Further, Shanahan, in that same interview, stated that she believes a mental health professional on scene of the George Floyd's arrest could have possibly changed the outcome of the situation.
This makes me chuckle....
I read a long write-up, about the 'absurdity' of religion affecting someone's sexual preference. It was basically trying to make the case that Christians are stupid for trying to 'religion the gay away', you are who you are, and we're powerless to affect that.
Ok, whatever.
But then we have libs like her, again, claiming that a therapist on scene could just counsel the drugs out of this violent person's system. As if someone's words were going to make his violent tendencies disappear, and erase the effect of Fentanyl, Norfentanyl, Methamphetamine,11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC, Delta-9 Carboxy THC, Delta-9 THC, Cotinine (all in his system at the time of his death, per the autopsy).
Seems consistent.