n1mr0d said:
El Guero said:
Today I heard from a current RV that the commandant threatened to disband the RV's this year. He said he wanted to disband them and then when he brought them back in a few years, he would be involved in appointing them.
confirmed. this is another stellar plan.
Yes, aligns with what I heard.
'the RVs are concentrated in too few outfits. Some outfits have 6, while others have none. They need to be spread around more evenly '
But this has nothing to do with EQUITY...
The Trigon can't explain to parents/recruits why these outfits can only have 15 fish, when they have
a 100+ person request list, and then when the kid gets stuck in a crappy outfit, no one is happy.
Knock the experience down where everyone is the same, problem solved!