Bella Ramsey from HBO's Last of Us - Gender Fluid

7,168 Views | 86 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by BigRobSA
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What happened to boycotting mainstream media?
Maroon Dawn
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Gender Fluid: "I want to be part of the trendy LGBT+ victim group even though I'm a perfectly normal person because it's basically required by Hollywood these days"
ThreatLevel: Midnight
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

ThreatLevel: Midnight said:

Bella Ramsey - I'm gender fluid

Admittedly a few years ago when my MIL was on a gin soaked tangent about concerns that in the future it would become the cool thing for kids to come out as gay/trans/gender fluid / etc. I thought she was wackadoo.
Boy/girl/spectrum have I ever come to eat that crow.
Every day I get more and more concerned about how to possibly shield/protect my young children from the outside influences that seemingly push harder and harder towards this.

Should we just start a running list of entertainment/hollywood/etc. types that have clarified their gender/sexuality/pronouns etc.?

If you hadn't posted this, I wouldn't have any idea. Nor do I care what she identifies as. Why not take that attitude?
I don't care either. My post is to lament the fact that anyone considers this 1) their business 2) newsworthy 3) and bemoan the continual onslaught that the general public (children specifically) are subjected to for moving the Overton window on this type of topic
Thanks & Gig 'Em
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I used to do some of my best work on Gin Soaked Tangents!
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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Why would you care if your kids are gay?
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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AirborneAg04 said:

This might be an unpopular opinion, but was Lyanna Mormont a kick ass character? I found her petulant, unrealistic, and irritating.

It was the worst kind of fan service in a show that had previously made its reputations on plausible behavior from its characters.

When I learned the actor had been cast as Ellie, that greatly diminished my enthusiasm for TLOU.

petulant unrealistic and irritating: I'll see your lyanna and raise you Sansa.

Fan service: I'll see your lyanna and raise you jon/Dany, arya/gendry, and everything about Jon Snow post stabbing
Tanya 93
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fredfredunderscorefred said:

Tanya 93 said:

I do wonder if sometimes youth think they are gender fluid because the girl likes football and fishing more than ballet, pink, and glitter.

Or a boy does like painting, sewing, and baking more than sports.

Perhaps we need to do a better job of letting our kids know it is okay to have interests other people don't

Most of us don't give a **** if a boy likes pink or a girl likes trucks. It's the insane looney left that sees that person and says "you are built wrong. You need a lot of surgery and injections etc". It's grosss. It's disgusting. This is "gay conversion therapy" on steroids. Anyone that supports any of if this nonsense in any manner is a sick sick individual. No surprise of course that the left bases all of this on sex. That is what they seem to care about the most.

Well, I have been told by posters with new names now that we are raising our son to be gay because we didn't force sports on him.

Maybe we should just stop gendering interests and kids don't feel like they are not a girl because they love baseball.

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frenchtoast said:

I would have paid more attention in math class if there had been gin soaked tangents.

As a current geometry teacher, I should note that you're more likely to find those gin soaked tangents in the teacher's lounge, as opposed to the classroom.
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She had to do this, otherwise she's just a normal white girl and we can't have that anymore. Everyone's got to be in a victim class of some sort.
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AirborneAg04 said:

This might be an unpopular opinion, but was Lyanna Mormont a kick ass character? I found her petulant, unrealistic, and irritating.

It was the worst kind of fan service in a show that had previously made its reputations on plausible behavior from its characters.

When I learned the actor had been cast as Ellie, that greatly diminished my enthusiasm for TLOU.

Her character had bigger balls than most of the males in GoT... maybe she's taking that a bit far now though...
Owner of Texian Firearms:
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TheEyeGuy said:

AirborneAg04 said:

This might be an unpopular opinion, but was Lyanna Mormont a kick ass character? I found her petulant, unrealistic, and irritating.

It was the worst kind of fan service in a show that had previously made its reputations on plausible behavior from its characters.

When I learned the actor had been cast as Ellie, that greatly diminished my enthusiasm for TLOU.

Her character had bigger balls than most of the males in GoT... maybe she's taking that a bit far now though...

I'm old enough to remember when Hollywood films featured men with balls.

With a few exceptions it is all thin-wristed betas now.

Yeah, I am looking at you, Rings Of Power.
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Squadron7 said:

TheEyeGuy said:

AirborneAg04 said:

This might be an unpopular opinion, but was Lyanna Mormont a kick ass character? I found her petulant, unrealistic, and irritating.

It was the worst kind of fan service in a show that had previously made its reputations on plausible behavior from its characters.

When I learned the actor had been cast as Ellie, that greatly diminished my enthusiasm for TLOU.

Her character had bigger balls than most of the males in GoT... maybe she's taking that a bit far now though...

I'm old enough to remember when Hollywood films featured men with balls.

With a few exceptions it is all thin-wristed betas now.

Yeah, I am looking at you, Rings Of Power.
You might think that Top Gun doing as well as it did might make some people go.... "Hmmmm...." But apparently not.
Owner of Texian Firearms:
Dealer in Firearms, Optics, Night Vision and other shooting accessories.
US importer/distributor of Rudolph Optics
Supporting bad financial decisions since 2015
Thaddeus Beauregard
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I don't like the clown world we find ourselves in now.

Libs are a cancer that F's up everything they touch. Everything that was once considered good and decent is now ridiculed. If you still adhere to traditional time honored values and the rule of law, correctly acknowledge there are only 2 genders and you are what your birth genitals say you are, don't believe there's nobility and honor in playing dress up and/or announcing to the world where you like to put your genitals, don't think a singular perceived racial misdeed on one side of the country justifies setting cities on fire on the the opposite side, don't like money wasted in ways that reduce the value of what you worked hard for, and just don't wish to be bombarded with stupid f'in shart, you're a racist bigot homophobic terrorist rube and a threat to democracy.
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Thaddeus Beauregard said:

I don't like the clown world we find ourselves in now.

Libs are a cancer that F's up everything they touch. Everything that was once considered good and decent is now ridiculed. If you still adhere to traditional time honored values and the rule of law, correctly acknowledge there are only 2 genders and you are what your birth genitals say you are, don't believe there's nobility and honor in playing dress up and/or announcing to the world where you like to put your genitals, don't think a singular perceived racial misdeed on one side of the country justifies setting cities on fire on the the opposite side, don't like money wasted in ways that reduce the value of what you worked hard for, and just don't wish to be bombarded with stupid f'in shart, you're a racist bigot homophobic terrorist rube and a threat to democracy.

The history of man is that every now and again the food runs out and societies find out they can't afford such nonsense.
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yeah I got out of high school only last year and it's shocking how many people (particularly girls) claim they're bisexual and then proceed to only date dudes.

I don't have anything against them (my sister is bi, but she actually dates chicks so she's valid) but it's a little worrying when you wonder where this is going.
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Tanya 93 said:

I do wonder if sometimes youth think they are gender fluid because the girl likes football and fishing more than ballet, pink, and glitter.

Or a boy does like painting, sewing, and baking more than sports.

Perhaps we need to do a better job of letting our kids know it is okay to have interests other people don't

Yep, these trans are trying to live up to society norms by changing their body. Why not just be who you were born to be and not obey society norms.

That way you could change your mind later if you decide norms aren't so bad after all.

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She is not your typical starlet. She needs a hook. Someway to get attention.
ThreatLevel: Midnight
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Why would you care if your kids are gay?

I see why Andrew Eaton killed itself.
Thanks & Gig 'Em
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Is it just me, or are most these "gender-fluid" women simply homely women?
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ThreatLevel: Midnight said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Why would you care if your kids are gay?

I see why Andrew Eaton killed itself.
Yeah, he tries way too hard with what he thinks are "gotchas".
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Not gin soaked but a tangent....apparently Luke Skywalker has been retconned as gay.
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And 3/4 of his posts are "why do you care?", as he ironically cares enough to come on here to tell posters…(checks notes)…on a DISCUSSION BOARD that they shouldn't care and be discussing a multitude of topics that make their way on here.

The level of obtuseness (is that a word?) is downright impressive honestly.
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Better to be gay than a sister kisser
one MEEN Ag
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frenchtoast said:

I would have paid more attention in math class if there had been gin soaked tangents.

There's a pretty good wine called secant for those who aren't too square.
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Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Why would you care if your kids are gay?

If you want to be a grandparent....
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'The Last of Us' Star Bella Ramsey Comes Out as Confused

Fixed it for them
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98Ag99Grad said:

I thought she had Down's Syndrome when I first saw her.

Me too, watching TLOU I told my wife the actress looks like she has a touch of Downs.
Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post reflect the opinions of Texags user bonfarr and are not to be accepted as facts or to be accepted at face value.
B-1 83
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1. Who?
2. Someday, I'm gonna be famous,
Do I have talent? Well, no.
These days you don't really need it,
Thanks to reality shows.
Can't wait to date a supermodel,
Can't wait to sue my Dad.
Can't wait to wreck a Ferrari,
On my way to rehab.

'Cause when you're a celebrity, it's adios reality.
You can act just like a fool;
People think you're cool just 'cause you're on TV.
I can throw a major fit,
When my latte isn't just how I like it.
When they say I've gone insane,
I'll blame it on the pain,
And the pressures that go with bein' a celebrity.
Ah ha.

I'll get to cy to Barbara Walters,
When things don't go my way.
An' I'll get community service,
No matter which law I break.

I'll make the supermarket tabloids,
They'll write some awful stuff.
But the more they run my name down,
The more my price goes up.

Cuz, when you're a celebrity, it's adios reality.
no matter what ya do;
People think you're cool just 'cause you're on TV.
Now, I can fall in and out of love,
Have marriages that barely last a month.
When they go down the drain,
I'll blame it on the fame,
And say: "It's just so tough, bein' a celebrity."
So let's****ch up the wagons and head out west,
To the land of fun in the sun.
We'll be real world, bachelor, jackass millionaires.
Hey, hey Hollywood, here we come.

Yeah, when you're a celebrity, it's adios reality.
No matter what you do,
People think you're cool just 'cause you're on TV.
Bein' a celebrity.
Yeah, a celebrity.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
Buford T. Justice
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I agree with what you are saying but keep in mind one simple thing…..that requires effort.
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Some celebrities(and the article writers) say this stuff no doubt literally just to troll the media and message boards like this one. It amuses them and guarantees the articles get even more views and clicks.

So there you go….Hollywood Reporter article writer got a thread like this created on TexAgs and no doubt some of ya'll clicked on it. mission accomplished.
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What kind of ****ed up adult asks a kid about their gender in an interview?
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They say it because it gets them greater status in intersectional coastal social hierarchies. No other reason really. They don't have to DO anything. Just make the claim.
ThreatLevel: Midnight
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We'll jokes on them because I only read the headlines and not the article.

Headlines only never leads you wrong.
Thanks & Gig 'Em
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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BigRobSA said:

Ghost of Andrew Eaton said:

Why would you care if your kids are gay?

If you want to be a grandparent....
Plenty of gay couples have children.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
Ghost of Andrew Eaton
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What gotcha? It's a serious question.
If you say you hate the state of politics in this nation and you don't get involved in it, you obviously don't hate the state of politics in this nation.
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