Without going into too much detail about myself, I have worked at TAMUQ for years. Actually over a decade. I will tell you that the students are not loyal Aggies, they are mostly there to get the degree that makes their family happy. In Qatar it is all about "wasta" and how your individual and family image is. Most Qataris are power hungry and most people I know hate living in Qatar.
They have 4 undergraduate degrees and the cheating there (with full knowledge of the university officials) is VERY abundant. Graduates are dragged across the finish line to make their target graduation rates. I have seen students on probation for 6-8 semesters in a row. Admissions is directed to let in a majority amount of Qataris, while ignoring many qualified students. Qataris who literally failed pre-cal 3 times. Yes, there are a minority of good students there. The academic waivers and overrides given to the students is insane, and they will use semantics to get it done. Just phrase things a certain way and magically you can get around student rules and departmental policies. You can literally be deported for ticking off the wrong Qatari at any time. Whether in a mall or on campus.
Everyone who works at TAMUQ makes gobs of cash. Faculty are insufferable with few exceptions. Most are incompetent people who are literally there for the gigantic paycheck, but play the politics game. People who would make $45,000 on main campus pull $125,000 or more. I know one person that makes over $300,000 annually in salary and allowances and they are absolute trash. I cannot divulge too much, but even if you go search their publicly listed salaries, the information is lower than the real checks. They get a salary premium (in most cases 30%), housing allowance (choice of provided housing or cash allowance), car allowance in cash, and flight allowance in cash. Every month.
I know professors that take 3-4 weeks vacation right in the middle of the semester, no one says a word or it leads to a minor slap on the wrist. Many are lazy and do not want to "work" so they will just have class "discussions" and award A's. Most profs there are not from TAMU and have never even been to main campus. The Admissions department are all people who know nothing of real Aggies and are not even from the USA. So every student that gets accepted into the branch campus (who gets the Aggie ring and degree identical to main campus) is chosen by people who have no business selecting those students for admission.
I could write a novel, but in general, Qataris rule the roost in Doha. Qatar Foundation is the sponsor for TAMUQ and they are really incompetent. People are given high paying and high power positions because of what their last name is. TAMUQ has a budget that exceeds $100,000,000 annually. For a tiny branch campus. I know people here who play lots of solitaire and make over $300,000 a year. No exaggeration.
If you work there and you do not play the game, they will squeeze you out. The people there HATE accountability and are as pretentious as they come. They want their plentiful vacations, high pay and everything that comes with it. I can think of a few great staff members, but my Goodness they are outweighed by the terrible ones. Those are like a cancer to the system.
Trust me when I say, never ever hire anyone who has graduated from TAMUQ unless they have an extremely high GPA and have many people vouching for them. I do know a few good ones, but it is maybe 5%. Most are really slimy and lie like they breathe to manipulate and get what they want. Because they know the university will bend to them, for the almighty dollar.
TAMUQ should by shut down, but it won't be anytime soon.