middle of the political spectrum. He just had the morals of a hound dog. And being stuck with Hillary probably caused that. But his biggest mistake was not taking out Osama Bin Laden when he had the chance. If he had, there's probably no 9/11, no War on Terror like we saw, and a helluva lot less debt. And hindsight does put that on him. It's Bush's Fault was used for 8 years, sone of which was true, but a lot of stuff was from Clinton's time as President. And his housing policies that made lenders take anyone who wanted a mortgage despite their credit led directly to 2008's calamity. But because GWB was in the White House, it all fell at his feet. But I've always believed Clinton loved the Bushes because they helped him and they took a lot of blame for him.