30 year olds doing worse than parents

12,164 Views | 157 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by cecil77
Tom Kazansky 2012
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Hungry Ojos said:

To lay all of this at the feet of boomers is grossly incompetent. What else has changed in this current generation that could also be attributed to their "plight"?

Spending habits WAY out of control

Paying an extra $12 PER MEAL to have it delivered

iPhones and every subscription service imaginable

Stupid, idiotic degrees

Zero social skills due to limited human interaction

Unbelievably Impatient; refuse to start from the bottom

Terrible work habits and demands "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO DRIVE TO AN OFFICE"

A complete misunderstanding of how employment works "why should my boss make more than me????

Dependence on daily marijuana or other recreational drugs

Vacations like crazy

Willingness to throw away significant money on depreciating assets like Teslas and Mercedes'

And the biggest one: continuous, uninterrupted voting for liberals because that's what Tik Tok told them to do.

I could go on and on, but it's hard to feel sorry for poor young people when they are doing everything historically certain to remain poor for the rest of their lifetime.

90% of the people my age (early thirties) don't do half of that.

Old people suggesting young people do all those things and that those things are the reason for their economic situation are clueless and sound like morons at this point.
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TxAgPreacher said:

Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

Boomers have had power for most of that time, but ok.

Sad thing is millennials are even worse. The blame game is lame.

Boomers should own up to the FACT they they raised the worst generation ever.
Millennials should own the FACT that they are the worst generation ever.

May God have mercy on us all, and especially the remnant who isn't terrible.
This generation bashing is such BS. I'm technically a boomer (borderline Gen X). My three kids are millennials and they are outstanding young men.

Assigning character traits or faults to people based simply on their age is one of the laziest and disingenuous tactics out there. Cheap and meaningless, like race-baiting.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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Wyoming Aggie said:

B-1 83 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.
Right on time………….

Isn't this sort of intuitive given the requirements of getting elected? I don't think we have the founder's best interest anymore when they thought of this system.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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Agreed. Lazy. Stupid.
Wyoming Aggie
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CanyonAg77 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Brother, I make more than probably 99% of this board.
The Internet millionaire makes an appearance.

The dude told me to quit whining and start working. I simply made a point that I DO work and I work hard. I take full responsibility for my own life.

I'm merely pointing out that the elder generations royally screwed up the future for millennial and Gen Z. That's an undeniable fact.
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That's true, and they need to own up to it.
Also millennials need to own up to be making the problem worse. Being moderate isnt the solution. It's part of the problem.

We need to conserve what made America great, and address what made it worse. The answer is liberalism. Millennials are by far more liberal and will have us headed off the cliff soon.
B-1 83
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Wyoming Aggie said:

B-1 83 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.
Right on time………….

Let's do this again since you apparently missed it the first few times….

Boomers were born between 1946 and 1966. That puts the oldest at about 78, and the youngest at 58. Don't you think there are far more voters between the age of 18 and 58? Who has the votes to create that makeup?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
Wyoming Aggie
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B-1 83 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

B-1 83 said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.
Right on time………….

Let's do this again since you apparently missed it the first few times….

Boomers were born between 1946 and 1966. That puts the oldest at about 78, and the youngest at 58. Don't you think there are far more voters between the age of 18 and 58? Who has the votes to create that makeup?

Good luck kicking out incumbent candidates. That's why we need term limits. As it stands today, it's very difficult to get new blood in office. Too great of a barrier to entry.
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TxAgPreacher said:

Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

Boomers have had power for most of that time, but ok.
* * *

"That time" is 1940 to 1980. The oldest boomers didn't vote for a president until 1968. I'll guarantee you the hippies didn't vote for Nixon. The first election in which all boomers could vote was 1984. Claiming boomers were in power from 1940-1980 is absurd.

Social Security was implemented before boomers were born.

LBJ's Great Society was enacted without a single boomer vote.

People of any age voting for Democrats are far more responsible for the country's ills than boomers voting for Republicans.
Im Gipper
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Another person that can't read a chart!

I'm Gipper
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This is about generation wealth not just your kids

I'm glad they are doing well but a majority of them are in trouble and it is getting worse

A look at average income vs expenses and that is obvious. Even if they are able to afford everything they want they are having less and less to invest in order to build wealth over the long term.

The only way to fix that is for the govt to stop spending money and stop regulating free enterprise, specifically the small business, out of existence.

Neither of which the current commie overlords have any intention of doing
The world needs mean tweets

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VegasAg86 said:

TxAgPreacher said:

Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

Boomers have had power for most of that time, but ok.
* * *

"That time" is 1940 to 1980. The oldest boomers didn't vote for a president until 1968. I'll guarantee you the hippies didn't vote for Nixon. The first election in which all boomers could vote was 1984. Claiming boomers were in power from 1940-1980 is absurd.

Social Security was implemented before boomers were born.

LBJ's Great Society was enacted without a single boomer vote.

People of any age voting for Democrats are far more responsible for the country's ills than boomers voting for Republicans.

The y axis is percent of those born earning more than their parents when they turned 30 vs when their parents were 30

The x axis is birth year

Based on the chart almost all early baby boomers earned more than their parents and a majority of late baby boomers did. Also notice the y axis does not go to 0.
The world needs mean tweets

My Pronouns Ultra and MAGA

Trump 2024
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VegasAg86 said:

TxAgPreacher said:

Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

Boomers have had power for most of that time, but ok.
* * *

"That time" is 1940 to 1980. The oldest boomers didn't vote for a president until 1968. I'll guarantee you the hippies didn't vote for Nixon. The first election in which all boomers could vote was 1984. Claiming boomers were in power from 1940-1980 is absurd.

Social Security was implemented before boomers were born.

LBJ's Great Society was enacted without a single boomer vote.

People of any age voting for Democrats are far more responsible for the country's ills than boomers voting for Republicans.
Let me be clear, they had power from that time in 70's to now. It has gotten much worse the more power they got. That is the time I was referring to. the same time we have gone off a cliff.

Any obfuscating that they raised the worst generation is silly. Until VERY recently they have had most of the power. It would be like raising a bratty kid throwing a fit in the grocery store, then blaming the kid. You raised them.

Blaming is stupid in both directions.
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HollywoodBQ said:

jrdaustin said:

I'm having conversations with my 21 year old son right now about graduating from college, and his ideal job is "influencer". I'm trying to convince him that it is a risky path, does little for GDP, and success for most "influencers" is fleeting. It's not an easy conversation. If he does follow that path, he is much likely to have less than I did at 30, and I didn't have much.
Had a similar conversation last night with my 25 y/o regarding the future hopes and dreams of the 6th graders she's teaching. She's trying to explain to them that influencer is not a viable career for 99.99999% of the population.

And even if you do make it as an influencer, you can fall out of favor and lose it all in two seconds.

Influencer is a dumb monikor anyways. These people don't influence *****
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Here's a little different take from the CAP report (some left leaning think tank)


Per CAP's analysis, from the end of 2019 to the end of 2023, the average wealth of households under 40 grew by 49% a $85,000 increase, to $259,000 from $174,000. The analysis said that rate of rapid wealth growth had never happened before in the data series' history, and it came after wealth growth remained relatively stagnant for young Americans prepandemic.

Here's the whopper: Wealth gains were even higher for just millennials, who were 23 to 38 in 2019; their wealth doubled from the end of 2019 to 2023.

And to add some personal perspective, my 39 yr old son and his 38 yr old wife (two kids under 6) just purchased a $3million home in Palos Verdes. They are keeping their $1m+ home in Torrance as a rental. Millenials are banking.
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jrdaustin said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

It's talking about how today's 30 year olds aren't as well off as their parents were when they were 30.

I'm having conversations with my 21 year old son right now about graduating from college, and his ideal job is "influencer". I'm trying to convince him that it is a risky path, does little for GDP, and success for most "influencers" is fleeting. It's not an easy conversation. If he does follow that path, he is much likely to have less than I did at 30, and I didn't have much.

Tell him he can have the basement or spare room for 1-month after graduation, after that he's out the door on on his own. The "influencer" dream will die a quick death.
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I was a millionaire by 30 (41 now). Can't say my parents were at that point. Of course, now my dad is worth tens of millions, so he got me beat. But I had him for a small time.

He can win this one. Ill coast as a victim, as that's the millennial way and I screwed up being ambitious during my 20s and 30s. Even dumber for paying off student debt within 5 years. Eh, never too late to learn at least.

Fat and unemployed (retired, but don't tell them that) in my 40s is a nice selling point to women, ill tell you what.
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Influencer is just a nice way of saying famous for doing nothing of value.

If you want to be famous or have influence become great at what you do, and they you can get into being an "influencer" after you successful at something.

I can't stand the social media route to fame, without making something of yourself first.
Logos Stick
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WoMD said:

I was a millionaire by 30 (41 now). Can't say my parents were at that point. Of course, now my dad is worth tens of millions, so he got me beat. But I had him for a small time.

He can win this one. Ill coast as a victim, as that's the millennial way and I screwed up being ambitious during my 20s and 30s. Even dumber for paying off student debt within 5 years. Eh, never too late to learn at least.

Fat and unemployed (retired, but don't tell them that) in my 40s is a nice selling point to women, ill tell you what.


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Owlagdad said:

When I was thirty, I didn't have as much as my parents. They had spent a lifetime getting there. And it didn't bother me.
I lived through Carter and early Reagan inflation years. You do what you can do.
Yes, economy is crappy now and is difficult and deck is stacked worse. And it is Biden fault, or whoever tells him what to do.
But you can overcome. You can move ( some folks think that good job ought to plop out of the sky so you don't have to leave grandma)

They are talking when their parents were 30 vs when they are 30. Not a 50-60 year old compared to a 30 year old today.
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Logos Stick said:

WoMD said:

I was a millionaire by 30 (41 now). Can't say my parents were at that point. Of course, now my dad is worth tens of millions, so he got me beat. But I had him for a small time.

He can win this one. Ill coast as a victim, as that's the millennial way and I screwed up being ambitious during my 20s and 30s. Even dumber for paying off student debt within 5 years. Eh, never too late to learn at least.

Fat and unemployed (retired, but don't tell them that) in my 40s is a nice selling point to women, ill tell you what.



I was a millionaire by 29.
CNN is an enemy of the state and should be treated as such.
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You don't get to pick your parents or the country you are born into. Short of that, you can control most everything else. So raise little savages. Teach them to outwork and outhustle everyone else.

Our military recruiters are not desperate to fill billets because the economy is bad. It's because we are a nation of fat, lazy ****s.
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TxAgPreacher said:

Influencer is just a nice way of saying famous for doing nothing of value.

If you want to be famous or have influence become great at what you do, and they you can get into being an "influencer" after you successful at something.

I can't stand the social media route to fame, without making something of yourself first.
The only "influencer" I care about is my pastor
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A great calling!
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Let's just ignore levels of economic status is transitory.
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Owlagdad said:

Mom always told me, you don't hit your stride until you're 40.
I look at 25-30 year olds who take weeklong beach trips, dine out almost nightly, don't brown bag it for lunch, have condos in city or burbs, beemers or Lexus and they beatch?
I never thought that stuff was possible for me. I can do it now (most of that sheet I wouldn't have) after 50 years of work, kids grown and educated with no loans.

Your mom is spot on, 40 is the sweet spot career wise IMO. I also think you need to take some risks career wise to really get to where you want to be, many people are afraid of that. It's funny, I spent most of my 20s and early 30s traveling the globe and partying balls but I was also frugal as **** at home, never ate out, used old ass phones, really took care of my body and strategically planned some career moves. I'm lucky it all worked out. It also helped to be surrounded by friends were also very achievement oriented.
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that is a great point and trend is clear. we need to get our country fixed.
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I'm doing well and so are many of my friends. But I acknowledge that the vast majority of millennials and Gen Z are screwed. Home prices are ridiculous even in formerly low cost of living cities. Cars too. Streaming and iPhones are not what is breaking the budget. It is the main cost of living expenses. There are more people on the planet. Less pie to go around.

You'll see some do well. The middle class is going to entirely disappear though. Unless a lot of parents gift their homes to their kids, you'll also see a generation of renters.
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Hungry Ojos said:

To lay all of this at the feet of boomers is grossly incompetent. What else has changed in this current generation that could also be attributed to their "plight"?

Spending habits WAY out of control

Paying an extra $12 PER MEAL to have it delivered

iPhones and every subscription service imaginable

Stupid, idiotic degrees

Zero social skills due to limited human interaction

Unbelievably Impatient; refuse to start from the bottom

Terrible work habits and demands "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO DRIVE TO AN OFFICE"

A complete misunderstanding of how employment works "why should my boss make more than me????

Dependence on daily marijuana or other recreational drugs

Vacations like crazy

Willingness to throw away significant money on depreciating assets like Teslas and Mercedes'

And the biggest one: continuous, uninterrupted voting for liberals because that's what Tik Tok told them to do.

I could go on and on, but it's hard to feel sorry for poor young people when they are doing everything historically certain to remain poor for the rest of their lifetime.

Mkd 30s here and don't know a single person that does even a fourth of what you are rambling on about. Just making stuff up at this point.
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Serious question. What's his angle to become an influencer? Has he already started? Seems like the chances of taking up golf and making the PGA Tour are better than this.
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I think it has a lot to do with where your family started. My old man was on a big grey boat in the South Pacific when he turned 30. His dad was farming with mules feeding the first 6 of 10 kids at that age. We were doing a lot better at 30 and thankfully our kids are far better off today. Who knows…their kids may all be spoiled little turds.
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Nobody has mentioned the decline of marriage and childbearing. Having a family to provide for is a huge motivator to earn money. And if you don't, you might think "why bother?"
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MemphisAg1 said:

TxAgPreacher said:

Logos Stick said:

Wyoming Aggie said:

Let's give it up for the Boomers for destroying the greatest country the world has ever known.

It's been on a freefall since 1940. This is not on the boomers.

Boomers have had power for most of that time, but ok.

Sad thing is millennials are even worse. The blame game is lame.

Boomers should own up to the FACT they they raised the worst generation ever.
Millennials should own the FACT that they are the worst generation ever.

May God have mercy on us all, and especially the remnant who isn't terrible.
This generation bashing is such BS. I'm technically a boomer (borderline Gen X). My three kids are millennials and they are outstanding young men.

Assigning character traits or faults to people based simply on their age is one of the laziest and disingenuous tactics out there. Cheap and meaningless, like race-baiting.

Crazy that you took a general statement about a GENERATION and were offended by it? The boomer generation can absolutely be characterized as one that has mismanaged this country to a fault. If you didn't participate, great. But your generation is absolutely to blame for many of the issues today.
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10Aggie10 said:

it just depends.

We make more than the husband's parents but less than the wife's parents at 30. Neither of us make as much my mother-in-law did at 30. I actually make less than my father-in-law at 35, which is crazy since I've got the same (actually better) degree from A&M than he did from Lamar back then

It's not crazy that your FIL with a similar degree, from a lesser school made more $$ than you when you were both in your 30's. Years ago college degrees were scarcer than they are today. I would argue that 40-50 years ago a good degree from any university was valuable. When it reached a point of where everyone goes to college in the 80"s and onwards I feel like degrees from top tier universities became equal to the older generations any college degree, and lesser university degrees became equal to having a HS diploma for people in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
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