Some Junkie Cosmonaut said:
Athanasius said:
I'll take a stab, although I'm not a progressive.
We see problems in the world. Crime, poverty, etc...
We look at the mechanisms that might be good at solving those problems.
Of all the mechanisms we see, like the free market, religious conversion, or government, we think that government is the most appropriate.
What is this based on though?
I would think they would base it on 2 things:
1- the quality of the mechanism itself (i.e. the market is fast, but scattered and can be manipulated/has failures)
2- the quality of the mechanism as compared to the other options (i.e. the family has proven itself to be too corrupt an entity in raising children as compared to government standards)
A third thing, which I think progressives are absolutely terrible at is a third option, which is:
3- the quality of the mechanism in the context of the problem (i.e. national defense- probably a federal problem to solve, laws on spanking your child, probably a family problem to solve)
Progressives tend to use a hammer on all the things instead of just nails.
I think this goes into a *more* accurate reason progressive use government to solve problems: a religous one.
Most progressives subscribe to a humanistic religion- in that world view, they claim and hold onto certain moralities (like rape is wrong, slavery wrong, etc), and, again, in that worldview, might makes right- because without a transcendent authority, the ONLY right can be achieved through might (power/violence/threats of violence or imprisonment) <- all of which are gained through governmental mechanisms