Desantis: we will kick you out of school if you do this at our universities

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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".
His campaign wasn't ready. He is 100% ready to govern and he has proven that.

i would agree with this assessment. desantis gets it done there is no doubt about it. my hope is this most recent presidential campaign experience will help bolster his skill set and strategy for 2028. you cannot deny desantis track record of getting things done
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:

That's kind of ignorant of everything we learned this spring. There were too many people who were never going to consider anybody else. They almost enjoyed making any excuse for any foolishness while ignoring the actual accomplishments and competency of Desantis. They've invested so much in ignoring his flaws and pretending they don't exist that now they're aghast that some of us won't do the same.

I'll readily admit I was naive for thinking ("hoping" would probably be a more accurate term) that this primary was anything but a formality.

What campaign strategy would have had any sort of impact against the long-time Democrat?

Sounds like a bunch of excuses. If Desantis had no chance, as you've suggested, why did he run in the first place? I like the guy and hope he's the president in 2028, but he didn't get it done this time. Blaming other people for your failures is a loser mentality. Desantis is no loser, and I doubt he feels this way.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".
His campaign wasn't ready. He is 100% ready to govern and he has proven that.

Agreed. His campaign NEVER recovered from his disasterous Twitter Spaces launch. Then he stayed on friendly media far too long before sparring with the MSM.
He Who Shall Be Unnamed
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APHIS AG said:

And that is how it is done. These protests are not about Palestine or Hamas but pure antisemitism disguised as support.

And these "students" are clueless because they are being used.
My son is young and very politically active (NOT on the left, fortunately). I was talking to him to try to get a sense of who these kids are, what is their true motivation, etc. His takes:

Most of the protestors are not antisemitic, they are anti Israel. They don't carry animus against Jewish people per se.
Some of the protestors are antisemitic, mostly the Muslim contingent within the group, but not many.

There is a contingent of right-leaning students who want America to be more isolationist, they don't see the utility of funding ANY of the regimes around the world. They aren't going to be out there protesting with these "useful idiots" at college campuses, but they aren't going to strongly oppose the protests either.

Israel has a major PR problem with young people. They are seen as oppressors within the standard dialectic of oppressor/oppressed that young Leftists use to view the world. Prior occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, the building of settlements, and the recent devastation of Gaza that is shown help forward this opinion.

These protests are very well organized and very well funded.

They will spread and worsen.
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I'd take one step further and ban them from ever attending a state school again.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” -Henry Ford

Four Seasons Landscaping
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It's not an excuse to point out the overwhelming and obvious wave of emotional attachment to Trump that made this primary nothing more than a formality.

This primary wasn't about policy or competency. That's why Trump avoided debates; he'd have had to answer for his mistakes and argue on policy when he knew MAGA tribalism was enough for him to win. Just like Biden, if Trump were confident in his policies, he wouldn't have avoided the debates.

Desantis ran because he, like others, didn't understand just how deep that emotional MAGA tribalism was.
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jwhaby said:

Four Seasons Landscaping said:

That's kind of ignorant of everything we learned this spring. There were too many people who were never going to consider anybody else. They almost enjoyed making any excuse for any foolishness while ignoring the actual accomplishments and competency of Desantis. They've invested so much in ignoring his flaws and pretending they don't exist that now they're aghast that some of us won't do the same.

I'll readily admit I was naive for thinking ("hoping" would probably be a more accurate term) that this primary was anything but a formality.

What campaign strategy would have had any sort of impact against the long-time Democrat?

Sounds like a bunch of excuses. If Desantis had no chance, as you've suggested, why did he run in the first place? I like the guy and hope he's the president in 2028, but he didn't get it done this time. Blaming other people for your failures is a loser mentality. Desantis is no loser, and I doubt he feels this way.
Isn't that the entire Trump line from the last 4 years?
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He Who Shall Be Unnamed said:

APHIS AG said:

And that is how it is done. These protests are not about Palestine or Hamas but pure antisemitism disguised as support.

And these "students" are clueless because they are being used.
My son is young and very politically active (NOT on the left, fortunately). I was talking to him to try to get a sense of who these kids are, what is their true motivation, etc. His takes:

Most of the protestors are not antisemitic, they are anti Israel. They don't carry animus against Jewish people per se.
Some of the protestors are antisemitic, mostly the Muslim contingent within the group, but not many.

There is a contingent of right-leaning students who want America to be more isolationist, they don't see the utility of funding ANY of the regimes around the world. They aren't going to be out there protesting with these "useful idiots" at college campuses, but they aren't going to strongly oppose the protests either.

Israel has a major PR problem with young people. They are seen as oppressors within the standard dialectic of oppressor/oppressed that young Leftists use to view the world. Prior occupation of Gaza and the West Bank, the building of settlements, and the recent devastation of Gaza that is shown help forward this opinion.

These protests are very well organized and very well funded.

They will spread and worsen.

Your son needs to go listen to what is being chanted at Columbia. Things like"Death to Jews"is pretty clear in my book. It's not a subtle distinction between being just Anti-Israel.

Sure not all, but there are terrorist elements at the heart of these protests, and they MUST be rooted out.
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Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.
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ApolloAg said:

Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.

So you seriously and honestly think what's going on at Columbia, NYU, Yale just to name a few is "Free Speech"!?!

Columbia's Jewish students and faculty have been told to stay home for their own safety! The school fully admits they CANNOT Ensure the safety of their Jewish students and faculty. That's NOT free speech and it sure as heck isn't a 1A peaceful assembly.
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That's a bull**** smokescreen for zionists to pretend they're the victims while they're killing thousands of women and children, flattening homes, hospitals, and universities, murdering international aid workers, assassinating journalists and intellectuals, and a variety of other horrific war crimes.
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ApolloAg said:

That's a bull**** smokescreen for zionists to pretend they're the victims while they're killing thousands of women and children, flattening homes, hospitals, and universities, murdering international aid workers, assassinating journalists and intellectuals, and a variety of other horrific war crimes.
And there it is.

At least you have openly admitted you agree with what these troglodyte "protesters" are saying and doing.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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ApolloAg said:


One side wants genocide. And it's not the Israelis. To even THINK that Israel was trying to commit genocide would require one to be an abject moron.

Had they desired genocide, we'd be talking about the nukes dropped on 10/8.

Pull away from for a second.
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ApolloAg said:

For being one of the most advanced armies in the world, they sure are bad at genocide. They should be able to do a much better job given their capabilities. Unless, of course, you are just buying Hamas propaganda...
Hubert J. Farnsworth
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BigRobSA said:

ApolloAg said:


One side wants genocide. And it's not the Israelis. To even THINK that Israel was trying to commit genocide would require one to be an abject moron.

Had they desired genocide, we'd be talking about the nukes dropped on 10/8.

Pull away from for a second.

Doesn't Israel alerting people in Gaza to evacuate buildings before they bombed them just scream "genocide"?
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ApolloAg said:

That's a bull**** smokescreen for zionists to pretend they're the victims while they're killing thousands of women and children, flattening homes, hospitals, and universities, murdering international aid workers, assassinating journalists and intellectuals, and a variety of other horrific war crimes.
That surgeon is such a butcher... look at all of the perfectly good tissue he cut out... It doesn't matter how much the cancer spread throughout the body, he should have ONLY gotten EXACTLY the cancer and not one cell of innocent tissue that wasn't...
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Had they desired genocide, we'd be talking about the nukes dropped on 10/8.
They'd start with the 20% of Arabs that live peacefully in Israel.
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ApolloAg said:

Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.
This is an absolutely appalling take. You have a right to free speech, you have a right to PEACEFULLY assemble and protest. You DO NOT have a right to threaten or deny others the ability to attend class or come and go as they please. You DO NOT have a right to block or impede traffic.

If you can't see the difference you're either being obtuse on purpose or just really indoctrinated. Probably a combination of the two.
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ApolloAg said:

Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.

Someone does not know the difference between protests and riots I r assaults.
Hubert J. Farnsworth
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ApolloAg probably believed this BS.
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They've actually been doing a good job at killing civilians, having killed more children in the past four months than in all conflicts all over the world for the past four years. [1]

However, they have made hardly any progress in defeating Hamas. They're playing whack-a-mole [2], and worse, creating more terrorists by recklessly killing so many civilians. Furthermore, they've squandered all the sympathy the world had for them on Oct 7, creating outrage because of their heinous actions. It's almost as if nothing was learned from America's quagmire after 9/11.

If you really consider Israel a "friend" and ally, then you should rebuke them when they're making a grievous mistake and heading towards calamity.

A better path for Israel would be to kick out Netanyahu and his Likud mob, and make way for tempered, reasonable leaders. US aid to Israel should be conditional on them exercising restraint and following strict rules of engagement: strikes against Hamas should be elite, and surgical. In America, organizations like AIPAC need to be called out for thwarting peace between Jews and Palestinians while simultaneously pretending they care about consensus. [3] We need realistic, level-headed conversations about the situation in Israel and the Middle East, with scholars like John Mearsheimer and Yuval Abraham, not idiotic zealots like John Hagee and warmongers like Lindsay Graham.
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ApolloAg said:

They've actually been doing a good job at killing civilians, actually, having killed more children in the past four months than in all conflicts all over the world for the past four years. [1]

However, they have made hardly any progress in defeating Hamas. They're playing whack-a-mole [2], and worse, creating more terrorists by recklessly killing so many civilians. Furthermore, they've squandered all the sympathy the world had for them on Oct 7, creating outrage because of their heinous actions. It's almost as if nothing was learned from America's quagmire after 9/11.

If you really consider Israel a "friend" and ally, then you should rebuke them when they're making a grievous mistake and heading towards calamity.

A better path for Israel would be to kick out Netanyahu and his Likud mob, and make way for tempered, reasonable leaders. US aid to Israel should be conditional on them exercising restraint and following strict rules of engagement: strikes against Hamas should be elite, and surgical. In America, organizations like AIPAC need to be called out for thwarting peace between Jews and Palestinians while simultaneously pretending they care about consensus. [3] We need realistic, level-headed conversations about the situation in Israel and the Middle East, with scholars like John Mearsheimer and Yuval Abraham, not idiotic zealots like John Hagee and warmongers like Lindsay Graham.
First of all, I am going to go out on a limb and say your sympathy for Israel was pretty limited to begin with when this whole thing started. Second, Hamas made sure that they were embedded with women and children, a war crime in and of itself, for the exact purpose of getting people who already were buying their crap to try to keep the only ones capable of dealing with the problem long term from actually fixing the situation.
one safe place
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FL_Ag1998 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

Beat40 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

I hope he grows stronger and gains recognition in the next few years.

I hope the GOP base doesn't vote with their feels and uses their damn heads when voting in the primaries the next few years.

Not looking likely though.
He wasn't ready this go around. That's not a " feelz".

Ehh, actually the Trump sycophants and people making grift off his name weren't ready to drop their "feelz" for Trump and vote with logic instead. Hopefully that changes by 2027-2028.
No blame for DeSantis running a pathetic campaign? Others not voting for your guy doesn't make them what you make them out to be. It is up to DeSantis and his folks to get people to vote for him. He was a dismal failure in that regard. So much so, he might have hurt his chances the next go round. He might have to settle for being the best governor.
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Phatbob said:

jwhaby said:

Four Seasons Landscaping said:

That's kind of ignorant of everything we learned this spring. There were too many people who were never going to consider anybody else. They almost enjoyed making any excuse for any foolishness while ignoring the actual accomplishments and competency of Desantis. They've invested so much in ignoring his flaws and pretending they don't exist that now they're aghast that some of us won't do the same.

I'll readily admit I was naive for thinking ("hoping" would probably be a more accurate term) that this primary was anything but a formality.

What campaign strategy would have had any sort of impact against the long-time Democrat?

Sounds like a bunch of excuses. If Desantis had no chance, as you've suggested, why did he run in the first place? I like the guy and hope he's the president in 2028, but he didn't get it done this time. Blaming other people for your failures is a loser mentality. Desantis is no loser, and I doubt he feels this way.
Isn't that the entire Trump line from the last 4 years?

I guess they're similar then. Is that what you're implying?
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Of course I have limited sympathy towards Israel. Who wouldn't? They've been an insufferable ally, from the Lavon affair, the Apollo affair, spying on America e.g. Jonathan Pollard, their advocacy of censorship in America with anti-BDS laws, AIPAC, ADL, their insane "Samson Option" nuclear policy, Netanyahu was propping up Hamas as recently as 2023... the list goes on. Despite all this, they are still better than Islam, in principle. However, they're currently behaving so irrationally that they're making Iran look more civilized. They cannot be allowed to drag America around by the tail into another world war.

Regarding this Hamas hiding behind civilians trope, one war crime committed by an enemy does not justify committing ten of your own war crimes against that enemy. That's a thin excuse, and people aren't buying it. Guerrilla warfare has been dealt with since the beginning of history. There are counterinsurgency tactics and strategies for dealing with this, like targeted killings of enemy leaders and winning hearts and minds of factions within enemy territory. But instead, Israel seems to think they can ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank to establish "Greater Israel". The slogan "from the river to the sea" originated in Likud's party platform in 1977. That is what is playing out today.
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So you're saying that Desantis didn't understand the electorate and what would appeal to them? He probably should have done a little more homework before entering the fray.

As for Trump avoiding debates, it was a smart and strategic choice. If you're a boxer that is clearly leading a fight going into the last round, do you go toe-to-toe with your opponent and trade haymakers, or do you bob and weave and avoid a lucky punch. It would have been stupid for Trump to debate. There was no upside.
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jwhaby said:

So you're saying that Desantis didn't understand the electorate and what would appeal to them? He probably should have done a little more homework before entering the fray.

As for Trump avoiding debates, it was a smart and strategic choice. If you're a boxer that is clearly leading a fight going into the last round, do you go toe-to-toe with your opponent and trade haymakers, or do you bob and weave and avoid a lucky punch. It would have been stupid for Trump to debate. There was no upside.
Trump being absolutely toxic to conservatism in the Republican party is not the fault of Desantis, and absolutely anyone who bought into it should be ashamed they allowed themselves to buy into the BS... the exact same way all leftists should be ashamed of their own moral and mental failings.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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So you're saying that Desantis didn't understand the electorate and what would appeal to them? He probably should have done a little more homework before entering the fray.
No, not at all.

Nothing appealed to MAGA other than Trump, and it had absolutely nothing to do with policy.

But Desantis didn't ***** out, run away, and depend on his supporters to goaltend for his cowardice like this....


As for Trump avoiding debates, it was a smart and strategic choice

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, like Trump did.
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I truly hope he isn't picked as Trump's VP. As the FL guv, he is a leader and trail blazer, showing the way and stiffening the spines of other GOP guvs and politicians. As a VP, he'd attend fund raisers and host dignitaries. We don't need Florida to sink back to purple.
Funky Winkerbean
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Four Seasons Landscaping said:


So you're saying that Desantis didn't understand the electorate and what would appeal to them? He probably should have done a little more homework before entering the fray.
No, not at all.

Nothing appealed to MAGA other than Trump, and it had absolutely nothing to do with policy.

But Desantis didn't ***** out, run away, and depend on his supporters to goaltend for his cowardice like this....


As for Trump avoiding debates, it was a smart and strategic choice

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, like Trump did.

It's cute you think Trump can't stand the heat. Who else has gone through more than him in an attempt to be President? The man deserves respect for what he's going through.
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ApolloAg said:

Conservatives, after years of whining about censorship and waxing poetic about free speech, are now on full assault of the first amendment, because muh Israel. Bought and paid for by the Israel lobby. Total stooges.
Public endangerment != free speech. HTH.
Four Seasons Landscaping
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It's cute you think Trump can't stand the heat.
Thank you for the kind words.

He's the only candidate who was afraid to debate, though.

Well, him and Biden. For very similar reasons.
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Florida has the right kind of students....

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