Global Warming ….wheres the heat ?

4,504 Views | 64 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by eric76
one safe place
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javajaws said:

Can't wait for the goalposts to be moved again as leftists complain about global cooling.
As soon as there are grants available, the pencil-necked geeks in white lab coats, pocket protectors, and high water pants will be proclaiming global cooling.
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You're just too dumb to feel it!
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You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.
Where were you during hurricane Ian? Every Dem and msm talking head blamed a hurricane on global warming. The difference between OP and them is that he is JOKING. That you could make the above argument and lay this wholly at the feet of conservatives is laughable.
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Nothing makes me laugh more than the term "Climate change". How can you go wrong?... the odds are zero that the climate won't change over time.

The next argument I love is "Well... we have to do something about climate change now, damn the cost, because the consequences of being wrong are just too great! This argument of "you have to do something" is always used when someone has no solid footing for anything they are proposing.

The impending doom is always impending. It's never in the present. And when the predictions of doom don't occur, the goalposts are always moved. So much for Global warming, I mean climate change.

Also - with climate change "everyone's onboard" and "Climatologists all agree". If you question anything about their data and models, which is by the way the foundation of the scientific method, you are labeled a heretic and scorned. When scientists all agree, then someone isn't thinking. How do you know someone is hiding the truth or their argument is weak? They name-call and reticule instead of allowing their ideas to undergo scrutiny.

Control systems... The earth is a robust controlled system meaning that when something changes, something else changes to keep things in balance. If you believe the earth is 10 billion years old, how could you believe otherwise? How did the earth get this far along if it wasn't highly stable in it's design? "But ... but what about the effects of man?" What about man? Isn't man evolved as apart of nature? What makes you think that man isn't 100% fully natural...unless you believe the Bible and man was created separately from the natural world and is "special" but I digress. What makes all of us believe we're so much bigger than nature and have ANY positive or negative control over nature other than our self-inflated arrogance? How do you know you are in a controlled environment - there is always some oscillation... i.e. change.

Remember - Doomsday scenarios have always been apart of the human condition. There's something innate to being human to always feel as though "the sky must be falling".

The hypocrisy - Climatologists want us to be green and recycle toilet paper roles, ride bikes, and eat insects while they fly around in their private jets. Good for thee... but not for me.

Lastly, when climatologist use little girls to promote their solutions - and the only solution to climate change is the destruction of capitalism, the loss of American sovereignty , and the taking of my hard earned money - then I know I'm being taken to the cleaners.
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It's like TV televangelists but scaled up many orders of magnitude. They get a religious movement or cult established around a set of beliefs and then push for money/power to "solve problems" and "save people" with. Except they're claiming to be saving the entire damn planet.

It's a cult exploitation grift on a scale that makes L Ron Hubbard's efforts seem microscopic.
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TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.
only the leftist loons dont recognize a joke...

climate change, whoooooo, run jump under the bus, the temperatures are changing, hurry up, shoot some nukes to warm the weather up, how about turn on the fans to help bring back some ice bergs... big fear his here, hide, its coming..

2 hours later

im all better now, I got under the boulder in my back yard
B-1 83
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TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.
You mean like the news networks do every time it gets hot, gets cold, or we have a hurricane?
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……, not really
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BuddysBud said:

TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.

The whole climate change hoax is the intentional confusion of climate and weather.

It's not a conservative thing it is an integral part of the scam.

Climate models that have infinite solutions and very few constraints are completely worthless, as they have been shown to be over the past 40 years.

If you can accurately model climate and make accurate predictions 100 years from now, modeling the financial markets would be a cake walk. Why don't these pseudo scientists put their effort into predicting the markets and make big money? It's because they know that their models are worthless.
As far as climate prediction goes, you're preaching to the choir. I'm just saying climate nazis are talking about climate, not the daily weather which is way more variable than climate. Once conservatives realize this, they might actually start making more intelligent arguments against this climate change BS.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Little Rock Ag
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TexAgs91 said:

BuddysBud said:

TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.

The whole climate change hoax is the intentional confusion of climate and weather.

It's not a conservative thing it is an integral part of the scam.

Climate models that have infinite solutions and very few constraints are completely worthless, as they have been shown to be over the past 40 years.

If you can accurately model climate and make accurate predictions 100 years from now, modeling the financial markets would be a cake walk. Why don't these pseudo scientists put their effort into predicting the markets and make big money? It's because they know that their models are worthless.
As far as climate prediction goes, you're preaching to the choir. I'm just saying climate nazis are talking about climate, not the daily weather which is way more variable than climate. Once conservatives realize this, they might actually start making more intelligent arguments against this climate change BS.
How many times do the climate change zealots do the exact same thing by pinpointing individual tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, snowstorms, or wildfires as "proof" of climate change? They have made a whole cottage industry of using selected weather events plus doom-shrouded predictions about the future as arguments for their lies.
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B-1 83 said:

TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.
You mean like the news networks do every time it gets hot, gets cold, or we have a hurricane?
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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TexAgs91 said:

BuddysBud said:

TexAgs91 said:

You're doing that thing conservatives do where they confuse the current weather with climate. I'm not saying global warming is real, but at least keep your arguments about the same subject.

The whole climate change hoax is the intentional confusion of climate and weather.

It's not a conservative thing it is an integral part of the scam.

Climate models that have infinite solutions and very few constraints are completely worthless, as they have been shown to be over the past 40 years.

If you can accurately model climate and make accurate predictions 100 years from now, modeling the financial markets would be a cake walk. Why don't these pseudo scientists put their effort into predicting the markets and make big money? It's because they know that their models are worthless.
As far as climate prediction goes, you're preaching to the choir. I'm just saying climate nazis are talking about climate, not the daily weather which is way more variable than climate. Once conservatives realize this, they might actually start making more intelligent arguments against this climate change BS.

First, as I said the confusion between weather and climate is intentional. Watch the Weather Channel every time there is a storm. You are correct that everyone from both sides gets caught up in this fallacy. Speaking logically to a climate doomsday cultist probably would be as effective as telling a COVIDian that there could be long term side effects with a new, untested vaccine and that it might or might not prevent the disease and prevent transmission.

Unfortunately, many "conservative" politicians, such as Dan Crenshaw, seem to be all in on the phony climate apocalypse narrative. When the propaganda is endless, eventually people begin believing the lies.
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fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
I understand where you are coming from however; weather =/= climate change
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fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
Global warming isn't really in dispute. And it doesn't mean it still won't get cold. What is disputed is the cause of it and whether or not anything can mitigate it. Global warming is part of the earths history. Unfortunately some idiots keep conflating Global Warming with the debate on whether humans caused it.
oh no
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But if the US government doesn't spend trillions on green stuff immediately and shame Americans into buying electric vehicles while China and the world's developing nations do nothing, the world is going to end any day now.
Matt Hooper
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I type too slow. Post is now mute.
Hooper Drives the Boat
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TexAgs91 said:

oh no said:

you're doing that thing progressive leftists do where they don't get satire.

I get good satire. This is bad satire since it's not even about the same thing. Good satire would be about how funny it is that the sea levels haven't budged or about how Glacier National Park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be gone by now.
Good satire is truth & reality?
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Funky Winkerbean
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BluHorseShu said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
Global warming isn't really in dispute. And it doesn't mean it still won't get cold. What is disputed is the cause of it and whether or not anything can mitigate it. Global warming is part of the earths history. Unfortunately some idiots keep conflating Global Warming with the debate on whether humans caused it.
I'm still looking for a reason why a slightly warmer planet is a bad thing.
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richardag said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
It's coming, just have to wait a few hundred to a few thousand years. We are seemingly at the end of an ice age.

All indications are that this is merely the interglacial period between glaciations in our current ice age. There is no reason to think that it is ending. If it was ending, this would be an incredibly short ice age -- by an order of magnitude or more.
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Ag with kids said:

richardag said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
It's coming, just have to wait a few hundred to a few thousand years. We are seemingly at the end of an ice age.

We're currently IN an Ice Age. But, we're in an interglacial period where the temperatures are slightly warmer.

However, if you look at the Vostok Ice Core data, if trends continue, we're getting very close to the end of this interglacial.

As a reminder, before this interglacial, NY was under a 1 mile thick ice sheet. Might be a good start...

There are indications, I think, that the previous interglacial period, the Eemian, was warmer than this period. And this period was quite a bit warmer a few thousand years ago.

It is entirely reasonable to credit the period about 6,000 to 12,000 years ago when it was even warmer with the ability of mankind to settle down and switch from being subsistence hunters to farmers, along with the accidental development of hexaploid wheat, with the beginning and growth of civilization.
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fullback44 said:

Ag with kids said:

richardag said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
It's coming, just have to wait a few hundred to a few thousand years. We are seemingly at the end of an ice age.

We're currently IN an Ice Age. But, we're in an interglacial period where the temperatures are slightly warmer.

However, if you look at the Vostok Ice Core data, if trends continue, we're getting very close to the end of this interglacial.

As a reminder, before this interglacial, NY was under a 1 mile thick ice sheet. Might be a good start...

So here's my question .. if the ice sheets were to come back and say cover New York wouldn't many areas close to the equator that are covered in water now have to become dry ground? If water is ice then your gonna see a lot of new dry ground near the equator, correct ?
Exactly. Not only near the equator, but everywhere.

It is estimated that sea level has risen approximately 300 feet during this interglacial. There were reports a few years ago about finding stone age tools on the ocean floor about 60 miles offshore from the East Coast.
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Tanya 93 said:

Snow overnight

High of 34 today.

Yeah baby
The forecast for my area is a high of 28 on Friday.

I have a lot of work to do outside and so I'm hoping to get it done on Thursday.
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sleepybeagle said:

Nothing makes me laugh more than the term "Climate change". How can you go wrong?... the odds are zero that the climate won't change over time.

The next argument I love is "Well... we have to do something about climate change now, damn the cost, because the consequences of being wrong are just too great! This argument of "you have to do something" is always used when someone has no solid footing for anything they are proposing.

The impending doom is always impending. It's never in the present. And when the predictions of doom don't occur, the goalposts are always moved. So much for Global warming, I mean climate change.

Also - with climate change "everyone's onboard" and "Climatologists all agree". If you question anything about their data and models, which is by the way the foundation of the scientific method, you are labeled a heretic and scorned. When scientists all agree, then someone isn't thinking. How do you know someone is hiding the truth or their argument is weak? They name-call and reticule instead of allowing their ideas to undergo scrutiny.

Control systems... The earth is a robust controlled system meaning that when something changes, something else changes to keep things in balance. If you believe the earth is 10 billion years old, how could you believe otherwise? How did the earth get this far along if it wasn't highly stable in it's design? "But ... but what about the effects of man?" What about man? Isn't man evolved as apart of nature? What makes you think that man isn't 100% fully natural...unless you believe the Bible and man was created separately from the natural world and is "special" but I digress. What makes all of us believe we're so much bigger than nature and have ANY positive or negative control over nature other than our self-inflated arrogance? How do you know you are in a controlled environment - there is always some oscillation... i.e. change.

Remember - Doomsday scenarios have always been apart of the human condition. There's something innate to being human to always feel as though "the sky must be falling".

The hypocrisy - Climatologists want us to be green and recycle toilet paper roles, ride bikes, and eat insects while they fly around in their private jets. Good for thee... but not for me.

Lastly, when climatologist use little girls to promote their solutions - and the only solution to climate change is the destruction of capitalism, the loss of American sovereignty , and the taking of my hard earned money - then I know I'm being taken to the cleaners.

There truly is impending doom. In something like a couple of billion years or so, it is going to be so hot that life on this planet will be highly unlikely.

It's a bit early to start worrying about the climate a couple of billion years from now, though.
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agent-maroon said:

TexAgs91 said:

oh no said:

you're doing that thing progressive leftists do where they don't get satire.

I get good satire. This is bad satire since it's not even about the same thing. Good satire would be about how funny it is that the sea levels haven't budged or about how Glacier National Park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be gone by now.
Good satire is truth & reality?
Well, sea level is supposedly something like 7 feet lower than a few thousand years ago.
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Funky Winkerbean said:

BluHorseShu said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
Global warming isn't really in dispute. And it doesn't mean it still won't get cold. What is disputed is the cause of it and whether or not anything can mitigate it. Global warming is part of the earths history. Unfortunately some idiots keep conflating Global Warming with the debate on whether humans caused it.
I'm still looking for a reason why a slightly warmer planet is a bad thing.
It's not.

Warmer air can carry more moisture. Earlier in the Holocene (our current interglacial period) when temperatures were warmer, the Sahara Desert was green, the Gobi Desert was forested, and northern Mexico was much greener than now.

There have been reports of the Sahara Desert greening up a bit more over the last twenty years as well.

Also, it is a common practice for people with greenhouses to inject extra CO2 into the greenhouses to promote more growth.
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All ready to fight that imaginary line identified with a Zero.
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agent-maroon said:

TexAgs91 said:

oh no said:

you're doing that thing progressive leftists do where they don't get satire.

I get good satire. This is bad satire since it's not even about the same thing. Good satire would be about how funny it is that the sea levels haven't budged or about how Glacier National Park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be gone by now.
Good satire is truth & reality?
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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Houston Lee said:

richardag said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
It's coming, just have to wait a few hundred to a few thousand years. We are seemingly at the end of an ice age.

1-How do you come up with an average global temperature?

2-How do you come up with an average global temperature from a million years ago?
I believe a lot of the projections are based on the plant/animal fossil records and geological records. There was some reliance on the fossil records of foraminifera, different species survive at different temperatures. Needless to say there are many assumptions and extrapolations used, so the confidence limits would be quite wide. That said, the exact average temperatures may have a substantial error range but the rapid changes from ice age to warmer temperatures was rapid.

What's the hottest Earth's ever been?
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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eric76 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

BluHorseShu said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
Global warming isn't really in dispute. And it doesn't mean it still won't get cold. What is disputed is the cause of it and whether or not anything can mitigate it. Global warming is part of the earths history. Unfortunately some idiots keep conflating Global Warming with the debate on whether humans caused it.
I'm still looking for a reason why a slightly warmer planet is a bad thing.
It's not.

Warmer air can carry more moisture. Earlier in the Holocene (our current interglacial period) when temperatures were warmer, the Sahara Desert was green, the Gobi Desert was forested, and northern Mexico was much greener than now.

There have been reports of the Sahara Desert greening up a bit more over the last twenty years as well.

Also, it is a common practice for people with greenhouses to inject extra CO2 into the greenhouses to promote more growth.

Global Warming
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What's going on over here?
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VitruvianAg said:

eric76 said:

Funky Winkerbean said:

BluHorseShu said:

fullback44 said:

Anyone else concur with me that global warming is hitting a little early this year …. It's gonna be 44 F tonight in Htown …. Need some of that global warming to heat this place up so I can save some energy
Global warming isn't really in dispute. And it doesn't mean it still won't get cold. What is disputed is the cause of it and whether or not anything can mitigate it. Global warming is part of the earths history. Unfortunately some idiots keep conflating Global Warming with the debate on whether humans caused it.
I'm still looking for a reason why a slightly warmer planet is a bad thing.
It's not.

Warmer air can carry more moisture. Earlier in the Holocene (our current interglacial period) when temperatures were warmer, the Sahara Desert was green, the Gobi Desert was forested, and northern Mexico was much greener than now.

There have been reports of the Sahara Desert greening up a bit more over the last twenty years as well.

Also, it is a common practice for people with greenhouses to inject extra CO2 into the greenhouses to promote more growth.

Excellent find. More people should listen to Freeman Dyson.
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