Now conservatives are saying that Obama is the puppet master for Biden. The conspiracy silliness never stops.justnobody79 said:
I think you are giving Barry and Big Mike too much credit. They were merely puppets. Barry in more ways than one.
Now conservatives are saying that Obama is the puppet master for Biden. The conspiracy silliness never stops.justnobody79 said:
I think you are giving Barry and Big Mike too much credit. They were merely puppets. Barry in more ways than one.
I really don't think so, academics and media who will frame him all idolize him and history is not going to be a guide much longer as far as "the truth coming out eventually" because technology and the surveillance state will control info infinitely more than ever before going forward. He will be revered and no challenge to that will be allowed.FrioAg 00 said:
History will eventually see him in the same light as revolution instigators like Stalin, Mao, etc
He and the people behind him changed the direction of this country significantly, and for the worse
How have they lived off the taxpayer? He taught at a presitigious university, community organizer. After his Presidency, they've both made money on books and speeches. Those are a lot of things NOT on the taxpayer dime.AJCB said:
They have lived off of the taxpayer, like the Clintons, for so long, it is impossible to call them anything but frauds and grifters. What is even more appalling is that the American people (general use of those words) bought into it and many continue to do so.
There is a common denominator in both terms, Valerie Jarrett. So if Jarrett and Obama are not pulling strings, then what do you have to say about how bad things are in this country in the past 3.5 years? Or how bad things have gotten really since 2009 outside of a few good years when someone else was in office?Opalka said:Now conservatives are saying that Obama is the puppet master for Biden. The conspiracy silliness never stops.justnobody79 said:
I think you are giving Barry and Big Mike too much credit. They were merely puppets. Barry in more ways than one.
Obama has never held a real job, where did he teach? And who pays him to organize communities? Bro, get in reality.Opalka said:How have they lived off the taxpayer? He taught at a presitigious university, community organizer. After his Presidency, they've both made money on books and speeches. Those are a lot of things NOT on the taxpayer dime.AJCB said:
They have lived off of the taxpayer, like the Clintons, for so long, it is impossible to call them anything but frauds and grifters. What is even more appalling is that the American people (general use of those words) bought into it and many continue to do so.
And so was Joe Biden, and so is Tim Walz. Kamala might just be too dumb/drunk to know what she supports/represents, but given her Marxist father I don't think she has strayed too far from the tree...MarkTwain said:
Barry is the epitome of the Manchurian candidate.
pisses me off they block off the sidewalktorrid said:
Still has a Chicago house:
oh look - the true conservative CM has shown up with his TDS again. Looks like he got his feelings hurt because folks were talking about true heroBearpitbull said:So Jimmy is a fake Christian, but you think DJT is a man of faith? Ok, sure. Interesting way you define the faith.nortex97 said:
I know this is unpopular but I still think Jimmy Carter takes the cake for biggest fraud in our history as an executive. He added to this by masquerading as some devout Christian which pisses me off more. Obama barely tried to hide his narcissism, at least.
Both are/were hateful men who should have never been in the Oval Office. Carter was so damn bad he couldn't even come close to a second term (Obama probably wouldn't have either but for the GOP's decision to basically forfeit in 2012), and they gave rise to two of our greatest presidents, respectively, in their reign of horrible, vile, terrible times in office.
Also, you don't like Jimmy because he was "hateful" man but you love Trump?
Jimmy Carter was a bad President because he was bad at the job. Smart guy but not a leader. Kind man but way too naive. Rs lose elections because we default to this weird "my guy is more Christian than your guy talk" when it is pretty obviously not so. We cannot really see into a man's soul and we look like Karens and losers trying. Just kick the oppositions ass on policy. Dems default to thinking the Govt can/must fix everything. While we are turning into Trump's whining, boycotting, protesting army, the Dems are trying to wrestle the concept of freedom from us. That is absurd but will work because we look like a bunch of old ladies.
Except, if our society continues moving in the direction it has since the 60s, in as little as two or so generations, the history books will be written by those living in that future, who will likely think it's the best society could be because it's come so far from what it was.FrioAg 00 said:
History will eventually see him in the same light as revolution instigators like Stalin, Mao, etc
He and the people behind him changed the direction of this country significantly, and for the worse
Owlagdad said:4stringAg said:
Obama was raised up with radicals. He knows the Alinsky playbook, its his bible. His wife is an avowed racist.
His election brought on the Dem party's lurch to the far left and gave impetus to the corrosive, destructive progressive movement and brought it mainstream.
Yet, they don't associate with many white folks.
If they weren't who they are and had all their riches and white friends, why radicals would stir up and call them uncle toms and wanna be whites people. They get a pass because of politics. They don't get the Herman Cain treatment.
Joes said:I really don't think so, academics and media who will frame him all idolize him and history is not going to be a guide much longer as far as "the truth coming out eventually" because technology and the surveillance state will control info infinitely more than ever before going forward. He will be revered and no challenge to that will be allowed.FrioAg 00 said:
History will eventually see him in the same light as revolution instigators like Stalin, Mao, etc
He and the people behind him changed the direction of this country significantly, and for the worse
skins74 said:
OP must really be a MAGA cult leader to say that and then worship a ego driven pathological lier who only cares about him self.. It is becoming funny.
Americans seem shocked that the massive security apparatus created after 9-11 was turned against its own people.Quote:
orchestrated the weaponization of government against an opponent.
skins74 said:
OP must really be a MAGA cult leader to say that and then worship a ego driven pathological lier who only cares about him self.. It is becoming funny.
txwxman said:
I see lots of hurt feels from last night's speeches. It's going to be a long 8 years.
now I understand your post on the cooler summer threadtxwxman said:
I see lots of hurt feels from last night's speeches. It's going to be a long 8 years.
I hope you're right.FrioAg 00 said:Joes said:I really don't think so, academics and media who will frame him all idolize him and history is not going to be a guide much longer as far as "the truth coming out eventually" because technology and the surveillance state will control info infinitely more than ever before going forward. He will be revered and no challenge to that will be allowed.FrioAg 00 said:
History will eventually see him in the same light as revolution instigators like Stalin, Mao, etc
He and the people behind him changed the direction of this country significantly, and for the worse
When I say history, I mean after the next American Revolution. When people ask "how did a great country begin to implode?"
I get that, but I don't get people hate-watching something, or in this case, someone that's "on the other side."Rockdoc said:txwxman said:
I see lots of hurt feels from last night's speeches. It's going to be a long 8 years.
Hurt feelings? Sorry you misunderstood but nobody likes the great dividers.
Opalka said:Now conservatives are saying that Obama is the puppet master for Biden. The conspiracy silliness never stops.justnobody79 said:
I think you are giving Barry and Big Mike too much credit. They were merely puppets. Barry in more ways than one.
AgDad121619 said:oh look - the true conservative CM has shown up with his TDS again. Looks like he got his feelings hurt because folks were talking about true heroBearpitbull said:So Jimmy is a fake Christian, but you think DJT is a man of faith? Ok, sure. Interesting way you define the faith.nortex97 said:
I know this is unpopular but I still think Jimmy Carter takes the cake for biggest fraud in our history as an executive. He added to this by masquerading as some devout Christian which pisses me off more. Obama barely tried to hide his narcissism, at least.
Both are/were hateful men who should have never been in the Oval Office. Carter was so damn bad he couldn't even come close to a second term (Obama probably wouldn't have either but for the GOP's decision to basically forfeit in 2012), and they gave rise to two of our greatest presidents, respectively, in their reign of horrible, vile, terrible times in office.
Also, you don't like Jimmy because he was "hateful" man but you love Trump?
Jimmy Carter was a bad President because he was bad at the job. Smart guy but not a leader. Kind man but way too naive. Rs lose elections because we default to this weird "my guy is more Christian than your guy talk" when it is pretty obviously not so. We cannot really see into a man's soul and we look like Karens and losers trying. Just kick the oppositions ass on policy. Dems default to thinking the Govt can/must fix everything. While we are turning into Trump's whining, boycotting, protesting army, the Dems are trying to wrestle the concept of freedom from us. That is absurd but will work because we look like a bunch of old ladies.
Sorry, but Trump's damage set a new record.TheWoodlandsTxAg said:
Why do they live in Martha's Vineyard?
Why do they live in Martha's Vineyard after dividing the country over lies?
Why don't they live in Chicago anymore?
The real reason people are afraid of going to school is because of the violent criminals Democrat judges and Democrat prosecutors have released on the streets to harm the hardworking law abiding students and teachers.
A young man in Chicago was murdered coming back from culinary school for his cell phone. You can watch the whole video. Shot dead in cold blood for a cell phone. You can hear him scream and struggle during the last seconds of his life.
Obama did more damage to the country than any president in US history.
Crime data from the government shows how much of a lie the whole Obama presidency was, and how false his divisive lies were.
Joes said:And nevertheless, the Obamas are immensely popular in general. It's a huge reason I have no confidence in anything reversing course or getting fixed at all. The people are just too hopelessly stupid and will cheer on their own destruction.Stonegateag85 said:
He'll go down as one of the greatest political operatives of our time: 3 term president with a potential for four, pushed out a potato, orchestrated the weaponization of government against an opponent. Never seen anything like it.