Matt Walsh roasts the fake Apollo mission theories

25,013 Views | 338 Replies | Last: 4 hrs ago by BlueTaze
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GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

The only way to combat the information is to throw so much misdirection in the sea of information that's it's mostly useless to the masses. If you can't tell fact from fiction, the information is worthless. I really miss the early Internet.
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GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

The problem is that we also have access to even more misinformation than ever before. Previously, information came mostly from at least somewhat vetted sources, like (more reliable) news outlets, encyclopedias, books, magazines, journals, etc. There was a certain level of gatekeeping that kept fringe and outlandish ideas like flat eartherism at bay. The signal to noise ratio was very high, and facts and truth were more easily discernible.

Now, any idiot can create a substack or blog or Twitter account and post whatever they want, and there are LOTS of idiots out there. Additionally, there are plenty of bad actors setting to create disinformation as well. A lot of it is even made and packaged to be more easily consumed. The signal to noise ratio has dropped significantly, and it doesn't help that people get curated recommendations of noise to drive views and engagement. Not only is there simply s higher level of more easily consumable noise out there, it is amplified for most people.
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ABATTBQ11 said:

GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

The problem is that we also have access to even more misinformation than ever before. Previously, information came mostly from at least somewhat vetted sources, like (more reliable) news outlets, encyclopedias, books, magazines, journals, etc. There was a certain level of gatekeeping that kept fringe and outlandish ideas like flat eartherism at bay. The signal to noise ratio was very high, and facts and truth were more easily discernible.

Now, any idiot can create a substack or blog or Twitter account and post whatever they want, and there are LOTS of idiots out there. Additionally, there are plenty of bad actors setting to create disinformation as well. A lot of it is even made and packaged to be more easily consumed. The signal to noise ratio has dropped significantly, and it doesn't help that people get curated recommendations of noise to drive views and engagement. Not only is there simply s higher level of more easily consumable noise out there, it is amplified for most people.
Absolutely spot on. And even though in general I'm in favor of competition and of having as many options as possible, this fragmenting of info sources also means that now people can and will consume only from sources that will tell them what they already want to hear, whether that's politics or science or entertainment or whatever.
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As looney bait goes, this thread sure reeled them in...
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Yeah competition only works if there's a consequence for poor performance. Slower than the rest of the herd? You get eaten, the herd gets faster. Sell an inferior product? You go out of business or have to get better.

In the information space as it is, poor performance in the form of disseminating misinformation is actually rewarded in many cases because it's what people want to hear. Factual accuracy grounded in reality is often less important than ideological agreement or reinforcement.
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Mongolian Christmas said:

I'm not saying I believe it was fake. But you know, many here believed the feds and the media about Covid vaccines being safe, free and effective. I supported the Iraq war based on WMDs. I also bought the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Maybe there's nothing wrong with approaching things with a healthy dose of skepticism. I wouldn't put anything past these criminals.
The problem with this statement is that the Covid misinformation took 2-3 years to fully come to light. It happened starting in 2019 and we know by 2024 what a manufactured narrative it was. Many of us also suspected at the time because the ones in power weren't asking the right questions and were speaking in absolute statements using an appeal to authority rather than working the scientific method.

Contrast that to the moon landing. It happened in 1969. 55 years ago. If it hasn't been conclusively debunked in 55 years - it hasn't - and the only "skeptics" are people in 2024 who are seeking a platform, I can easily come to the logical solution that they're full of it.
Jack Boyett
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Civilization seems to be self limiting.
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aTmAg said:

Moon landing hoaxers are no different than 9/11 hoaxers. They should be mocked, degraded, and their voting privileges revoked.
....and subject to a physical beating.

Buzz Aldrin treatment for all of them!
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Waffledynamics said:

Imagine believing the moon is real. /s

In case you want a pic to capture that. Always loved this one.

You weirdos in here are going to start trying to make me believe birds are real, huh.
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CSTXAg92 said:

3) The lunar lander pad surfaces are all shiny. Why was there no dust on those surfaces kicked up from the lander's thrusters?

Orbital sander.

Duh ….

Definitely Not A Cop
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MAROON said:

aTmAg said:

Moon landing hoaxers are no different than 9/11 hoaxers. They should be mocked, degraded, and their voting privileges revoked.
....and subject to a physical beating.

Buzz Aldrin treatment for all of them!

The guy Joe had on his podcast the other day is apparently that guy Buzz Aldrin punched.
P.H. Dexippus
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CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true.
Imagine my shock when I opened this thread. My schooling never went beyond 19th century history.
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TexAgs91 said:

This world is f'd up. Have the Dark Ages begun again?
In a way, it has. We have access to so much information and now dis-information that actual knowledge is being lost and distorted.

I've seen topics on hobby forums where the factual content has definitely lessened over the last 15 years. I attribute that to more, less educated people that don't have a firm understanding of how to construct logical arguments, use the scientific method, and otherwise just a lower level of intelligence and education.

I think we see the same problems on all sorts of topics now on social media since everyone can have a voice heard by many people. And usually people then form into echo chamber groups and ignore facts and reality when doing so - only believing what they want to believe because they can't imagine anything else given their own ignorance and stupidity.
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Americans are indeed become less intelligent. There's a hundred reasons why...excuses really...but it's obvious that people are losing knowledge and replacing it with some sort of mystic list of things we use to know but no longer know.
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If NASA faked them, then why didn't they fake the Apollo 13 mission? Hmmmm?
G Martin 87
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javajaws said:

TexAgs91 said:

This world is f'd up. Have the Dark Ages begun again?
In a way, it has. We have access to so much information and now dis-information that actual knowledge is being lost and distorted.

I've seen topics on hobby forums where the factual content has definitely lessened over the last 15 years. I attribute that to more, less educated people that don't have a firm understanding of how to construct logical arguments, use the scientific method, and otherwise just a lower level of intelligence and education.

I think we see the same problems on all sorts of topics now on social media since everyone can have a voice heard by many people. And usually people then form into echo chamber groups and ignore facts and reality when doing so - only believing what they want to believe because they can't imagine anything else given their own ignorance and stupidity.
Combine all that with the hard fact that true subject matter experts became experts by years of experience, hard work, and education. In order to be heard above the din of those who think Googling is a shortcut to SME status, real experts have to be louder and more confrontational. Most experts don't have the time or desire to screw around on social media with people who obviously aren't experts. (Neil Degrasse Tyson and Victor Davis Hanson being two notable exceptions.)
Ag with kids
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CanyonAg77 said:

The fact that Russia, China, Vietnam, or none of our other enemies of the time "debunked" the moon landing is really all the proof you need that it was real

The US hasn't even officially debunked the wet market theory on COVID and confirmed it came from a lab. In fact, the US gov actively pushed a lie. They knowingly pushed a lie about wet market to preserve funding and prevent focus on the source.

That tells you all you need to know....also.
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Definitely Not A Cop said:

MAROON said:

aTmAg said:

Moon landing hoaxers are no different than 9/11 hoaxers. They should be mocked, degraded, and their voting privileges revoked.
....and subject to a physical beating.

Buzz Aldrin treatment for all of them!

The guy Joe had on his podcast the other day is apparently that guy Buzz Aldrin punched.
Matt Walsh should have punched him again.
The Kraken
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BlueTaze said:

CanyonAg77 said:

The fact that Russia, China, Vietnam, or none of our other enemies of the time "debunked" the moon landing is really all the proof you need that it was real

The US hasn't even officially debunked the wet market theory on COVID and confirmed it came from a lab. In fact, the US gov actively pushed a lie. They knowingly pushed a lie about wet market to preserve funding and prevent focus on the source.

That tells you all you need to know....also.
Sooo…are you an Apollo denier?
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Mongolian Christmas said:

Why? What proof do you have of the moon landing that wasn't fed to you?


There are literally mirrors on the moon that you can bounce a laser off of to prove they are there
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They certainly faked footage at times. That along with the laundry list of govt lies certainly should give one pause.
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The Kraken said:

BlueTaze said:

CanyonAg77 said:

The fact that Russia, China, Vietnam, or none of our other enemies of the time "debunked" the moon landing is really all the proof you need that it was real

The US hasn't even officially debunked the wet market theory on COVID and confirmed it came from a lab. In fact, the US gov actively pushed a lie. They knowingly pushed a lie about wet market to preserve funding and prevent focus on the source.

That tells you all you need to know....also.
Sooo…are you an Apollo denier?

Anyone who points out the gov wittingly lies and can't be trusted, must be an Apollo denier.

My point is obvious. We know with a high level of certainty COVID came from a lab. If gov confirms publicly that COVID came from a lab, the next question is whether China released a biological disaster on purpose or accident. That's a debate that is dangerous, so they convince the sheep it is uncertain.

I think it's more likely than not that man landed on moon, but I'm open to evidence that suggests that some things were gaslit. I'm also open to evidence the CIA lied about the JFK assassination and many other things.

The Joe Rogan bump video raises some questions that Walsh couldn't address. Those areas that Walsh couldn't dispute are interesting and other experts should come forward to addres it.
The Kraken
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LuoJi said:

They certainly faked footage at times. That along with the laundry list of govt lies certainly should give one pause.

Faked footage? Do tell.
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My wife must be the Sea of Tranquility because there is a whole lot of fakin' going on there.
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CSTXAg92 said:

I think most Americans take the moon landing at face value. That is, you were taught that we landed on the moon, therefore, it must have been true. In 2024, we absolutely know our government tried to blame a global pandemic on a virus spread via a wet market. We also know our government told us Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction in his arsenal, though none have ever been verified. These are only two of countless verifiable inconsistencies with truth and what our government have told us. I would encourage you to research the lunar landing topic in more detail before adopting or maintaining a definitive position on the topic. During your research, be sure you can answer all of these questions:

4) Why do the crew of Apollo 11 (Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins) have a 'star' (it's actually shaped like the moon) on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? Mind you, the stars were awarded to members of the entertainment community.

Well it's not a star it's a circle in the shape of the moon.

Looks t like they were given the "star"as a gift for contributions to televisions as over 640 million people worldwide watched it as the biggest televising event in the world. 1/5 of the world was watching this event. The event lasted for 31 hours.
There's one star that stands out among the rest, because it's not a star at all. It's a circle representing the moon. Embossed on it are the names of three astronauts: Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. and Michael Collins, the crew of Apollo 11. The astronauts weren't recognized for landing on the moon, but rather for their contributions to the television industry.

On July 20, 1969, an estimated 650 million people watched man step onto the moon's surface for the first time. With a global population of 3.6 billion people that year, 18% of the world's population watched.
"The telecast from the moon was the single most-important live TV broadcast ever," Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, remarked. "So many people watched this event, that the streets throughout the entire country were empty -- and it was quiet elsewhere in the world. This was the longest continuous live TV coverage in history, which lasted for 31 hours."
The global audience, combined with the continuous coverage, led the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to honor the Apollo 11 astronauts. In 1973, the fourth anniversary of the historic mission, it held a ceremony to dedicate the specially designed "star," one on each corner of the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Hollywood.

I collect ticket stubs! looking for a 1944 orange bowl and 1981 independence bowl ticket stub as well as Aggie vs tu stubs - 1926 and below, 1935-1937, 1939-1944, 1946-1948, 1950-1951, 1953, 1956-1957, 1959, 1960, 1963-1966, 1969-1970, 1972-1974, 1980, 1984, 1990, 2004, 2008, 2010
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ABATTBQ11 said:

GAC06 said:

In the age where we have access to more information than ever before, people are increasingly ignorant. People just go down a rabbit hole of crap curated for them by some algorithm and have no clue they are way off in crazy land by themselves.

The problem is that we also have access to even more misinformation than ever before. Previously, information came mostly from at least somewhat vetted sources, like (more reliable) news outlets, encyclopedias, books, magazines, journals, etc. There was a certain level of gatekeeping that kept fringe and outlandish ideas like flat eartherism at bay. The signal to noise ratio was very high, and facts and truth were more easily discernible.

Now, any idiot can create a substack or blog or Twitter account and post whatever they want, and there are LOTS of idiots out there. Additionally, there are plenty of bad actors setting to create disinformation as well. A lot of it is even made and packaged to be more easily consumed. The signal to noise ratio has dropped significantly, and it doesn't help that people get curated recommendations of noise to drive views and engagement. Not only is there simply s higher level of more easily consumable noise out there, it is amplified for most people.
I used to believe this too.

Now I question just about everything I learned in history class and social studies.
The Kraken
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Everything? Really?
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Documentary referenced by Rogan:

Sid Farkas
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aTmAg said:

Wait until AI videos flood the internet. People will either believe anything or nothing.

Mark me down as a nothing.
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The Kraken said:

If NASA had faked the landing, why wouldn't they have added a blast crater?

3) The reason there's no regolith on the struts and pads is because there is no atmosphere to suspend the dust. Any dust kicked up follows a ballistic path out and down. As soon as the engine was cut off, the last regolith that was kicked out fell to the surface well before the pads touched down.

4) The first moon landing is the most watched live event in the history of television. That's why Hollywood gave the crew a TV star.

You have any more questions? Go for it. I've seen them all.
Who was on the surface taking the photos and videos? Come on man. There's a video of Armstrong "opening the hatch". How the hell did the camera get way out there all by itself??

This was in the Utah desert.
/W\ Saw 'Em Off! /W\
BTHO tu.
BMX Bandit
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There's a video of Armstrong "opening the hatch". How the hell did the camera get way out there all by itself??

Has to be a troll or sarcasm right?

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Infection_Ag11 said:

Mongolian Christmas said:

Why? What proof do you have of the moon landing that wasn't fed to you?


There are literally mirrors on the moon that you can bounce a laser off of to prove they are there

Japan recently went to the moon and took pictures of our equipment while it was flying over the moon.
The Kraken
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Who was on the surface taking the photos and videos? Come on man. There's a video of Armstrong "opening the hatch". How the hell did the camera get way out there all by itself??
I'll repeat what BMX wrote....are you being sarcastic or are you actually serious?

If you're serious, please post what photo and video you are referencing.
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