Joes said:
bmks270 said:
Biden and Trump are both too old.
We need age limits and term limits.
I'd set the age limit to less than 70 to be eligible to take office for congress and the president.
No we don't. Moron citizens deserve what they get if they have to have training wheels to vote. What's next? Should we need rules to say you can't vote for terrorist cheerleaders? How about voting for people with brain damage from strokes? How about rules that say you can't vote for someone that can't tell the moon from Mars?
It's ridiculous. Let people suffer from their own stupidity or else put in a dictator and be done with it. This idea of "representative government is great as long as you filter peoples' choices for them to keep them from hurting themselves" is infuriating.
There are already rules around age minimums in the Constitution and many states have term limits for various offices (DeSantis is term limited as Governor for instance). This isn't some crazy concept.
BTW, to the point of the OP as I know many Trump supporters are likely angry DeSantis is bringing all of this up. Realize that if you don't like this it is nothing compared to what the Dems and MSM will be running on Trump nonstop if he is the nominee. When they replace out Biden it's going to go into hyperdrive. If you want Trump that's fine but go in with your eyes wide open about his age and condition. A lot of you sound like my Dem friends that think Biden is fine because they only watch MSNBC and read the NYT and see pictures and images where he looks vibrant.
It's going to get a lot worse, simply ignoring it is insanity.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Ronald Reagan