according to DOJ.
Just insane.
Federal prosecutors say carrying an American flag in the U.S. Capitol in support of a "particular viewpoint" is a criminal act punishable by up to six months in prison.
In a filing in the criminal case against Jan. 6 defendant William Alexander Pope of Topeka, Kansas, the U.S. Department of Justice said carrying a flag in support of "free elections, fair elections and President Trump" constitutes a crime under Title 40 of the United States Code.
"They now allege my crime to be carrying an American flag 'in support or disapproval of a particular viewpoint,'" Mr. Pope posted on X. "Biden has made the American flag and wrongthink a crime!"
In a court filing on May 15, Mr. Pope said: "I argue that carrying an American flag should not ever be criminal in the United States of America."
The DOJ filing has put a new spotlight on one of the most frequently charged crimes from Jan. 6: parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.
The petty misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison. Many Jan. 6 plea agreements have been based on a single violation of the parading statute.
The statute does not apply to members of Congress or their employees, or officers or employees of Congressional committees.
Under Title 40 U.S. Code 5104, a person may not "parade, stand or move in processions or assemblages in the grounds" or "display in the grounds a flag, banner or device designed or adapted to bring into public notice a party, organization, or movement."
Just insane.