nortex97 said:
The Steve thing is just obnoxious, imho.
It's pointless childish cheering/mockery over what are deadly events. I want the Israeli's to clear out Gaza and take back any remaining hostages/kill and permanently disarm the Hamas *******s as much as anyone but I do wish we could avoid the protracted absurdity of cheering for a rooster while following the timeline.
I get what you're saying but it's just a large part of human programming. The earlier post on this was right and you are too, and it's not a matter of feeling sorry for Hamas (or Russia for that matter) to acknowledge that there is definitely an element of entertainment to all this at a macro scale. And I'm not really even talking about the Steve thing or harmless attempts at levity specifically, I mean just the blow-by-blow events of watching weapons work and such. "War porn" is a good description and it's pretty transparent on the Russia war thread.
I'm not going to spend any more time on commenting on it or being critical because I just accept it as the way we've always been and I'm not immune to it either, but I saw this topic come up last night and wanted to echo it a bit. It's why people organize dog fights and cock fights and have always had some form of gladiatorial combat for entertainment and it's why we slow down when we pass a wreck to try to get a good look at the mangled bodies. Humans are messed up.
Meanwhile, as far as actual events, I hope I don't curse anything but I don't expect this day of Jihad or whatever to amount to anything except for the news to have an excuse to blare out false alarms all day. But I guess we'll see.