Mexican government empowers the drug cartel and is an accessory to the invasion. It's real. We know it and we see it. We've declared war on others for far less but refuse to declare war on Mexico.
War with Mexico would be very ugly and destroy this country. 15% of Americans are Mexican Americans. Almost 30% Hispanic. In our history, when we go to war with another country, the descendants of that country aren't happy. Since the War of 1812, we haven't gone to war with a country that has as large a population of descendants.
Some examples, the war on terror gave the federal government huge powers to monitor Muslims. They are still a small population so it was ignored. In WW2 we put Japanese, Germans, and Italians immigrants in camps and considered them enemy aliens. Any country at war has concerns of traitors within and the most likely traitors are descendants of the country being attacked.
How would we treat all the Mexican and Hispanic citizens and immigrants? In the current woke culture, the actions of the past won't fly. This is a handicap diversity has created in the US. Therefore there will never be a war with Mexico.
War with Mexico would be very ugly and destroy this country. 15% of Americans are Mexican Americans. Almost 30% Hispanic. In our history, when we go to war with another country, the descendants of that country aren't happy. Since the War of 1812, we haven't gone to war with a country that has as large a population of descendants.
Some examples, the war on terror gave the federal government huge powers to monitor Muslims. They are still a small population so it was ignored. In WW2 we put Japanese, Germans, and Italians immigrants in camps and considered them enemy aliens. Any country at war has concerns of traitors within and the most likely traitors are descendants of the country being attacked.
How would we treat all the Mexican and Hispanic citizens and immigrants? In the current woke culture, the actions of the past won't fly. This is a handicap diversity has created in the US. Therefore there will never be a war with Mexico.