30 year olds doing worse than parents

12,191 Views | 157 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by cecil77
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People of any age voting for Democrats are far more responsible for the country's ills than boomers voting for Republicans.
Thank you, sir. Drop the mic.

It seems the Ag from Wyoming enjoys plowing this same row time and again. Imagine a 'billionaire' complaining how it's all going to hell.

But, I'll agree with him that things have gotten worse, not better. My argument is with where he places blame.

So, Ag from Wyoming, examine the voting tendencies of the so-called 'grieved' generation(s) and get back to me. Conservatives did not put us here. And, I think 'moderate' is a wimpy position to take on governmental fiscal matters.

Regarding conservative-voting older Amercians -- not only did we not vote for all the crap you see today, but we have had the life-long 'pleasure' of paying for most of it with both income and employment taxes. Hell, I'm still paying for it, and still haven't seen a social security check.
Sid Farkas
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My 40 year old daughter and her family are on a trajectory to do better than her parents.
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The education system is the problem, both at the University level and at the grade school level. It has been captured by progressive socialists and Marxists.

It really should be the number one issue of the Republican party, and should have been for the last forty years. Completely overhaul education - take it away from the Marxists and the teachers unions - return to teaching young people the skills they need to provide a useful and valuable service.

As it is, America is continually brainwashed and is doomed. Either it changes or we will soon have a dystopian future.
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And everyone of them got starting salaries orders of magnitude higher than than I did right out of college
Brother Shamus
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Regardless of what generation you are pointing the finger at, the scary part is young people, in affluent and modern societies are not reproducing.
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It has nothing to do with Boomers. It has to do with the left. They've created a soft, bitter, angry generation who are medicated, afraid, and pessimistic toward the future. They've been taught America is the enemy and that white people are bad. They're confused about things that previous generations never had confusion i.e. gender.
They've been raised in a world where they've been shielded from bad things and now have no resiliency.
And make no mistake, this is 100% on the left and the dems! !00%!
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Aggies1322 said:

Crazy that you took a general statement about a GENERATION and were offended by it? The boomer generation can absolutely be characterized as one that has mismanaged this country to a fault. If you didn't participate, great. But your generation is absolutely to blame for many of the issues today.
Lol, keep up the generational finger pointing. That will work out real well for you and solve your problems.
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The greatest generation put us on this trajectory of funny money. Inflation is a *****, it makes people feel how poor they are.
Logos Stick
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Wyoming Aggie said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Brother, I make more than probably 99% of this board.
The Internet millionaire makes an appearance.

The dude told me to quit whining and start working. I simply made a point that I DO work and I work hard. I take full responsibility for my own life.

I'm merely pointing out that the elder generations royally screwed up the future for millennial and Gen Z. That's an undeniable fact.

In one breathe, you take full responsibility for your situation. In the next, you blame the boomers.
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Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

This is such a bull**** stat. Of course the first generations to go to college en mass and work in knowledge work jobs made more than their parents. This also measures income and not wealth.I can't find the chart, but if you measure by wealth younger generations are about in line with where older generations were at their age. Doesn't mean reforms aren't needed though.
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MemphisAg1 said:

Aggies1322 said:

Crazy that you took a general statement about a GENERATION and were offended by it? The boomer generation can absolutely be characterized as one that has mismanaged this country to a fault. If you didn't participate, great. But your generation is absolutely to blame for many of the issues today.
Lol, keep up the generational finger pointing. That will work out real well for you and solve your problems.

We can all hope that my generation will learn from the failures of yours. Doubt it but we'll see.
Kraft Punk
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More boomer blame for what liberals have to done this country

& the newest generation to enter the voting scene eats up all the boomer blame idiocy while voting lib

Great thread

& no I'm not a boomer, I'm millennial...
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mandevilleag said:

Here's a little different take from the CAP report (some left leaning think tank)


Per CAP's analysis, from the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, the average wealth of households under 40 grew by 49% a $85,000 increase, to $259,000 from $174,000. The analysis said that rate of rapid wealth growth had never happened before in the data series' history, and it came after wealth growth remained relatively stagnant for young Americans prepandemic.

Here's the whopper: Wealth gains were even higher for just millennials, who were 23 to 38 in 2019; their wealth doubled from the end of 2019 to 2023.

And to add some personal perspective, my 39 yr old son and his 38 yr old wife (two kids under 6) just purchased a $3million home in Palos Verdes. They are keeping their $1m+ home in Torrance as a rental. Millenials are banking.

26 years old/TAMU class of 2020 here working in finance - still figuring out my career - care to share their industry/career field or any advice they might have? Two Southern California homes would be nice!
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Aggies1322 said:

MemphisAg1 said:

Aggies1322 said:

Crazy that you took a general statement about a GENERATION and were offended by it? The boomer generation can absolutely be characterized as one that has mismanaged this country to a fault. If you didn't participate, great. But your generation is absolutely to blame for many of the issues today.
Lol, keep up the generational finger pointing. That will work out real well for you and solve your problems.

We can all hope that my generation will learn from the failures of yours. Doubt it but we'll see.

Lol, I'm not getting into generational bashing because I don't believe in it. There are many good and bad people in my generation and yours. If you want to view the world through the lens of a victim, you can do that. Plenty of data points in this thread about younger folks who are doing well. You can bet they don't approach life looking to blame someone when they encounter challenges. You might want to try it. I'm done responding to you. Good luck!
Im Gipper
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Kraft Punk said:

More boomer blame for what liberals have to done this country

& the newest generation to enter the voting scene eats up all the boomer blame idiocy while voting lib

Great thread

& no I'm not a boomer, I'm millennial...

This was abundantly clear by your posting history! lol

I'm Gipper
Im Gipper
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Kidding aside, It shows a shortsightedness to lead at the feet of the boomers. This is a multigenerational problem

I'm Gipper
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Ask a 30 year old or hell most adults how money works and you will see why we are spiraling.
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MemphisAg1 said:

Aggies1322 said:

MemphisAg1 said:

Aggies1322 said:

Crazy that you took a general statement about a GENERATION and were offended by it? The boomer generation can absolutely be characterized as one that has mismanaged this country to a fault. If you didn't participate, great. But your generation is absolutely to blame for many of the issues today.
Lol, keep up the generational finger pointing. That will work out real well for you and solve your problems.

We can all hope that my generation will learn from the failures of yours. Doubt it but we'll see.

Lol, I'm not getting into generational bashing because I don't believe in it. There are many good and bad people in my generation and yours. If you want to view the world through the lens of a victim, you can do that. Plenty of data points in this thread about younger folks who are doing well. You can bet they don't approach life looking to blame someone when they encounter challenges. You might want to try it. I'm done responding to you. Good luck!

You and a number of other posters on this thread act as if though pointing out failures is playing the victim. My life is incredible, that doesn't mean it wasn't made more difficult by a generation of fiscally irresponsible boomers who have been overspending and growing the govt for the last 30 years. I'm not a victim for pointing that out, I'm just merely pointing it out. I love that you can take personal offense to broad comments about an entire generation then have the gall to say I'm playing the victim because I said boomers have failed miserably in running this country. You are the epitome of hypocrisy.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Kraft Punk said:

More boomer blame for what liberals have to done this country

& the newest generation to enter the voting scene eats up all the boomer blame idiocy while voting lib

Great thread

& no I'm not a boomer, I'm millennial...

They really are effective with their rot. Gotta give them that.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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Hungry Ojos said:

To lay all of this at the feet of boomers is grossly incompetent. What else has changed in this current generation that could also be attributed to their "plight"?

Spending habits WAY out of control

Paying an extra $12 PER MEAL to have it delivered

iPhones and every subscription service imaginable

Stupid, idiotic degrees

Zero social skills due to limited human interaction

Unbelievably Impatient; refuse to start from the bottom

Terrible work habits and demands "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO DRIVE TO AN OFFICE"

A complete misunderstanding of how employment works "why should my boss make more than me????

Dependence on daily marijuana or other recreational drugs

Vacations like crazy

Willingness to throw away significant money on depreciating assets like Teslas and Mercedes'

And the biggest one: continuous, uninterrupted voting for liberals because that's what Tik Tok told them to do.

I could go on and on, but it's hard to feel sorry for poor young people when they are doing everything historically certain to remain poor for the rest of their lifetime.
Excellent points thanks for breathing some truth into a ****-show of a thread

Yet, according to most post on this thread it was ALL the boomers fault. My being a boomer, reluctant boomer- voted Conservative my entire life. Paid all my bills. Got of rid of any and all debt by age 35- including the mortgage.

Granted I was self employed with a profitable tech based business-- that I built from scratch that took a lot of work to get off the ground. Ate better in college than I did getting that business going while co-raising 2 kids. Always paid my taxes.

Yet according to Wyoming_ag I'm responsible by association.

WTF! are we as a people turning into ?
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Brother Shamus said:

Regardless of what generation you are pointing the finger at, the scary part is young people, in affluent and modern societies are not reproducing.

Reproductive downward trends started after WW11.

Moving from the farm to the Urban areas.

I blame FDR.
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Kraft Punk said:

More boomer blame for what liberals have to done this country

& the newest generation to enter the voting scene eats up all the boomer blame idiocy while voting lib

Great thread

& no I'm not a boomer, I'm millennial...
Kudos to you kid for figuring things out. People like you give me hope for the future.

Like what the leftest media is doing- While against Black, Jew against Christian, North against South....divide, divide, and divide.

And lots of idiots eat it up,

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I haven't read any of this thread but strangely enough, have a comment or two.

Like a lot of things, this has way more than one reason. I know for sure that young people having to shoulder the healthcare burden they never had to pay before Obamacare and outrageous college loan repayments play a very big part.

Prior to Obamacare, young people just had to pay for their health risk, not the risk of the rest of the country. The most important part of socialized medicine is spreading out the risk to everyone so the citizens who are most at risk don't have the entire burden placed on them. So in 2014, that risk was suddenly saddled on young people. All young people had their healthcare premiums increase anywhere from 100% to 500%. It's a function of the government running healthcare.

As college premiums began to skyrocket in the 90's, loans for higher education became necessary for many and a horrendous burden afterwards. Colleges gladly took the money, students didn't worry because they knew they didn't have to begin paying the loan back for five years, and college expenses continued to increase with the money they were getting. Then Obama took over all of the higher education loans which made it worse because the money was so incredibly easy to get. It's likely the students never really understood those types of loans can never be removed from a bankruptcy since it's a government loan. Of course, now the 10% of the country who owe for college loans are being paid by the other 90%, which also makes it harder for 30 year-old Americans because our dollar is worth considerably less and inflation comes with that.

If you combine these items that used to be saved by young people for investments or down payments, then you're losing anywhere from $500.00/month to $1000.00/month.

I'm not even including Americans voting for politicians who spend today and screw tomorrow causing money degradation.

So those two items play a big role.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Blame ourselves, we raise consumers not children.
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Cheer Up, Millennials

Economist Jeremy Horpedahl finds a similarly sanguine outlook for millennial wealth when examining the same dataset and comparing average wealth across generations (and, yes, adjusting for inflation). As you can see from the following chart, young people as of the third quarter of 2023 had more wealth on average than either Gen X or boomers did at the same age:


A new paper from the American Enterprise Institute's Kevin Corinth and the Federal Reserve Board's Jeff Larrimore examined generational incomes (both "market income" and income after taxes and transfers, all adjusted for inflation) and found that older millennials (age 3640) had "a real median household income that was 18 percent higher than that of the previous generation at the same age"part of longterm trend in which "each of the past four generations of Americans was better off than the previous one."


As Horpedahl notes in his comment on the paper, the millennial income premium we see in these data doesn't come from households working more jobs or longer hours, whether as a dualincome family (the muchballyhooed "twoearner trap") or with one earner working multiple jobs. Instead, "younger households have roughly the same number of working hours as Boomers did during prime working years." They're just making more money.
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Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.


First time in our history.

Geez, Clinton used the same rhetoric in 1990.

First time? I wonder how 30 year olds in 1934 were doing compared to their parents. Indeed, that's one reason that chart looks like it does. Extend it back to the 1900 cohort and see how it looks. Heck I wonder how a 30 year old in the South was doing in 1866 compared to their parents.

Critical thinking is so rare it seems.
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Holy crap, you just ended a feels diatribe with actual facts. Are you sure that is allowed on TexAgs in general or this forum specifically? You are not going to liked very much by the resident TexAgs experts!
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Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

Without Boomersupport the young would perish.
It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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Eff I hate these threads. These are like housing threads.

Boomers just cannot...will not...accept that from a MACRO (read that again, and don't effing give me a one off story about yourself) perspective, they had it easier at 30, then the current 30 year olds. Sure, there were challenges they faced, BUT MACRO, its simply easier then that it is now.

This is simply a fact. As demonstrated by that chart and many others.

They will kick and scream that its "these kids" but how pathetic. They have held the levers of power for decades, and look at where we are? Then they blame their own children. Baby Boomers are truly a soft generation who's parents paved the way for them with bullets and grit (ie, Greatest Generation). Thats the only failing of the Greatest Generation, those hard men and women created good times...which then created soft men and women.

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Oh good grief. The Greatest Generation dealt with the aftermath of having to deal with a depression and World War. They were intent on reproducing and settling down. Their greatest desire was to be joiners. They were great, but trusted government and institutions too much, including progressive educators whose methods were to be shown to be a disgrace.
OTOH, Boomers fought without public support in Vietnam, struggled with stagflation, high unemployment, the oil shock, very high interest rates just as we graduated college. Out of that came the greatest period of economic growth and the tech revolution.
It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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Sid Farkas said:

My 40 year old daughter and her family are on a trajectory to do better than her parents.
My 29 year old daughter makes probably 4 times what I made at 30 years old. My 26 year old son makes low six figures right now (and he has a investment portfolio over 6 figures). Both will inherit a nice bit of cash one day. I'm not the least bit worried about their future. They both have a work ethic - not unlike the majority of their peers I've met. None of their friends work at Starbucks, protest on the corner about any and all perceived slight - they don't have time. They are out achieving for themselves.
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Owlagdad said:

Texmid said:

StandUpforAmerica said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

Agreed... 30 does seem a little early for this comparison.
Neither of you heard what he said. He says that 30 year olds today don't have as much as their parents did when they were 30.

My kids have more than I did when I was thirty. They make more money than I did

Yep, 2 make 3x's more than I did. Have nicer cars and homes. Putting away more $$ than I ever did. Number 3 makes over 2x's my pay. All 3 have weekends off. It ain't fair!
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Hungry Ojos said:

To lay all of this at the feet of boomers is grossly incompetent. What else has changed in this current generation that could also be attributed to their "plight"?

Spending habits WAY out of control

Paying an extra $12 PER MEAL to have it delivered

iPhones and every subscription service imaginable

Stupid, idiotic degrees

Zero social skills due to limited human interaction

Unbelievably Impatient; refuse to start from the bottom

Terrible work habits and demands "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO DRIVE TO AN OFFICE"

A complete misunderstanding of how employment works "why should my boss make more than me????

Dependence on daily marijuana or other recreational drugs

Vacations like crazy

Willingness to throw away significant money on depreciating assets like Teslas and Mercedes'

And the biggest one: continuous, uninterrupted voting for liberals because that's what Tik Tok told them to do.

I could go on and on, but it's hard to feel sorry for poor young people when they are doing everything historically certain to remain poor for the rest of their lifetime.
gotta throw in paying someone $40 per week to cut your grass -- just absurd
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UTExan said:

Oh good grief. The Greatest Generation dealt with the aftermath of having to deal with a depression and World War. They were intent on reproducing and settling down. Their greatest desire was to be joiners. They were great, but trusted government and institutions too much, including progressive educators whose methods were to be shown to be a disgrace.
OTOH, Boomers fought without public support in Vietnam, struggled with stagflation, high unemployment, the oil shock, very high interest rates just as we graduated college. Out of that came the greatest period of economic growth and the tech revolution.
Blah blah dude. Just look at the math man. Just look at that chart (among others).

Im not saying there weren't challenges, there were. But Boomers refuse to accept a reality in which they aren't the victim/hero of their own story.

At least you are looking MACRO which is more to say than the usual discourse on this. So thats all good! (Jacking around aside, I appreciate your post).
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And I appreciate your passion for your views.
It is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness- Sir Terence Pratchett
“ III stooges si viveret et nos omnes ad quos etiam probabile est mittent custard pies”
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