Has anyone claimed this was fake? You know, like those fake ones Dan Rather tried to smear W with?
Because I don't think this is fake.
Because I don't think this is fake.

DallasAg 94 said:
Miguel Alemn Magnani is a Mexican tycoon who was the president and CEO of Mexican airline Interjet. He is the son of ex-politician and Grupo Alemn president and CEO Miguel Alemn Velasco, and actress and former Miss Universe 1953 Christiane Martel. He is the grandson of the Mexican president from 1946 to 1952, Miguel Alemn Valds.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Alem%C3%A1n_Magnani#cite_note-1][[/url]
Holy crap, an actual WHITE HISPANICDallasAg 94 said:
Miguel Alemn Magnani is a Mexican tycoon who was the president and CEO of Mexican airline Interjet. He is the son of ex-politician and Grupo Alemn president and CEO Miguel Alemn Velasco, and actress and former Miss Universe 1953 Christiane Martel. He is the grandson of the Mexican president from 1946 to 1952, Miguel Alemn Valds.[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Alem%C3%A1n_Magnani#cite_note-1][[/url]
dreyOO said:
Most corrupt political family ever
Own it Dims