Bob Lee said:
Admiral Adama said:
Bob Lee said:
Admiral Adama said:
Bob Lee said:
Admiral Adama said:
We agree. Sex is an important part of marriage. And sex in most relationships is almost always not just about having a child. Acknowledging that adults have sex for pleasure and not just procreation does not diminish a marriage in any way.
Yes. It's not always JUST about having a child. But having children is unquestionably a purpose of sex, and it's an absolute impossibility for same sex couplings, which is how we all know (some of us pretend not to know), that homosexual relationships are Disordered by their very nature. Pleasure is a happy consequence of sex, but that isn't its purpose, and we should not think about pleasure as an end unto itself. That's the definition of hedonism.
Why shouldn't we think about pleasure as an end unto itself sometimes? If that's the only way we live our life, of course that's not meaningful , but you act like it's always some kind of frivolous and immoral act to enjoy something because it's fun. That seems like a really unpleasant way to go through life.
As long as our pursuit of pleasure doesn't involve things that are intrinsically evil or disordered, then fine.
I've been trying to keep this PG-13, but I'm going to play the we're all adults card and can maturely discuss sex. I think it's strains credulity to state that a straight married couple engaging in oral or anal sex is 'evil' or 'disordered'. Or that a postmenopausal woman or infertile couple having sex are acting out of bounds of God's intentions. That adults have sex for pleasure and do so in different ways does not make it inherently moral or immoral. And if it's not evil for a straight couple to have sex this way, I fail to see why we should call it evil for gay people to do the same thing.
When it comes to how we talk about different relationships with small children, I think it's totally fine to note that gay people exist, and if they sometimes get married and live together. Doing that is not an invitation discuss sodomy any more than showing a dinosaur mommy and daddy living together is an invitation to discuss sex straight sex.
Yeah, I think you're going to have to defend the premise. Everything you're saying rests on "disordered sex is fine". If you're a hedonist, then fine. Just say that.
I know it's crazy to think that not everyone thinks that all manner of pleasure is at least morally ambiguous, but not everyone does.
You're resting on a premise that 'disordered' sex is not fine, but you have an exactly given a reason for this. I'm not calling it fine or not fine. I'm calling it amoral, neither good nor bad.
You seem to be distrustful of pleasure, ipso facto. That any form of pleasure for its own sake, might result in hedonism. I don't think that we should be fearful that anytime we ride a roller coaster, eat a slice of cheesecake, or take a vacation to Hawaii, we are in danger of giving into our pleasure impulses and might be acting hedonistically and therefore sinfully.