Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:
aggiehawg said:
93MarineHorn said:
For us non-lawyers, what's the difference?
Injunctions are issued pretrial or during a trial. A stay order is used when an appeal is pending to prevent an order or judgment being executed or enforced during the appeal.
ETA: Stay orders are different within a bankruptcy setting, though.
So if you asked her that same question in an interview and she answered that way, what would you do?
Depends on which type of job I was interviewing her for. Corporate lawyers know very little about courtroom procedures, for instance, since their jobs are to keep their clients out of court, not in it.
My law school roommate who has been practicing commercial real estate since the early 80s has only been in a courtroom a handful of times in her career and all of those were as a witness, not trial counsel.
But for a confirmation hearing for a federal district court judge, know all of the rules applicable to proceedings before their court is mandatory, in my view. Not a position for OTJ training.