Who/what is Brazos Values which is endorsing certain Brazos County candidates?
Why am I/are we getting unsolicited text messages from such, individual candidates, and PACs in general?
Between Bentley Nettles and Ben Bius, I'm sick of their relentless barrage of overly negative mailers, radio and tv ads.
$100k+ spent on a Brazos county commissioner race by Nettles … who does that? I know that early on one of the Precinct 1 candidates was approached by some of the Nettles' Bryan contingency … who "discouraged" him from running against their boy, man, Major.
The fact that Nettles even has a Bryan Contingency … since Precinct 1 is the southwestern precinct in Brazos County is a great concern.
Why am I/are we getting unsolicited text messages from such, individual candidates, and PACs in general?
Between Bentley Nettles and Ben Bius, I'm sick of their relentless barrage of overly negative mailers, radio and tv ads.
$100k+ spent on a Brazos county commissioner race by Nettles … who does that? I know that early on one of the Precinct 1 candidates was approached by some of the Nettles' Bryan contingency … who "discouraged" him from running against their boy, man, Major.
The fact that Nettles even has a Bryan Contingency … since Precinct 1 is the southwestern precinct in Brazos County is a great concern.