I stumbled upon the Energy board on Reddit and then I checked out the Climate Change board. Majority of people there have worked themselves into a state of despair and anxiety over climate. It's sad. There are a lot of posts from teenagers talking about being depressed about the future. WTF I didn't care about anything of that as a teenager. The primary advice they are given is to take comfort in that they are the educated ones and to make change locally instead of looking at the macro.
Then you have the anti-West posters who blame all climate on the unchecked emissions from the UK and USA historically. They dismiss China and India by saying per capita the West is higher and over course of history they've done most damage. A common theme is also the rich countries of the world need to pay for the damage to the poor countries especially Pakistan. Pakistan is a favorite.
There's also a lot of anti-Christian talk. Book of revelations is how the world ends and doesn't involve climate as the reason so they think that's why Christians aren't as worried about climate change and stupid.
And then you have the honest ones. One dude compared humans to deer saying hunters justify deer hunting by pointing to population control and government need to start controlling human population because perpetual economic growth and population growth isn't sustainable. Somebody posted about global poverty rate has been declining and living standards today are the best ever and it was being voted down. Scary.
When I was a teenager, I guess my biggest fear was a terrorist attack but I wasn't that concerned. Kids these days are scared of climate, school shootings, heavily medicated, can't decide if they want to be a boy or girl, and constantly comparing themselves on social media. The riot in NYC was an example, the people who are the future of the country are effed up.
Then you have the anti-West posters who blame all climate on the unchecked emissions from the UK and USA historically. They dismiss China and India by saying per capita the West is higher and over course of history they've done most damage. A common theme is also the rich countries of the world need to pay for the damage to the poor countries especially Pakistan. Pakistan is a favorite.
There's also a lot of anti-Christian talk. Book of revelations is how the world ends and doesn't involve climate as the reason so they think that's why Christians aren't as worried about climate change and stupid.
And then you have the honest ones. One dude compared humans to deer saying hunters justify deer hunting by pointing to population control and government need to start controlling human population because perpetual economic growth and population growth isn't sustainable. Somebody posted about global poverty rate has been declining and living standards today are the best ever and it was being voted down. Scary.
When I was a teenager, I guess my biggest fear was a terrorist attack but I wasn't that concerned. Kids these days are scared of climate, school shootings, heavily medicated, can't decide if they want to be a boy or girl, and constantly comparing themselves on social media. The riot in NYC was an example, the people who are the future of the country are effed up.