Mostly it will be junked by SCOTUS but the citizens of that state will be unlawfully oppressed for several years until it gets to the court.
It should not take that long. We need fast tracks to SCOTUS where any of the Justices can bring a new state law or federal law to the court and at least place an injunction on enforcement until it can be ruled on.MouthBQ98 said:
Mostly it will be junked by SCOTUS but the citizens of that state will be unlawfully oppressed for several years until it gets to the court.
Eso si, Que es said:
Is stay puft marshmallow man considered human?
Gilligan said:
Only impacts law abiding citizens.
The only impact to the criminal is it's makes their job easier.
The Left has finally cracked the code on gun violence, just like they did for discrimination by tearing down statues of founding fathers.C@LAg said:
The bill also cracks down on firearm-adjacent areas including banning targets with human silhouettes at ranges...
P.U.T.U said:
The military did a study after Vietnam and found out the hit rates in enemy targets went up with human shaped targets