Rudy gets smacked by Federal Court in D.C.

11,502 Views | 114 Replies | Last: 6 mo ago by TikkaShooter
unmade bed
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BMX Bandit said:

mjschiller said:

This is what occurs in marxist countries. Satan and his minions always win.

What a happens in non-Marxist counties when a person is sued for defaming another, admits for litigation purposes to the statements being defamatory, and refuses to participate in the discovery process of the litigation on said defamation?

Satan and his minions lose, duh.
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unmade bed said:

aggiehawg said:


Ruby Freeman and her daughters expensive attorney didn't need Giuliani to disclose his net worth in order to prove Guliani's statements were false and defamatory, because Giuliani and his expensive attorneys actually stipulated to the court that they were.
Not exactly. There is a legal term of art, "arguendo", meaning for the sake of argument. That is not an admission in a legal pleading, it is posed as a hypothetical.

Oh good, you're here to white knight for Rudy. Could you share with the class what possible legal strategy Rudy was implementing here by stipulating for purposes of the litigation that his statements were false and defamatory, and then defaulting?

Rudy just want to prove no matter how stupid his actions are, no matter how dumb the decisions he makes, he will always have groupies and flunkies who will protect his name to their death while he wouldn't spit on them if they were on fire.
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Rudy stipulated all of the elements of defamation, but reserved the right to assert his statements were constitutionally protected. He also reserved the right to contest causation, i.e., that his statements didn't damage the Plaintiffs. Statute of limitations too.

His failure to produce discovery wiped away all those defenses. The trial will just be the Plaintiffs stating how much they have been damaged. $$$$$$$

I hadn't read the stipulation until now. I don't see how that's arguendo at all. Arguendo is I had the green light, not plaintiff, but even assuming, arguendo, that I was at fault at the stoplight, Plaintiff's arm was broken after the accident in a fight he had with a 3rd party, so I am not liable for the broken arm.

Rudy's stip is for this lawsuit only, I admit I red light and caused the accident. Arguendo is not an admission. Rudy's is an admission he did it.
Hungry Ojos
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It's so funny watching your little trousers bulge over Rudy's "ZOMG, SUPER CEREAL" legal issues. But here's the reality. Do you want to know why Rudy is ignoring this, blowing it off and laughing at partisans like you? It's because he doesn't care about this rinky dink nonsense. He is never going to pay either one of these idiots a single penny and his life will go forward as it's always done. People like you will cope and seethe when you finally realize that he's going to walk right through this with nary a scratch.
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Hungry Ojos said:

It's so funny watching your little trousers bulge over Rudy's "ZOMG, SUPER CEREAL" legal issues. But here's the reality. Do you want to know why Rudy is ignoring this, blowing it off and laughing at partisans like you? It's because he doesn't care about this rinky dink nonsense. He is never going to pay either one of these idiots a single penny and his life will go forward as it's always done. People like you will cope and seethe when you finally realize that he's going to walk right through this with nary a scratch.
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And if I remember correctly, the judge came after Rudy when he first filed this "admission with reservations" and the judge asked him to clarify wtf he was asking the court to do, because the judge wasn't going to allow him to do that. He then removed most of the reservations (preserved some for appeal), and then there was nothing left for the court to do because he admitted that the statements were defamatory.
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Quick point of clarification because of the twitter blowhards. Is he being held responsible for not providing the hardware the feds have refused to return despite court orders to do so, or is that just twitter bullcrap?

Stuff has gotten so crazy I'm having trouble figuring out trolls and truths when it comes to what courts are doing these days.
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It's partly that, but it's really because he's refused to participate in discovery AT ALL. He's going with the Alex Jones defense here. We'll see how that works for him.
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Hungry Ojos said:

It's so funny watching your little trousers bulge over Rudy's "ZOMG, SUPER CEREAL" legal issues. But here's the reality. Do you want to know why Rudy is ignoring this, blowing it off and laughing at partisans like you? It's because he doesn't care about this rinky dink nonsense. He is never going to pay either one of these idiots a single penny and his life will go forward as it's always done. People like you will cope and seethe when you finally realize that he's going to walk right through this with nary a scratch.
What evidence do you have for any of those guesses?
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Icecream_Ag said:

Quick point of clarification because of the twitter blowhards. Is he being held responsible for not providing the hardware the feds have refused to return despite court orders to do so, or is that just twitter bullcrap?

Stuff has gotten so crazy I'm having trouble figuring out trolls and truths when it comes to what courts are doing these days.
bro this is a totally DIFFERENT case

you are talking about his criminal indictments

this thread is about the CIVIL case he just lost
Hungry Ojos
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LMCane said:

Hungry Ojos said:

It's so funny watching your little trousers bulge over Rudy's "ZOMG, SUPER CEREAL" legal issues. But here's the reality. Do you want to know why Rudy is ignoring this, blowing it off and laughing at partisans like you? It's because he doesn't care about this rinky dink nonsense. He is never going to pay either one of these idiots a single penny and his life will go forward as it's always done. People like you will cope and seethe when you finally realize that he's going to walk right through this with nary a scratch.
What evidence do you have for any of those guesses?

Just a general understanding of meritless, civil suits.
unmade bed
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Hungry Ojos said:

LMCane said:

Hungry Ojos said:

It's so funny watching your little trousers bulge over Rudy's "ZOMG, SUPER CEREAL" legal issues. But here's the reality. Do you want to know why Rudy is ignoring this, blowing it off and laughing at partisans like you? It's because he doesn't care about this rinky dink nonsense. He is never going to pay either one of these idiots a single penny and his life will go forward as it's always done. People like you will cope and seethe when you finally realize that he's going to walk right through this with nary a scratch.
What evidence do you have for any of those guesses?

Just a general understanding of meritless, civil suits.

HungryOjos doesn't often get served with meritless, civil suits, but when he does he files pleadings stipulating to things that undercut any of his defenses and then defaults.
Hungry Ojos
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If I had no worry or concern about the Plaintiff EVER collecting a single penny from me, that's probably exactly what I'd do. Rather than spend a ton of money on a defense that is going to get ignored by a partisan court with a partisan judge/jury in a case where I have no chance of fairness, go ahead and give them a big number written on a piece of paper up front. Because that's all it's ever going to be worth.
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He may be able to evade a judgement, but he won't be able to evade sanctions.
Im Gipper
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If he is not worried about a judgment against himself, why not just agree to a judgment amount? Will save him the attorneys fees he will be spending on a trial.

I'm Gipper
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Hungry Ojos said:

If I had no worry or concern about the Plaintiff EVER collecting a single penny from me, that's probably exactly what I'd do. Rather than spend a ton of money on a defense that is going to get ignored by a partisan court with a partisan judge/jury in a case where I have no chance of fairness, go ahead and give them a big number written on a piece of paper up front. Because that's all it's ever going to be worth.
You sound like this dude I got a summary judgement against for $30k. "I'll never pay you a dime!" He forgot he had given my client his checking and savings account #s. I didn't even have to do post-judgment discovery.

He goes to the bank one day and, "hey! Why is my savings account down $30k?!!!!!" "Garnishment? What the hell is a garnishment?"

Also, as I said, good luck bankrupting on punitive damages.
Hungry Ojos
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$30k you say????

Well aren't you the modern day Racehorse Haynes.

Just insufferable.
Im Gipper
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Hungry Ojos said:

$30k you say????

Well aren't you the modern day Racehorse Haynes.

Just insufferable.

I'm Gipper
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Hungry Ojos said:

$30k you say????

Well aren't you the modern day Racehorse Haynes.

Just insufferable.
It was a guy running a clothing store in rural Georgia back in the early 2000s. I was shocked he had that much money in his account.

I know $30k is nothing to you Rockefeller but I can assure you he felt that.
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Im Gipper
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Bold strategy by Rudy here.

I'm Gipper
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Im Gipper said:

Bold strategy by Rudy here.

This Ruby Freeman and her daughter?

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Rudy should choose to comply with court rules and orders regardless of the opposing party

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I think he should move to compel arbitration with Judge Judy and the People's Court.
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I dont know/care about the case in general, like all politicians he's scum....

It is interesting how many celebrities of late, major and minor, seem to have decided the rules of the court and discovery don't apply, or that they're not going to do it...because. It's not and R or D thing, although I'd argue Alex Jones has probably been the most hilarious example, but you have to wonder is it entitlement, or are they afraid of what discovery might bring.
Sq 17
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Ags77 said:

SockStilkings said:

Ags77 said:

Rudy is undoubtedly one of the most tragic falls from grace in our lifetimes. He was such a good Mayor .

He has become a sad, broken, delusional man.

He lost his family,

his fortune, and worst of all his reputation.

It's sad. Not to be celebrated but more of a warning that it can happen. Life is just a series of choices.

His family is not a set of car keys
Iirc Rudy couldn't keep it in his pants
I would not call it tragic because that implies tragic hero
Rudy is literally the personification of
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GeorgiAg said:

Yikes, this jury instruction is going to be damning. That jury is going to murder him. Seriously, what is he thinking? Has he just given up? It's sad, really.

Every thing Trump touches dies.

Except for America. It came to life when Trump touched it. Only to be killed again by Biden.
Robert L. Peters
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From one of the most respected public servants and attorneys to goob. Shameful. Trump had to have pictures of him.
What you say, Paper Champion? I'm gonna beat you like a dog, a dog, you hear me!
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Robert L. Peters said:

From one of the most respected public servants and attorneys to goob. Shameful. Trump had to have pictures of him.

Giuliani accused of groping Mark Meadow's senior Aide

More Things Giuliani can pretend to "ignore"

it's hard to keep track of how many trials Rudy is involved in right now. I think it's two criminal and two civil

and he has no money.
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Robert L. Peters said:

From one of the most respected public servants and attorneys to goob. Shameful. Trump had to have pictures of him.

I watched Bush's speech to Congress after 9/11 the other day for a research paper at work, where Rudy features prominently as a noted guest of the President. I thought the whole time "what happened to his dude?"

I know he was always a seedy fellow but at least he used to try to hide it.
Im Gipper
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The "not follow discovery rules and court orders" strategy may have been a mistake

Howell is a huge Lib, but man Rudy really left her with no choice here.

I'm Gipper
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Beryll Howell is one of those federal judges that has never and will never think her own s*** doesn't stink.

Horrible federal judge who rules solely on emotion and seldom the law. A perk of having a lifetime appointmemt and she cannot be removed, given the political environment. In fact, few federal judges have ever been inpeached and removed from office since Alcee Hastings was openly taking bribes.

Judiciary Committees of both the House and Senate should have a subcommittee that only focuses on federal judges and their decisions looking for bias and malfeasance. Target rich environment there.
Im Gipper
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Bad Jusge for sure, but when a party does what Rudy did here, any judge following the law would do the same as she did.

I assume he's broke and just doesn't care anymore.

I'm Gipper
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Im Gipper said:

Bad Jusge for sure, but when a party does what Rudy did here, any judge following the law would do the same as she did.

I assume he's broke and just doesn't care anymore.

He's already been disbarred. He's selling his NYC condo, I imagine bankruptcy would be in his future except he might have enough friends to prop him up just enough to pay for lodging, food and his alcoholism. All to say, I agree, it appears to me he just doesn't care anymore.
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Does it ever cross your mind that when you think pretty much every judge everywhere is doing it wrong, maybe it's not actually the judges that's wrong?
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