OFFICIAL ****Donald Trump versus Ron DeSantis*** thread...

463,646 Views | 9101 Replies | Last: 4 mo ago by BD88
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Tibbers said:

aggie93 said:

Tibbers said:

aggie93 said:

Florida rapidly approaching a reversal of 1 million voters from Blue to Red since DeSantis was elected.

You can thank folks like Scott Pressler for that.
I mean Scott Pressler is great but he certainly isn't responsible for Florida turning Dark Red. This is troll level posting.

DeSantis has a highly organized ground game in Florida and has been working to flip the registrations in every county since the beginning. He has 4 left. He has methodically worked his organization and made Florida into the model for success. Pressler isn't even really focused on Florida because it isn't a Swing State anymore. He works really hard but he simply doesn't have the resources behind him to be terribly effective because McDaniel won't support him. Dhillon (who DeSantis endorsed) wanted to fund the hell out of him but that ship sailed.
What a crock of ***** "He simply doesn't have the resources behind him..."

Yeah right dude. Give him his credit. Don't try to steal his thunder because your guy benefited from his hard work. That's despicable. While McDaniel didn't support him, he still got it done, and you go around touting that Desantis did it all on his own? Pathetic.
So your evidence is rando not even blue checked Twitter poster? Pressler does great work but no, he is not responsible for nearly a million people in Florida flipping from Blue to Red since 2018 over DeSantis. People flipped because he is the most effective Governor in my lifetime and he has a highly organized ground campaign that goes 365 days a year in that state. He runs it like a machine and with brutal effectiveness. Has Pressler come to Florida and done some work as well? Sure, DeSantis is happy to take help from him or those like him. That said to insinuate that Pressler is the real reason Florida has gone Deep Red is lunacy and easily disproven because he has spent far more time in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and other Swing States and not had anywhere close to the same type of success.

Both DeSantis and Pressler do believe in similar things but DeSantis is the one who has put the effort and resources behind it to make it happen. He also has shown people that conservative governance works which is of course the most important thing.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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FL_Ag1998 said:

DD88 said:

aggiehawg said:

DD88 said:

aggiehawg said:


It's all relative. If you don't know what DeSantis means here, then wait until Trump wins the nomination. The media coverage and criminal prosecutions will be scaled up by orders of magnitude.
Why are you soo happy about that? Why are you so passive about out criminal justice system being used to manipulate federal elections? And no one cares? Except me, I guess.

Forget Trump. This is about principles and our country. Worship DeSantis all you want but they will be coming for him next.They sued Palin out of office. They will do the same to DeSantis just because his supporters are the ones who have zero clue on how the past MSM primary loved for GOP noms, turns which they get the nom.

Only now, it will not be ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC. It will be DOJ. Be careful what you are asking for here. This is a precedent being set.

The bogus indictments are pure election interference. Anyone can see they have a clear effect in the Trumps poll numbers shooting up after the 1st indictment on 3/30 in the chart BD88 loves to post. They will likely have a negative effect in the general election. I hate that the Democrats played that card, but it seems to be working as planned.

Yes, any Republican nominee will be attacked, but if Trump is the nominee, the election will no longer be about Biden and liberal's mismanagement of our nation's economy, foreign policy, and woke agenda but it will be about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.
That is not the right answer either. You want to allow that strategy to be used against every GOP candidate going forward. Why?
That Banana Republic strategy should never be used, but the way to beat it is not to play along with it and let the Democrats dictate your choice. The way to beat it is to elect someone who can win and will actually make real progress in draining the swamp with proven effective governance and better appointments than someone like Christopher Wray.

You're 100% dead on, but you're not gonna convince Hawg of anything because she's a Trump supporter using the lawsuits as cover for her support of trump.
Guess your reading comprehension is lacking as I have repeatedly said that I wish Trump was not running and then ruefully saying that the indictments and lawsuits were putting him in a position wherein he could not quit because of the extremely bad precedent it would set. Wanted Trump to debate but understand his reasoning
for why he hasn't. I don't agree with him but he didn't ask me.

I spent most of the summer and early fall defending DeSantis' actions with respect to Disney and Reedy Creek. DeSantis and the Florida legislature were correct on the law.

In 2016, I was given untold amounts of grief because I was not jumping on the Trump Train soon enough. I am usually a late decider when it comes to primaries because it is hard to predict who will gain momentum with a good campaign structure and who will flame out before the primaries even start and then how Iowa, NH and SC go.

I don't pay slavish attention to the early polling, instead watching the money and where it is coming from for the campaigns.

And after what happened during the 2020 election, I am also watching which states have made meaningful changes and which have not. Because those issues will have a large effect upon the outcome of the elections in those same states that performed very poorly in the execution of their electoral responsibilities.

Not the ride or die type, as you are with DeSantis. I am more analytical about trends and slippery slopes.
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Tibbers said:

aggie93 said:

Tibbers said:

Wow. Pot meet kettle.
The thing I love about this post is you literally chastised me a few days ago for posting a DeSantis response on a Vivek thread and you told me I should go back here. Since then you have posted multiple Vivek posts that don't have anything to do with responding to anything, just posting about your guy. So what is it to be? I did as you asked and yet you almost immediately came to this thread to post about Vivek. Or does that rule only apply to DeSantis supporters and you can do whatever you want?

As for the comment it is about the campaign folks not people here, though I make detailed points and have said positive things about both Vivek and Trump pretty regularly. Johnny Maga is emblematic of that. He's not interested in rational conversation and constantly throw out things to deflect from what Trump is doing or saying.
Actually you didn't. You were on there just yesterday arguing about the semantics of him saying his parents came to America with no money. It was literally yesterday hence my comment. Your postings are the definition of propaganda. You've even admitted here that once this little Desantis torch carry is over, you're riding off in the sunset. Enough with your little faux outrage tantrum. You are what you are. At least own up to it, you and your merry band of Desantis supporters.
literally no one on this thread derails every single post more than you do.

it's a TRUMP VERSUS DESANTIS thread and you never actually post about that.

stay on topic or start your own threads that no one cares about.
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Tibbers said:

My comments were about "it's all about gaslighting all the time" and lack of rational conversation. Your blabbering about what Vivek REALLY meant when he said his parents had no money is the point of my comment. Own up to it. You post nearly on the daily clips from Trump's speeches taken completely out of context to paint his words in whatever direction you wish. You are no better than the CNN reporter Vivek chopped down the other day. You want to talk about gaslighting? You do it practically every day, but not about Desantis. You are a propagandist in my mind.
Sorry I took Vivek saying his parents had "No money" to mean his parents had "no money". I suppose I should give him the benefit of the doubt on everything. Kind of like how he was a broke college student needing the scholarship even though he made millions selling his startup the same year.

I'm just dealing in facts. You don't like some of those facts and want to excuse them and that's fine but they are still facts. Trump also says lots of dumb things, always has. He just says more of them now. The Bagram comment was idiotic and the only thing dumber is people trying to defend it. He clearly was off teleprompter and rambling but when you are President people take your words seriously. Trump has always had that problem understanding that. I bring up DeSantis because he doesn't have that problem. He's very precise in what he says and thinks through the consequences of his statements.

To me Vivek is a smart guy with some great ideas but many aren't thought through. His criticism of the Disney situation was one. His "I'm going to fire everyone with an odd SS Number" thing is another. He needs experience in understanding how things work and how to reform them, you can't just wave a magic wand no matter how great it sounds.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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Trump got crushed in Texas in '16.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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I thought it was kind of funny playing up his gaffes to be like Biden (and he's nowhere near his level), but it's honestly getting worse.
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BigBrother said:

I thought it was kind of funny playing up his gaffes to be like Biden (and he's nowhere near his level), but it's honestly getting worse.
Biden is 3 years older than Trump. If you don't think Trump is going to decline significantly, especially if he goes through the election, wins, and then is President again with all of the responsibilities of the office, then I don't know what to tell you. Getting old sucks and at that age it is especially unforgiving. You can't beat time.
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
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aggie93 said:

BigBrother said:

I thought it was kind of funny playing up his gaffes to be like Biden (and he's nowhere near his level), but it's honestly getting worse.
Biden is 3 years older than Trump. If you don't think Trump is going to decline significantly, especially if he goes through the election, wins, and then is President again with all of the responsibilities of the office, then I don't know what to tell you. Getting old sucks and at that age it is especially unforgiving. You can't beat time.
Remember, Trump's father had Alzheimer's disease as well. This could be the start of it.
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TRM said:

aggie93 said:

BigBrother said:

I thought it was kind of funny playing up his gaffes to be like Biden (and he's nowhere near his level), but it's honestly getting worse.
Biden is 3 years older than Trump. If you don't think Trump is going to decline significantly, especially if he goes through the election, wins, and then is President again with all of the responsibilities of the office, then I don't know what to tell you. Getting old sucks and at that age it is especially unforgiving. You can't beat time.
Remember, Trump's father had Alzheimer's disease as well. This could be the start of it.

Anyone that has cared for a dementia patient can see the signs.

I don't wish that on anyone, even Trump.
Old May Banker
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BigRobSA said:

TRM said:

aggie93 said:

BigBrother said:

I thought it was kind of funny playing up his gaffes to be like Biden (and he's nowhere near his level), but it's honestly getting worse.
Biden is 3 years older than Trump. If you don't think Trump is going to decline significantly, especially if he goes through the election, wins, and then is President again with all of the responsibilities of the office, then I don't know what to tell you. Getting old sucks and at that age it is especially unforgiving. You can't beat time.
Remember, Trump's father had Alzheimer's disease as well. This could be the start of it.

Anyone that has cared for a dementia patient can see the signs.

I don't wish that on anyone, even Trump.

Time and age remain undefeated.
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I bet the majority of Desantis backers work directly for the government and the others, their companies depend on government contracts.

But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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PA24 said:

I bet the majority of Desantis backers work directly for the government and the others, their companies depend on government contracts.

Yes, because DeSantis folks are so pro government. WTF?
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
Tanya 93
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PA24 said:

I bet the majority of Desantis backers work directly for the government and the others, their companies depend on government contracts.

Why do you think that and would you admit you are wrong if it is proven it is just a made up tale because Trump is owed the WH and he is getting in the way of what DJT so righteously (at least in his mind and in the minds of the Trump Devotion Syndrome followers) deserves?
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Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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You're not even a good troll at this point.

And we all remember you once posted you didn't like Trump and wouldn't even vote if he was the nominee.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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PA24 said:

I bet the majority of Desantis backers work directly for the government and the others, their companies depend on government contracts.

I am so curious as to the thought process that led to this conclusion...

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PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

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LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.
But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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I didn't realize how much larger DeSantis's IA operation is than Cruz's was.

Ag with kids
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Tanya 93 said:

PA24 said:

I bet the majority of Desantis backers work directly for the government and the others, their companies depend on government contracts.

Why do you think that and would you admit you are wrong if it is proven it is just a made up tale because Trump is owed the WH and he is getting in the way of what DJT so righteously (at least in his mind and in the minds of the Trump Devotion Syndrome followers) deserves?

Forget it. He's trolling...
You can turn off signatures, btw
Ag with kids
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PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

You can turn off signatures, btw
Old May Banker
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He likely views that different than inheriting half a billion from daddy.
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PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Hey, you're a troll, but at least an honest one. Thank you for admitting that its simply about "beating DeSantis" more than anything else.
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PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

Other than the time he worked as a teacher in GA?
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Great way to unite the party.

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FL_Ag1998 said:

PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Hey, you're a troll, but at least an honest one. Thank you for admitting that its simply about "beating DeSantis" more than anything else.
Not exactly. DeSantis is not going to win, he is the flavor of the month on F16, but in rural America, not even an after thought. Still fun to watch his fan base, they may meltdown bigger than Clinton's fans did. Hope so!

Trump has my interest but let's see who he picks as his VP. My vote really doesn't matter, I live in a red state so will not put a lot of effort to go to the polls.
But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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akm91 said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

Other than the time he worked as a teacher in GA?

But, one thing is clear: there can be little debate that, among other things, the President's pressure exerted on Vice President Pence to violate his oath, and the false hope it sent to emotionally charged supporters, was wrong, troubling, and impeachable.
Liz should be commended, not condemned, for standing up in defense of the Constitution and standing true to herself
Chip Roy
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TRM said:

Great way to unite the party.

And the ultra-hardcore of MAGA (such as those on Free Republic) actually would do just that.

And Trump supporters wonder why so many people can't stand them, and can't stand Trump. It is because they tolerate, promote, and often agree with garbage like this.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
Ag with kids
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PA24 said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Hey, you're a troll, but at least an honest one. Thank you for admitting that its simply about "beating DeSantis" more than anything else.
Not exactly. DeSantis is not going to win, he is the flavor of the month on F16, but in rural America, not even an after thought. Still fun to watch his fan base, they may meltdown bigger than Clinton's fans did. Hope so!

Trump has my interest but let's see who he picks as his VP. My vote really doesn't matter, I live in a red state so will not put a lot of effort to go to the polls.
No. They won't melt down. Might be unhappy afterwards, but they're mentally stable so they'll get over it quickly.

MAGA on the other hand will go full Chernobyl after Trump loses...sorry - is CHEATED in 2024...
You can turn off signatures, btw
J. Walter Weatherman
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PA24 said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Hey, you're a troll, but at least an honest one. Thank you for admitting that its simply about "beating DeSantis" more than anything else.
Not exactly. DeSantis is not going to win, he is the flavor of the month on F16, but in rural America, not even an after thought. Still fun to watch his fan base, they may meltdown bigger than Clinton's fans did. Hope so!

Trump has my interest but let's see who he picks as his VP. My vote really doesn't matter, I live in a red state so will not put a lot of effort to go to the polls.

I think most of us expect Trump to win the primary, so I doubt there will be a meltdown. When Trump loses again, likely even worse this time, the I told you so's will be pretty fun though. Although I doubt many Trump fans will still be here though since most of them don't really follow politics outside of worshipping Trump.
The Banned
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PA24 said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Hey, you're a troll, but at least an honest one. Thank you for admitting that its simply about "beating DeSantis" more than anything else.
Not exactly. DeSantis is not going to win, he is the flavor of the month on F16, but in rural America, not even an after thought. Still fun to watch his fan base, they may meltdown bigger than Clinton's fans did. Hope so!

Trump has my interest but let's see who he picks as his VP. My vote really doesn't matter, I live in a red state so will not put a lot of effort to go to the polls.

It's fun to watch people get frustrated over the fact that the most effective republican in our lifetime won't win because people are obsessed with an 80 year old who just lost the last election? You have an odd sense of humor

ETA: the rural part is by far the most frustrating. My father (and men like him) have busted their ass to get where they are today. desantis has accomplished every single thing on his wish list. Desantis has decimated the democrat party in Florida. He is everything people should want. But for some reason he, and men like him, believe a billionaire born with a silver spoon in his mouth is the man who really "gets rural Americans". There is no getting past that level of emotional attachment.
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Rapier108 said:

TRM said:

Great way to unite the party.

And the ultra-hardcore of MAGA (such as those on Free Republic) actually would do just that.

And Trump supporters wonder why so many people can't stand them, and can't stand Trump. It is because they tolerate, promote, and often agree with garbage like this.
Has JimRob shut down the primary yet?
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PA24 said:

LMCane said:

PA24 said:

Nothing wrong with it, my wife is a state government worker.

Has Desantis held a job outside of working for the government?

you are such a witty guy- your jokes are hilarious!

and yes, I guess serving as an officer in the US Navy is "working for the government".

He was also a teacher, a Special Assistant to a US District Attorney (hilarious!) , an electrician's assistant and a coach at a baseball camp (again hilarious!), founded an LSAT prep test company, and wrote two books.

Not really, pointing out that most government workers can relate to Desantis more so than Trump.maybe why Trump leads the pack by double digits.

Not sure I am voting for Trump but definitely not voting for Desantis.

Most government workers aren't billionaires like Trump
Red Fishing Ag93
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Too much Twitter for some of you.
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