GeorgiAg said:
DX2011 said:
GeorgiAg said:
Sounds like a dog whistle to his nutjob supporters. Should have convicted that Orange POS when you had the chance, Mitch.
Convicted of what?
Trump was impeached but not convicted by the Senate.
Obama gave Biden the diplomatic platform to Ukraine.
Biden's son was employed by Zlochevsky, a man being investigated by Ukraine's prosecutor Shokin.
On the day Shokin conducted a raid of Zlochevsky's property and seized his assets, Hunter Biden and Karen Tramontano contacted Anthony Blinken at the Department of State. Tramontano, representing Zlochevsky, name-dropped the Bidens in her emails to State.
Joe Biden, using the threat of withholding Federal funding, forced the Ukrainians to fire Shokin in order to protect Zlochevsky and the Biden Syndicate's gravy train.
Who was impeached for it? Trump.
Why? Because he was trying to find out the truth.
How do we now? Because Trump released the transcript of his TELCON with Zelensky.
One rule for Democrats and Vichy Republicans who play ball.
Quite another set of rules for everyone else.