TexasRebel said:
If it's on campus, you will have exactly 0% student participation.
Is that because you don't think the school will allow it or you think 75k students just won't want to be involved? I disagree with either point.
If all it ends up being is a contractor built Bonfire with no students involved I agree that's not something worth doing. We don't know what is being proposed or what is realistic. All we know is what they wouldn't do 20 plus years ago and what we have now.
I honestly think some of you would be disappointed even if you had a Student Run Bonfire On Campus that meets 99% of the conditions you want. Maybe that is anger over what happened 20 years ago when the school said no or how they haven't supported Student Bonfire for a dozen reasons. Maybe that is because you fear loss of control of what it might be. Maybe it is simply you want Bonfire to be purely about a relatively small group of students building a fire and don't care about either of the 2 main reasons Bonfire was created, Bringing Aggies together and showing their Desire to Beat the Hell Outta tu.
I also don't understand how saying Burn was a tiny part of the experience. I think you can certainly say it wasn't what it was all about or even how it was not what mattered to you the most. I know to folks who were Redpots (some of which are still friends of mine and were Redpots when it was On Campus) certainly thought that Build was what it was all about and were almost sad at Burn because it meant they had to wait until the next year to go Build it again. That wasn't the experience for most Aggies though. If you just want it to be about maximizing the experience for the small number of very involved students and devalue everything else then I guess that's ok too, I just disagree.
To me bringing Bonfire back On Campus is one of the few things that could heal a lot of old wounds and bring current Aggies together, maybe starting to reverse the tide of becoming UT-College Station which we seem to be more and more every day.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan