Do you know who this man is? You should and he should frighten the hell out of you.

8,094 Views | 63 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by Psycho Bunny
Ghost Mech
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Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy.

Take the time to watch the video. Its short.


Dethrone 'King Dollar'

By Jared Bernstein
  • Aug. 27, 2014

THERE are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has been the role of the United States dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's a core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn't want their currency to be the one that foreign banks and governments want to hold in reserve?

But new research reveals that what was once a privilege is now a burden, undermining job growth, pumping up budget and trade deficits and inflating financial bubbles. To get the American economy on track, the government needs to drop its commitment to maintaining the dollar's reserve-currency status....

....Dethroning "king dollar" would be easier than people think. America could, for example, enforce rules to prevent other countries from accumulating too much of our currency. In fact, others do just that precisely to avoid exporting jobs. The most recent example is Japan's intervention to hold down the value of the yen when central banks in Asia and Latin America started buying Japanese debt.

Of course, if fewer people demanded dollars, interest rates i.e., what America would pay people to hold its debt might rise, especially if stronger domestic manufacturers demanded more investment. But there's no clear empirical, negative relationship between interest rates and trade deficits, and in the long run, as Mr. Pettis observes, "Countries with balanced trade or trade surpluses tend to enjoy lower interest rates on average than countries with large current account deficits, which are handicapped by slower growth and higher debt."

Others worry that higher import prices would increase inflation. But consider the results when we "pay" to keep price growth so low through artificially cheap exports and large trade deficits: weakened manufacturing, wage stagnation (even with low inflation) and deficits and bubbles to offset the imbalanced trade.

But while more balanced trade might raise prices, there's no reason it should persistently increase the inflation rate. We might settle into a norm of 2 to 3 percent inflation, versus the current 1 to 2 percent. But that's a price worth paying for more and higher-quality jobs, more stable recoveries and a revitalized manufacturing sector. The privilege of having the world's reserve currency is one America can no longer afford.

bio -


Under President Biden, Jared Bernstein serves as Chair and Heather Boushey and Kirabo Jackson serve as Members of the CEA. Together, they are helping steer America's economic recovery and ensure that our nation builds back better.


Jared Bernstein joined the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in May 2011 as a senior fellow. From 2009 to 2011, he was the chief economist and economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class, and a member of President Obama's economic team.

Prior to joining the Obama administration, Mr. Bernstein was a senior economist and the director of the Living Standards Program at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. From 1995 to 1996, he was deputy chief economist at the Labor Department.

Mr. Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in social welfare from Columbia University.

For the TLDR summary.....

He's the lead man on killing the Reserve Currency status and has been advocating for it since at least 2014.

He wants to implement MMT now.

And if you watched the video, you'll realize he's a complete moron with not even a basic understanding of economics.

I always thought we'd be taken down financially by malice and subterfuge. Looks more and more like it's going to be plain old incompetence......

BTW I am praying that this is an AI deep fake. If not, we are truly ****ed.
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If that video was legit, oh my goodness.
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I'm no economist, but I'm guessing the Reserve Currency status of the dollar is about the only thing keeping our crushing debt from collapsing our entire system similar to how the Soviet Union imploded because of its debt decades ago.
FTAG 2000
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He's not incompetent. The people running the show (the real people, not Biden) want to destroy the dollar.

They found a hatchet man.
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And if you watched the video, you'll realize he's a complete moron with not even a basic understanding of economics.
He sounded exactly like Biden with the stammering and not able to articulate what Treasury Bonds are.
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Gigem_94 said:

I'm no economist, but I'm guessing the Reserve Currency status of the dollar is about the only thing keeping our crushing debt from collapsing our entire system similar to how the Soviet Union imploded because of its debt decades ago.
That's my understanding as well. If reserve currency/petro dollar goes away inflation will make today's inflation rate look comical. It would probably be the thing that finally causes the country's collapse. We are being governed by morons or people driven by malice. Probably both.
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I always thought we'd be taken down financially by malice and subterfuge. Looks more and more like it's going to be plain old incompetence......

Oh...there is subterfuge and malice, by those who appoint incompetent people, like him, into positions of power.

He could be replaced, but is not.
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And he's flat out wrong.

We haven't had substantial printed money in a long time. The Money Printing Myth & The Raid On Our Bank Accounts by Daniel Amerman


There has been a mass illusion of the Fed printing money without limits. The objective facts can be seen by looking at - and more importantly, actually understanding - the Federal Reserve's balance sheet. The fact is that money printing is only of four core sources of spending power for the Fed, and it was only the third most important source of funds in 2021.

The objective facts are that the Fed bought $3.7 trillion in new assets by taking out $3.7 trillion in new debts. The Fed borrows the money to spend the money. Any beliefs that state otherwise, are opinions that are not based on the facts.

While few people realize it to this day, the primary funding for the Federal Reserve radically changed in 2008 when emergency legislation brought forward the effective date of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006.

The global banking system was teetering on the brink of collapse, and neither the government nor the Fed had the money to rescue them - so the U.S. government changed the law, to give the Federal Reserve unprecedented back door access to the U.S. banking system and the spending power of our bank accounts.

This new back door access allowed the Fed to quickly grab almost $800 billion from the nation's banks - that are funded by our deposits - and to use that money to rescue the global banking system. If the Fed had not had access to the spending power of our banking system - the system would have collapsed, there were no "strong banks" in practice. This is critical information to keep in mind if there is another major crisis in the banking system.

It was this back door access that was the source of funds for the quantitative easings, as the Fed used its new trillions in spending power to fund the growth in the national debt while taking unprecedented control of interest rates. It was our bank accounts that were the source of funds that the government used to shower the country with stimulus checks, sending us back our own money in redistributed form.

The money printing did occur. But it was relatively minor when compared to the raid on our bank accounts. So, the idea that it is all money printing is a myth. Indeed, it is a convenient myth for the Federal Reserve and U.S. government. So long as people mistakenly think it is all money printing, then they don't think to look elsewhere for the real source, which is the massive back door emptying of the spending power in our bank accounts.
"H-A: In return for the flattery, can you reduce the size of your signature? It's the only part of your posts that don't add value. In its' place, just put "I'm an investing savant, and make no apologies for it", as oldarmy1 would do."
- I Bleed Maroon (distracted easily by signatures)
Funky Winkerbean
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Corrupt or just stupid. Either way, it is embarrassing.
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Please dear God tell me that is an Onion video or something similar? My middle schooler probably could have given a better explanation.
El Gallo Blanco
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Honestly felt like a low budget comedy sketch watching that. I hate liberals. We are effed. More importantly, our children are SUPER effed.

Are we sure that's real?
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Oh yea, that's what the BRICS are all about, another way to wage war on the US...
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Just keep in mind this is from a documentary that supports Modern Monetary Theory.


Modern monetary theory or modern money theory (MMT) is a heterodox[url=][1][/url] macroeconomic theory that describes currency as a public monopoly and unemployment as evidence that a currency monopolist is overly restricting the supply of the financial assets needed to pay taxes and satisfy savings desires.[url=][2][/url][url=][3][/url] According to MMT, governments do not need to worry about accumulating debt in and of itself since they create new money by using fiscal policy in order to pay interest. MMT argues that the primary risk once the economy reaches full employment is inflation, which acts as the only constraint on spending. MMT also argues that inflation can be addressed by increasing taxes on everyone to reduce the spending capacity of the private sector.[url=][4][/url][url=][5][/url]

MMT is controversial within mainstream economics, and is actively debated with dialogues about its theoretical integrity,[url=][5][/url] the implications of the policy recommendations of its proponents, and the extent to which it is actually divergent from orthodox macroeconomics.[url=][6][/url] MMT is opposed to the mainstream understanding of macroeconomic theory and has been criticized heavily by many mainstream economists.[url=][7][/url][url=][8][/url][url=][9][/url][url=][10][/url] MMT is also strongly opposed by members of the Austrian school of Economics, with Murray Rothbard stating that MMT practices are equivalent to "counterfeiting" and that government control of the money supply will inevitably lead to "runaway inflation.

Which is a bit of a whack job.

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All part of the plan.
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Sounds like a graduate of the Kamala Harris Speech Academy.
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Mr. Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in social welfare from Columbia University.

This is truly frightening.

These Ivy grads learn nothing, gain no useful experience, become marxists, then weasel their way into influential position.

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boulderaggie said:

All part of the plan.
Since 1913. The FED has complete control of the money supply. Unelected bankers who's primary mission is to look out for banks, despite what their mandates (which they have repeatedly failed at for over a hundred years - should be the glaring sign that those aren't their true mandates) say. When SHTF, figure out what action would be best for the banks. That's the action that will be taken. And ALL potential actions WILL be taken until there are none left and we are left with smoldering coals.
"H-A: In return for the flattery, can you reduce the size of your signature? It's the only part of your posts that don't add value. In its' place, just put "I'm an investing savant, and make no apologies for it", as oldarmy1 would do."
- I Bleed Maroon (distracted easily by signatures)
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this guy has to be related to the ship captain of the exon valdeez.
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I know I am a broken record, but if we had a legitimate, honest, and competent functioning media, our economy would not be subjected to advice from this moron.
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bmks270 said:


Mr. Bernstein holds a Ph.D. in social welfare from Columbia University.

This is truly frightening.

These Ivy grads learn nothing, gain no useful experience, become marxists, then weasel their way into influential position.

Somebody mail him Sowell's Basic Economics
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You don't need any of those things to join the politburo, comrade
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Sounds like a 3-year-old explaining why there is a drawing on the wall.
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No this is all "Necessarily confusing" to where people tune out and lose out.
Maroon Dawn
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Wait…WHAAAAAT?!?! Another Biden administration job went to a moron lickspittle chosen for ideology and or box checking rather than competence?!?!

Just shocking
oh no
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Algorithmic Epiphany
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But if we get our guy in there everything better!

/people who don't yet understand bitcoin
oh no
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was this bait? trying to trick conservatives into joining the left with antisemitic commentary?
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Much like Joe Biden, who he has advised for years, Bernstein is wrong the majority of times. Bernstein is the perfect goalie for all failed Democrat economic policies.
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1. WTF is a phd in social welfare? Why does this crap even exist?
2. Why is somebody that has a degree in a useless made up subject in charge of economic policy?

Might as well let a labrador make decisions, they will be better.
Ghost Mech
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AgNav93 said:

Gigem_94 said:

I'm no economist, but I'm guessing the Reserve Currency status of the dollar is about the only thing keeping our crushing debt from collapsing our entire system similar to how the Soviet Union imploded because of its debt decades ago.
That's my understanding as well. If WHEN the reserve currency/petro dollar goes away inflation will make today's inflation rate look comical. It would probably be the thing that finally causes the country's collapse. We are being governed by morons or people driven by malice. Probably both.

Saudis are already trading oil in Yuan.

The only thing keeping the narrative going is the Fed's and *Plunge Protection Team's ability to directly intervene into bond markets. i.e. - MMT, money printing, financial fraud, direct monetization, QE. That and the rest of the world slowly unloading their US Treasury positions.

The world is calling our bluff, all while morons like this do everything they can to push us over the edge.

Digital narrative vs physical reality....who wins?

BRICS summit is in October. 40 new countries are slatted to join.

* The "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT) is a colloquial name given to the Working Group on Financial Markets. Created in 1988 to provide financial and economic recommendations to the U.S. President during turbulent market times, this group is headed by the Secretary of the Treasury; other members include the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

oh no
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bobbranco said:

Bernstein is the perfect goalie for all failed Democrat economic policies.
Old McDonald
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even more alarming, it's not just biden who's receiving this economic advice. some of trump's advisors are working the "devalue the dollar" angle too:

Advisers close to the former president particularly his former trade chief Robert Lighthizer are considering policies that would weaken the dollar relative to other currencies, which could juice U.S. exports but also fuel inflation.

The idea is being discussed by former trade chief Robert Lighthizer a potential Treasury secretary pick for Trump and the architect of the former president's bruising tariff campaign against China and policy advisers allied with him, according to three former Trump administration officials granted anonymity to discuss confidential policy plans.

"Currency revaluation is likely to be a priority for some members of a potential second Trump administration, mainly because of the viewpoint that [an overvalued dollar] contributes to the trade deficit," said one former Trump administration official, adding that Lighthizer and his team are the primary advocates for the approach.
Politico Link
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boulderaggie said:

All part of the plan.
They got to burn it down before they "build it back better." Spoiler alert: It won't be better. It'll be China.
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AgNav93 said:

boulderaggie said:

All part of the plan.
They got to burn it down before they "build it back better." Spoiler alert: It won't be better. It'll be China.
I think that's optimistic.

I fear we will be somewhere between Greece and Venezuela.
Funky Winkerbean
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MD1993 said:

Sounds like a 3-year-old explaining why there is a drawing on the wall.
Or AOC discussing anything.
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