Did you believe Rudy about the poll workers

9,718 Views | 126 Replies | Last: 8 mo ago by Whistle Pig
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snowdog90 said:

etxag02 said:

At this point, you just have to feel sorry for people still falling for the grift.

Pretty hilarious that you bring up grift when the Bidens made scores of millions of dollars grifting American taxpayers by giving access amd favorable policy to China, Ukraine, Romania, Russian oligarchs and who knows who else.

The election was obviously stolen and the ones in charge of enforcing election law let it happen and will continue to do so.

Biden is literally a joke. When he's not tripping over things or wandering aimlessly wondering where he is or where to go, he's either lying about his past, signing some horrible policy that he's been told to sign, being inappropriate with women and children, or he's on vacation.

It's disgraceful that anyone would defend this horrible administration, but here you guys are.
Jared Kushner has entered the conversation.
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etxag02 said:

At this point, you just have to feel sorry for people still falling for the grift.
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Zombie Lie that can only be believed if you want to believe the grift as it has been addressed so many times -- 170,000 absentee votes from the city of Milwaukee were tallied at once and they mostly went for Biden because Trump told his supporters to vote in-person, so most did.

AND, for the diehards, the counting of those ballots was live-streamed on youtube.
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aggiehawg said:

Read and listen to Ruby herself. December 2020. Police present and she volunteered to speak with Harold Floyd and Trevian Kutti, two co-defendants in the Georgia indictment.

This should be required reading. And common sense tells you this happened in more places
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.

No, I don't believe them. Evidence is needed instead of just accusations.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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She was my favorite.

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etxag02 said:

Zombie Lie that can only be believed if you want to believe the grift as it has been addressed so many times -- 170,000 absentee votes from the city of Milwaukee were tallied at once and they mostly went for Biden because Trump told his supporters to vote in-person, so most did.

AND, for the diehards, the counting of those ballots was live-streamed on youtube.
Thousands of ballots came in at once that were 100% for Biden - experts said that is statistically impossible.
oh no
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Yes, OP, I 100% believe Fulton Co, GA's elections are ****ed up six ways from Sunday. They had a fake water pipe burst so they could send observers home in the night and then keep scanning and tabulating nearly a million mass-mailed absentee ballots in that county. Their city is covered in insecure unsurveilled drop boxes for people who are scared to put mail-in ballots in the actual mail so there's no reliable chain of custody. There's videos of vans pulling up in the night with pallets of mailed ballots. There's videos of people like Ruby Freeman bragging about her fraud before she changed her tune. There's videos of the cases of ballots being pulled out and scanned after observers were gone. Favorito has examined images showing sequential numbers, identical markings and signatures, duplicate batches, and impossible selections (100% biden in entire batches), etc. Millions of the nearly half billion dollars Zuckerberg gave to CTCL went to Fulton Co so they had plenty of money to give to collectors/harvesters. TrueTheVote has mapped cell phone gps data to nearly a thousand "mules" in GA alone that visited NGOs funded by CTCL and drop boxes more than 10 times.

I'm sure disenfranchising half of the country with intentional ez fraud ****ed up election systems and processes without audit trails, transparency, reliability, accountability or remedies is worth it to the left because it gets them closer to destroying the America that they hate so much and getting the one-party socialist system regime permanently in place though.
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Watermelon Man said:

agracer said:

MouthBQ98 said:

etxag02 said:

Not Coach Jimbo said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.


Why do people struggle so much with understanding the findings of the courts?

Just because Trump/Rudy didn't PROOVE that something happened in a court doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

I cant proove that over half the US government is guilty of insider trading, that doesn't mean they are all 100% legit.

Just a bunch of gullible puppets.

What if you had over 60 chances, with many sympathetic judges appointed by the home team, and you still can't PROVE a darn thing in court? How gullible does a person have to be to believe in it after over 60 failures to prove it in court? Or in this case, even when the defendant admitted they lied in court?

FWIW most of those cases never got to the facts of the case. They were dismissed due to a finding of a lack of standing or that they were filed too late, which in many cases turned out to be an impossible standard to meet because there was never an overlap of those two factors which would have allowed a case to be brought into the courtroom and presented based on the facts.

They still might well have lost most or even all of those cases, but let's not pretend that dismissal based on standing or timing is the same as a finding that the evidence doesn't support the allegation.

I'm pretty sure Trump's legal team was all over the place and running with plenty of junk information and bad or implausible legal theories but there was also a substantial amount of questionable and yet unexplained bits of information regarding ballot handling in some key districts, and that is on top of the systemic bias in media, unethical DOJ activities, CoVID era voting law changes of questionable legality in some states, and pretty apparent massive amounts of ballot harvesting resulting in 81 million votes for a candidate nobody seemed interest or enthusiastic about.
Pennsylvania's changes WERE illegal, but the State SC said "that's OK, covid".
I am pretty sure that the State SC saying "that's OK," actually means that the changes were not illegal.

No, I believe the decision was effectively that the window to challenge had passed, or that there was a standing issue, like most of these election cases. The legal system handles these all very poorly because it demands time intervals that are not available in the real world.
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justnobody79 said:

aggiehawg said:

Read and listen to Ruby herself. December 2020. Police present and she volunteered to speak with Harold Floyd and Trevian Kutti, two co-defendants in the Georgia indictment.

This should be required reading. And common sense tells you this happened in more places
Granted, as a retired attorney, her answers lack what I would want for clarity and precision on what was done and witnessed by her on a linear timeline. But with a witness like that, you wouldn't be able to get that type of focus.

The important points she volunteered that stood out:
A) those black boxes of ballots under the tables, she placed them there after they were counted the first time, zip tied and sealed;

B) After nearly everyone else had left, Ralph Jones came to Ruby and Shaye telling them "the count was too low" and directed them to keep counting, so those same boxes were pulled back out, eal and ties cut, and they were counted again. And if the count was too low, it would explain why they scanned the same batches several times each;

C) the sheer volume of times she used the word "fraud" with no prompting nor suggestion;

D) According to her, that the FBI told her to delete her social media posts.George Papadopoulus was charged with shutting down his Facebook account, yet the FBI instructed her to destroy evidence? What she didn't say was that all of her electronic devices were seized by the FBI, which they would have been if they were actually investigating;

E) Contrary to the media narratives that Ruby and Shaye were passing a box of Tic-Tacs, she admits they were USB drives, and she expressed great concern that she needed a lawyer because of the USB drives.

There was no witness intimidation by Harold Floyd nor Trevian Kutti and the conversation between the observing officer and his supervisor caught on the audio of the body cam confirm that.
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I believe that poll workers are highly motivated about elections and are absolutely an insider threat. I cannot judge workers from various states, but there is no doubt that it is a risk.

Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Signel said:

I believe that poll workers are highly motivated about elections and are absolutely an insider threat. I cannot judge workers from various states, but there is no doubt that it is a risk.

So you're going to volunteer and become a poll worker, right?
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Not Coach Jimbo said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.


Why do people struggle so much with understanding the findings of the courts?

Just because Trump/Rudy didn't PROOVE that something happened in a court doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

I cant proove that over half the US government is guilty of insider trading, that doesn't mean they are all 100% legit.

Just a bunch of gullible puppets.

why do people struggle so much with understanding when TRUMP'S OWN ADVISORS admit the election was won by Biden?!

They are LITERALLY admitting that Biden won:

Richard Donoghue, who served as principal associate deputy attorney general and then as acting deputy attorney general, also testified that claims of major fraud were untrue

and that he told Trump directly: "I said something to the effect of, 'Sir, we've done dozens of investigations, hundreds of interviews."

"The major allegations are not supported by the evidence developed. We've looked at Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada. We're doing our job. Much of the info you're getting is false.'"

Jeffrey Rosen, who served as deputy attorney general and then briefly, after Barr's resignation in December 2020, as acting attorney general, said that when Trump would cite a supposed election impropriety, claiming that "people are telling me this" or "I heard this" or "I saw on television," they could correct him:

"We were in a position to say, 'Our people already looked at that. And we know that you're getting bad information. That's that's not correct. It's been demonstrated to be incorrect from our point of view. It's been debunked."

Trump's Own Attorney Generals Told Him He Lost the Election
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LMCane said:

Not Coach Jimbo said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.


Why do people struggle so much with understanding the findings of the courts?

Just because Trump/Rudy didn't PROOVE that something happened in a court doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

I cant proove that over half the US government is guilty of insider trading, that doesn't mean they are all 100% legit.

Just a bunch of gullible puppets.

why do people struggle so much with understanding when TRUMP'S OWN ADVISORS admit the election was won by Biden?!

They are LITERALLY admitting that Biden won:

Richard Donoghue, who served as principal associate deputy attorney general and then as acting deputy attorney general, also testified that claims of major fraud were untrue

and that he told Trump directly: "I said something to the effect of, 'Sir, we've done dozens of investigations, hundreds of interviews."

"The major allegations are not supported by the evidence developed. We've looked at Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada. We're doing our job. Much of the info you're getting is false.'"

Jeffrey Rosen, who served as deputy attorney general and then briefly, after Barr's resignation in December 2020, as acting attorney general, said that when Trump would cite a supposed election impropriety, claiming that "people are telling me this" or "I heard this" or "I saw on television," they could correct him:

"We were in a position to say, 'Our people already looked at that. And we know that you're getting bad information. That's that's not correct. It's been demonstrated to be incorrect from our point of view. It's been debunked."

Trump's Own Attorney Generals Told Him He Lost the Election
Because we know they were lying? No investigations actually happened? And when actual election workers tried to raise their concerns about what they were seeing they were fired, or doxed with their children being threatend? Like Monica Palmer who refused to certify the election results in Wayne County Michigan because the numbers were not adding up and matching after repeated tries...until her children's names and schools were posted on social media?

And Barr was lying through his teeth. He instructed his US Attorneys to stand down and not investigate. But hey, now the left loves him and he's back on the DC cocktail circuit, so that's a better thing for the country, right?
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Robert L. Peters said:

If he did this, he should be criminally prosecuted.

oh no
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so that's a better thing for the country, right?
it is if you hate America and everything it used to represent as well as half of its inhabitants and are passionate about having a permanent government regime instead of a democracy where the people choose who leads and represents them through fair and transparent elections.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.

No, I don't believe them. Evidence is needed instead of just accusations.
one post above this there is a link from aggiehawg's post with direct video evidence
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In my view, the real turning point was in 2004, when the dirty unwashed people in their pajamas in their basement, as described by the media, shredded Dan Rather's W.'s National Guard story within 24 hours.

Dubbed the "Pajamahadeen" as a pejorative was taken by those doing citizen journalism as a mantle of honor.

Any "advisor" to a President that only reads the New York Times, WaPo and the WSJ to get their "facts" are not worthy of trust in that their opinion is well informed.

To be clear, I am not referring to Qanon, reddit stuff. I am referring to seasoned journalists such as Solomon and Atkisson who have been forced out of mainstream journalism into alternative media doing podcasts, posts on substack and the like. Even Alan Dershowiz has been shunned and relegated to alternative media.

Now before some poster says that alternative media make mistakes, don't always have their facts fully developed, I ask, who has the better track record at this point? The Dan Rather's of MSM? Or the Pajamahadeen?
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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So his lawyers are lying?
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Signel said:

I believe that poll workers are highly motivated about elections and are absolutely an insider threat. I cannot judge workers from various states, but there is no doubt that it is a risk.

So you're going to volunteer and become a poll worker, right?
No.. one step better. I work to stop them, and many other threats.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Signel said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Signel said:

I believe that poll workers are highly motivated about elections and are absolutely an insider threat. I cannot judge workers from various states, but there is no doubt that it is a risk.

So you're going to volunteer and become a poll worker, right?
No.. one step better. I work to stop them, and many other threats.
Stop an election? Or please clarify.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

So his lawyers are lying?
Mostly just uninformed if all they look at is the Times, WaPo and the WSL. Those used to be reliable sources. Now they are collectively bird cage lining. Their reporters just sit and wait for some government employee to call them with a leak for them to run with. They seldom corroborate it before publication, or if they do, it jus other "anonymous sources" who may be real or not.

Take Hunter Biden's laptop story that was dropped right before the 2020 election. New York Post had that story down cold. But what did the Times, WaPo and the WSJ say about it? It was Russian disinformation. They pooh-poohed it immediately. Did not even check it at all other than maybe a phone call to their favorite government shill source who of course said it was Russian disinformation.

And when is the last time a reporter schlepped their way over to the National Archives to do their own research? After Sandy Berger was stuffing documents down his pants, that is.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Huh? The lawyers are lying about investigating the fraud claims?
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Barnyard96 said:

Do you believe absentee ballots could arrive in sequential order?
This is it.

But on leftist sites I am sure it's all about "we got him this time!!!!" This weekend.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Huh? The lawyers are lying about investigating the fraud claims?
Yes. Barr was lying and they believed him without asking any specific questions about issues withiin any specific states.

Another example. Ruby Freeman's own social media posts about her going into "work" as an election worker, with her cell phone, filming in the back rooms with boxes and boxes of absentee ballots, still be to be counted. And then the surveillance video of her and her daughter in counting center scanning the same batches of ballots over and over.

By December 20, 2020 when she spoke with Harold Floyd and Trevian Kutti, she said she had spoken with the FBI but they asked her no questions, just told her to delete her social media posts. They did not take her cell phone or her electronic devices. That's not an FBI investigation, that is destruction of evidence and a cover-up.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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So scanning the ballots more than once means they are counted more than once?
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CoppellAg93 said:

etxag02 said:

Zombie Lie that can only be believed if you want to believe the grift as it has been addressed so many times -- 170,000 absentee votes from the city of Milwaukee were tallied at once and they mostly went for Biden because Trump told his supporters to vote in-person, so most did.

AND, for the diehards, the counting of those ballots was live-streamed on youtube.
Thousands of ballots came in at once that were 100% for Biden - experts said that is statistically impossible.
Well then, guess what? That didn't happen. They were only tallied all at once and Trump received about 12% of the vote.
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joeyoung92 said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.

Sure Jan, Biden got 81 Million votes by sitting in his basement, coronavirus was caused by bats, and masks stop the spread of the rona...
And the jab was safe, free, and effective, right? Right?
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And a leaky urinal meant they had to kick out all the GOP observers and then restart counting.
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LMCane said:

Not Coach Jimbo said:

Opalka said:

Did you believe Rudy and Trump when they were claiming that these two poll workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, were stealing votes in Georgia? They were innocent, received death threats and their lives ruined because of Rudy and Trump. Just another example of false claims of voter fraud, that NEVER HAPPENED. But many of you still believe it anyhow.


Why do people struggle so much with understanding the findings of the courts?

Just because Trump/Rudy didn't PROOVE that something happened in a court doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

I cant proove that over half the US government is guilty of insider trading, that doesn't mean they are all 100% legit.

Just a bunch of gullible puppets.

why do people struggle so much with understanding when TRUMP'S OWN ADVISORS admit the election was won by Biden?!

They are LITERALLY admitting that Biden won:

Richard Donoghue, who served as principal associate deputy attorney general and then as acting deputy attorney general, also testified that claims of major fraud were untrue

and that he told Trump directly: "I said something to the effect of, 'Sir, we've done dozens of investigations, hundreds of interviews."

"The major allegations are not supported by the evidence developed. We've looked at Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada. We're doing our job. Much of the info you're getting is false.'"

Jeffrey Rosen, who served as deputy attorney general and then briefly, after Barr's resignation in December 2020, as acting attorney general, said that when Trump would cite a supposed election impropriety, claiming that "people are telling me this" or "I heard this" or "I saw on television," they could correct him:

"We were in a position to say, 'Our people already looked at that. And we know that you're getting bad information. That's that's not correct. It's been demonstrated to be incorrect from our point of view. It's been debunked."

Trump's Own Attorney Generals Told Him He Lost the Election

Your true colors always come out. How's working inside the beltway?
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People don't like admitting they put their money on a losing horse.

Multiple things can be right at once:

-Biden is a terrible president
-He would not have won without COVID and mail-in ballots/ballot harvesting
-Trump's campaign staff hilariously bungled any chance of a legitimate election case being put forth
-Giuliani effed up and lied
-A lot of the Stop the Steal nonsense has been a giant grift and fundraising scheme
oh no
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BoydCrowder13 said:

People don't like admitting they put their money on a losing horse.

Multiple things can be right at once:

-Biden is a terrible president
-He would not have won without COVID and mail-in ballots/ballot harvesting
-Trump's campaigned staff hilariously bungled any chance of a legitimate election case being put forth
-Giuliani effed up and lied
-A lot of the Stop the Steal nonsense has been a giant grift and fundraising scheme
yeah, but those first two bullet points may end the republic
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oh no said:

BoydCrowder13 said:

People don't like admitting they put their money on a losing horse.

Multiple things can be right at once:

-Biden is a terrible president
-He would not have won without COVID and mail-in ballots/ballot harvesting
-Trump's campaigned staff hilariously bungled any chance of a legitimate election case being put forth
-Giuliani effed up and lied
-A lot of the Stop the Steal nonsense has been a giant grift and fundraising scheme
yeah, but those first two bullet points may end the republic

Bullet point 3 didn't help. That's why I wish Trump could put a competent team around him.
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I wish Trump could put a competent team around him.
LOL, I don't believe you.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

So scanning the ballots more than once means they are counted more than once?
Yes, UNLESS the machines are cleared and reset between the scanning of the batches. We saw that in the Detroit counting center. There would be a batch scanning through, then it would jam on a ballot within the batch. Procedure called for taking the ballots that were scanned successfuly, separating them out as counted and then scanning the rest. If the same batch in toto was to be rescanned, the machine needed to be reset to clear the last batch scanned before starting to rescan the same batch.

A Dominion contractor observed the improper procedure and went to her supervisor and advised the workers were screwing up by not clearing the previos batch count. He replied that Dominion wasn't there to tell them how to conduct their elections. Translation: we won't correct their blatantly serious errors that contaminate an actual accurate count..

Despite all of the money sloshing around the 2020 election, training the actual workers how to work with the machines and do their jobs correctly, was very low on the priority list.

Believe me, when I started to looking into the 2020 election and how all of these electronic voting machines work and interface both with voters and election personnel, I had a crash course in learnign far more than I ever wanted to know. To my mind, they should have been more like a vending machine, put your money in, make your selection and that gets counted.

But that is not the way it works. Imagine you get a receipt for your vending machine selection and it said you ordered Funyuns when you selected Cheetos. What's up with that? Was the vending machine misloaded where the Cheetos and Funyuns were switched in where they were located? That seems a logical explanation.

Now imagine your receipt simply has an unreadable QR Code on it designating your selection? How would you know? And make no mistake it is the QR Code that the scanners read, not bubbled in ovals, generated by the BMDs.

The entire process has been crafted to be so complicated and convoluted that even the highest on the election surpervisor scale do not fully understand it.
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