Advil tackles "pain inequity"

4,763 Views | 63 Replies | Last: 11 mo ago by techno-ag
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One video introducing the campaign begins with a Black man expressing his frustration with the healthcare system: "When I approach a medical professional, I'm frustrated that we have to validate our pain just to get treated like human beings."

Continuing, a text overlay cites statistics from a study conducted by Advil about "pain experiences," which concluded that "74% of black people said there is bias in how pain is diagnosed and treated." The study surveyed "2,000 Americans about their experiences when seeking pain care and treatment" and found the results from "Black individuals to be "significant."
You can see where this is going. We need to lower standards (even more) for medical schools so we can get more doctors of color out there and they will listen to their black patients better.
Trump will fix it.
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Advil is a brown pill with black writing on it.

Just saying…

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Oooo more disparate impact racism claims without any regard to other circumstances influencing outcomes.

I bet this is the time it turns out to actually be racism!
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Does the pain chart given to black people only go up to 5?
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"Included among the participants was Dr. Uch Blackstock, a physician and expert on racial bias in healthcare. According to her, physicians believe that Black people are different from other people"

Of course you think that. Otherwise your entire profession would be in jeopardy. For ****s sake how do these people get paid to put out BS like this? Has anyone ever known a doc to think people with black skin are in fact different human beings?
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This is so much stupid. Pain is subjective and there is currently no way to measure or validate it. A doctor will ask a patient to rate their pain on a scale of 1 to 10. That's it. Unless doctors are telling black people that they don't believe them and telling white people with the same symptoms that they do believe them, there no there there. Is this what Advil is suggesting?
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How racist. Only doctors hat sort of look like their patients can properly treat them? Wtf takes this seriously?
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One video introducing the campaign begins with a Black man expressing his frustration with the healthcare system: "When I approach a medical professional, I'm frustrated that we have to validate our pain just to get treated like human beings."

Maybe doctors just aren't prescribing opioids, codeine and other addictive drugs to people when they ask for them.

Trump will fix it.
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A solution in search of a problem.
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This was a question that was evaded by absence in the other thread, about how there is some sort of disparity in healthcare between black people and white people due to the fact that a lot of doctors are white.

The proponents were super aggressive in the belief that there WAS wrong accuring and that the only answer was to create more black doctors.

The opponents, who know this grift for what it is, pointed to holes in this theory, and after accusations of being racists didnt work, they tried to pretend that "it's not that white doctors are racist, per se, and that they NEVER claimed that they just dont " -- i dont know. there was some excuse for you can only treat black people by being black, I dont know, it was very nonsensical and dumb.

Similar to global "climate change" and "systemic racism". They know OBVIOUSLY what it is, they just can never ever define it, even when confronted to do so.
Urban Ag
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It's almost as if a really high percentage of black people have been influenced for decades by a certain group of white people that nothing is ever their fault, they're always getting screwed, racism is literally everywhere, and they need special treatment. But who would do such a thing?
rocky the dog
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Elections are when people find out what politicians stand for, and politicians find out what people will fall for.
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Urban Ag said:

It's almost as if a really high percentage of black people have been influenced for decades by a certain group of white people that nothing is ever their fault, they're always getting screwed, racism is literally everywhere, and they need special treatment. But who would do such a thing?
Trump will fix it.
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And yet Advil is over the counter and a black person can buy it as easily as a white person, all without a doctor's approval or prescription.

Some idiot in the marketing department thought this was a good idea, but doesn't realize it simply turns off some of their customers who can always buy the same product from a different company.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
El Gallo Blanco
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We really need to break up into several countries. Or just secede. I don't care how we do it, we just need to hit eject ASAP. This clown show is unsustainable. It's honestly getting so wacky, I occasionally question reality.
El Gallo Blanco
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That sign is especially funny given how black people are disproportionatly likely to abuse opiates like Oxy, Norcos, "drank" etc. Rapper have been glorifying it for decades. It's killed a handful of Houston rappers alone.

My wife actually learned in t.u. Pharmacy School that certain ethnicities/races break down drugs differently. It is theorized that black people (via some enzyme?) get more pleasure out of opiates than other races, in general. It's more effective for them. Seems kind of racist against whites, browns and asians.
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Rapier108 said:

And yet Advil is over the counter and a black person can buy it as easily as a white person, all without a doctor's approval or prescription.

Some idiot in the marketing department thought this was a good idea, but doesn't realize it simply turns off some of their customers who can always buy the same product from a different company.
Yeah just buy generic ibuprofen. It's probably all made in China anyway.
Trump will fix it.
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We can try a social experiment.. People can only go to doctors of their own race. White people go to white doctors, black people go to black doctors, etc. I'm sure this experiment will work out just how they want it.

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Advil needs to gain some sales because all the "privileged" folks are smart enough to know they can pay a much lower cost for generic version of the same drug. They should go ahead and say most effectively taken with a Sprite at McDonalds to ensure they hit the right audience.
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techno-ag said:

Rapier108 said:

And yet Advil is over the counter and a black person can buy it as easily as a white person, all without a doctor's approval or prescription.

Some idiot in the marketing department thought this was a good idea, but doesn't realize it simply turns off some of their customers who can always buy the same product from a different company.
Yeah just buy generic ibuprofen. It's probably all made in China anyway.
Advil isn't, and I won't by any medication made in China.

Best to stick to medications made in the US, Canada, the UK, the EU, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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This is getting at the fact that its my understanding that healthcare professionals tend to discount what African Americans tell them with respect to pain and other medical ailments.
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Tex117 said:

This is getting at the fact that its my understanding that healthcare professionals tend to discount what African Americans tell them with respect to pain and other medical ailments.
I think the opioid crisis made all healthcare workers extra cautious about prescribing pain meds to anybody.
Trump will fix it.
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Gonna market an OTC Opioid to ensure equal access to the good pain meds?
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rocky the dog said:

He is being irrational about his pain.
Ag in Tiger Country
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techno-ag said:

Tex117 said:

This is getting at the fact that its my understanding that healthcare professionals tend to discount what African Americans tell them with respect to pain and other medical ailments.
I think the opioid crisis made all healthcare workers extra cautious about prescribing pain meds to anybody.

Both correct; this movement also seems coincide with the Sickle Cell commercials. In full disclosure, I totally believe some aspects of the complaints given my own experiences despite being a white male who has had several back surgeries that required narcotic meds. I also know personally that many Plaintiffs in auto accident claims, that were African American, used to enjoy the extra money derived from selling their pain pills they were prescribed for their "injuries." Accordingly, I would not be shocked if divergent interests converged to address a common issue; hell, the Perdue (sp?) family are probably funding the public campaigns of all involved groups for their own self interests under the guise of DEI equity.
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I take Advil for a sore knee. It really makes you think
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I don't know about y'all but as a white man, I can just go into a doctor's office and write my own pain med prescription whenever I feel like it sight unseen no questions asked. That's the privilege we as whites have.

I guess blacks have to be asked questions about their level of pain, undergo grueling inquisitions about where it hurts, maybe be subjected to the absolute torture of drawing blood or a piss test or ***gasp*** be asked to take an ultrasound or CT to get to the root cause of the pain.

Such terrible inequity here. Advil was right to call it out.
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Burdizzo said:

rocky the dog said:

He is being irrational about his pain.
Would you say his pain is imaginary?
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Urban Ag said:

It's almost as if a really high percentage of black people have been influenced for decades by a certain group of white people that nothing is ever their fault, they're always getting screwed, racism is literally everywhere, and they need special treatment. But who would do such a thing?
This is the most obvious reason.

"74% of black people said there is bias in how pain is diagnosed and treated."

Of course they did. That may or may not mean that its true.
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Hagen95 said:

Burdizzo said:

rocky the dog said:

He is being irrational about his pain.
Would you say his pain is imaginary?

No, but they have not determined the root of it.
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There's clear historical evidence that the medical profession has not treated all races equally and still doesn't rooted in a belief that people of different races feel pain differently.

Racial bias in pain assessment and treatment recommendations, and false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites


Extant research has shown that, relative to white patients, black patients are less likely to be given pain medications and, if given pain medications, they receive lower quantities. For example, in a retrospective study, Todd et al. (10) found that black patients were significantly less likely than white patients to receive analgesics for extremity fractures in the emergency room (57% vs. 74%), despite having similar self-reports of pain. This disparity in pain treatment is true even among young children. For instance, a study of nearly one million children diagnosed with appendicitis revealed that, relative to white patients, black patients were less likely to receive any pain medication for moderate pain and were less likely to receive opioidsthe appropriate treatmentfor severe pain (6).


Beliefs that blacks and whites are fundamentally and biologically different have been prevalent in various forms for centuries. In the United States, these beliefs were championed by scientists, physicians, and slave owners alike to justify slavery and the inhumane treatment of black men and women in medical research. In the 19th century, prominent physicians sought to establish the "physical peculiarities" of blacks that could "serve to distinguish him from the white man" (23). Such "peculiarities" included thicker skulls, less sensitive nervous systems, and diseases inherent in dark skin (20, 21, 23). Dr. Samuel Cartright, for instance, wrote that blacks bore a "Negro disease [making them] insensible to pain when subjected to punishment" (20). Other physicians believed that blacks could tolerate surgical operations with little, if any, pain at all (22, 25). Well into the 20th century, researchers continued to experiment on black people based in part on the assumption that the black body was more resistant to pain and injury. The military covertly tested mustard gas and other chemicals on black soldiers during World War II, and the US Public Health Service, in collaboration with the Tuskegee Institute, studied the progression of untreated syphilis in black men from 1932 to 1972.

Today, many laypeople, scientists, and scholars continue to believe that the black body is biologically and fundamentally different from the white body and that race is a fixed marker of group membership, rooted in biology (2628). In fact, many people insist that black people are better athletesstronger, faster, and more agileas a result of natural selection and deliberate breeding practices during slavery (2933). Research suggests that people even believe that black people are more likely than white people to be capable of fantastical mental and physical feats, such as withstanding extreme heat from burning coals (17). These biological conceptions of race are only weakly if at all correlated with racial attitudes (27, 34). They are nonetheless consequential. Research has shown that biological conceptions and related beliefs are associated with greater acceptance of racial disparities (27) and even racial bias in pain perception (17). Indeed, in one study, white participants who believed black people can tolerate extreme heat more than white people can, for example, were more likely to think that black people feel less pain than do white people (17).
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Hagen95 said:

Burdizzo said:

rocky the dog said:

He is being irrational about his pain.
Would you say his pain is imaginary?
It's a prime number.
Trump will fix it.
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I'm reminded of when I went to the ER years ago for what turned out to be my gall bladder. The person that checked me in, 2 different RNs and the doctor all asked me the same questions (mostly in relation to the pain I was enduring). I could tell they were trying to make sure I wasn't there just to get pain meds. I never saw it as a racial thing, only a sign of our times when so many people are hooked on pain meds. I could have taken the repetitive questions as an attack, but that would have been wrong of me.
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El Gallo Blanco said:

That sign is especially funny given how black people are disproportionatly likely to abuse opiates like Oxy, Norcos, "drank" etc. Rapper have been glorifying it for decades. It's killed a handful of Houston rappers alone.

My wife actually learned in t.u. Pharmacy School that certain ethnicities/races break down drugs differently. It is theorized that black people (via some enzyme?) get more pleasure out of opiates than other races, in general. It's more effective for them. Seems kind of racist against whites, browns and asians.

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