a stay order is any order from a court that pauses another order or a legal proceeding. Courts can and do stay their own orders and cases. Higher courts can also issue stay orders to lower courts. Eg an order staying enforcement of a gag order: an order staying a case due to bankruptcy; order staying a case while motion to dismiss is considered
An injunction prevents a person from doing something. Eg Injunction signed preventing a developer from tearing down a building; injunction preventing someone from selling a product that infringes another's copyrights
Dirty secret is lots of district court judges out there could not have passed this quiz. It's even worse in state courts where judges are elected. Both have judges in place never saw a courtroom before they took the bench. Many more in state court.
An injunction prevents a person from doing something. Eg Injunction signed preventing a developer from tearing down a building; injunction preventing someone from selling a product that infringes another's copyrights
Dirty secret is lots of district court judges out there could not have passed this quiz. It's even worse in state courts where judges are elected. Both have judges in place never saw a courtroom before they took the bench. Many more in state court.