The 'My Pillow' guy? Really?

15,079 Views | 159 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by aggiehawg
Im Gipper
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Purported warrant here:


2. All records and information on the LINDELL CELLPHONE that constitute fruits, evidence, or instrumentalities of violations of 18 U.S.C. 1028(aX7) (identity theft), 1030(aX5XA)(intentional damage to a protected computer), and/or 311 (conspiracy to cufflink identity theft and/or to cause intentional damage to a protected computer)-(the "SUBJECT OFFENSES")-those violations involving Tina Peters, Conan James Hayes, Belinda Knisley, Sandra Brown, Sherronna Bishop, Michael Lindell, and/or Douglas Frank, among other co-conspirators known and unknown to the government (the "SUBJECTS"), since November 1, 2020, including:

a. All records and information relating to damage to any Dominion computerized voting system, including any impairment to, or attempt to impair, the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information:

b. All records and information relating to BIOS on any Dominion computerized voting system, including any modification to, or attempt to modify, a BIOS setting.

c. All records and information relating to the attachment of any peripheral to any Dominion computerized voting system, including any USB flash storage drive or other external storage media;

d. All records and information relating to the operation of any Optical Disc Drive on any Dominion computerized voting system, including the use or attempted use of CDs or DVDs to run software:

e. All records and information relating to any software, program, application, or code used to obtain information about the configuration. security features, contents, or vulnerabilities of any Dominion computerized voting system;

f. All records and information relating to authorization or lack of authorization to damage or modify any Dominion computerized voting system;

g. All records and information relating to any attempted or successful misappropriation, theft, conversion, transfer, or exfiltration of any proprietary hardware, software, or other data;

h. All records and information relating to Conan James Hayes' use of another person's name, photograph, credentials, or other identifying information or documents;

i. All records and information indicating the geographical location of any SUBJECT.

j. All records and information indicating the state of mind of any SUBJECT, as it relates to the SUBJECT OFFENSES discussed in the Affidavit;

k. All records and information indicating attempts by any SUBJECT to conceal an individual's involvement in the SUBJECT OFFENSES;

l. All records and information indicating the identity of any person(s)-including records that help reveal the whereabouts of the person(s)- who communicated with any SUBJECT about any matters related to the commission of the SUBJECT OFFENSES;

m. Evidence of who used, owned, or controlled the LINDELL CELLPHONE at the time the things described in this warrant were created, edited, or deleted, such as logs, registry entries, configuration files, saved usernames and passwords, documents, browsing history, user profiles, email, email contacts, chat, instant messaging logs, photographs, and correspondence;

n. Evidence of software, or the lack thereof, that would allow others to control the LINDELL CELLPHONE, such as viruses, Trojan horses, and other forms of malicious software, as well as evidence of the presence or absence of security software designed to detect malicious software;

o. Evidence of the attachment to the LINDELL CELLPHONE of other storage devices or similar containers for electronic evidence.

p. Evidence of counter-forensic programs (and associated data) that are designed to eliminate data from the LINDELL CELLPHONE:

q. Evidence of the times the LINDELL CELLPHONE was used:

r. Passwords, encryption keys, and other access devices that may be necessary to access the LINDELL CELLPHONE;

t. Documentation and manuals that may be necessary to access the LINDELL CELLPHONE or applications on the LINDELL CELLPHONE, or to conduct a forensic examination of the LINDELL CELLPHONE;

u. Records of or information about Internet Protocol addresses used by the LINDELL CELLPHONE."

s. Volatile data and volatile memory stored in the LINDELL CELLPHONE;

I'm Gipper
Hammerly High Dive Crips
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ShaggySLC said:

Tea Party said:

Wtf is going on in Amerika these past several years?…
A non-politician was elected. CAN NOT have that, Romney and Bush are only acceptable for Dems and resident true conservatives
And they STILL painted both of those guys as absolute monsters. Bush was an evil and stupid monkey-like war criminal and Romney was a dog abuser. In hindsight, I seriously believe this was probably to fool everyone on the right and bolster their support for these controlled RINO's. Hit them with hateful attacks to trick everyone into thinking they were on OUR side. Maybe that is giving dems too much credit.
Agnes Moffitt Rollin 60's - RIP Casper and Lil Ricky - FREE GOOFY AND LUCKY!
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HTownAg98 said:

Supposedly he's involved in the Tina Peters case in Arizona where she let people examine voting machines where she didn't have the authority to do so. Maybe she was in contact with Lindell?
She was at the symposium in South Dakota with him. And she did have authority, a job and legal resposibility to retain election records under both state and federal law. It was Dominion and the Sec of State that was trying to destroy election records, which they did. Peters had the proof that they violated the law.

All Lindell did was to publicize what she had discovered.
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Careful or you will be paying Dominion's legal fees too.
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Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results
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Tea Party said:

Wtf is going on in Amerika these past several years?…

They are getting scared because they know theee is evidence they were in on the election fraud

And are about to get caught.

And the world will see
Mike's got tons of evidence
The Orangeman Returns with Thunder
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CanyonAg77 said:

Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results

The Orangeman Returns with Thunder
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Maybe trying to overthrow democracy isn't a good idea, Mr. Lindell.

He has enough evidence to throw 300 million people in jail. That only leaves 30 million to run the country.

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Overthrow? What democracy? We ain't Ancient Greece.

I'd call it preserving the Republic.
Anonymous Source
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Daddy said:

Tea Party said:

Wtf is going on in Amerika these past several years?…

They are getting scared because they know theee is evidence they were in on the election fraud

And are about to get caught.

And the world will see
Mike's got tons of evidence

And he's been promising it in "two weeks" for the last year and a half.
Put up or shut up.
Gig 'Em
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CanyonAg77 said:

Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results
There's a backdoor that is virtually untraceable that goes to the Sec of State's office that can be activated or deactivated. Tina Peters first learned about the existence of it from the Dominion tech who was installing the Trusted Build software at her offices in Mesa County. She was recording/filming with her phone during the install.

The forensic images of the hard drive of the EMS before and after the Trusted Build installation prove 2020 election data was deleted during the same. Against the Voting Rights Act among other federal and state laws.
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aggiehawg said:

HTownAg98 said:

Supposedly he's involved in the Tina Peters case in Arizona where she let people examine voting machines where she didn't have the authority to do so. Maybe she was in contact with Lindell?
She was at the symposium in South Dakota with him. And she did have authority, a job and legal resposibility to retain election records under both state and federal law. It was Dominion and the Sec of State that was trying to destroy election records, which they did. Peters had the proof that they violated the law.

All Lindell did was to publicize what she had discovered. forgot to mention her crimes, like how she made a copy of the county voting system software and posted it on the internet. That wasn't cool or legal.



During the relevant timeframe, April-August 2021, Tina Peters was the Clerk and Recorder in Mesa County, Grand Junction, Colorado. Belinda Knisley was the Deputy Clerk and Recorder. Sandra Brown, then a key employee, was the back office Elections Manager who had access to the voting system computers and equipment.

As part of the State of Colorado's initial criminal investigation it was leaned that in early August 2021, public servants with the Colorado Secretary of State's Office (SOS) became aware that a series of confidential digital images of Mesa County Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) equipment and related passwords had been published on the internet. The public dissemination of this sensitive information constituted an unauthorized data breach. The compromised sensitive data included images depicting a proprietary hard drive with unlawfully downloaded/imaged software from Mesa County's election management server's hard drive. Additionally, unique Basic Input/Basic Output (BIOS) confidential passwords necessary to conduct a "trusted build" systems upgrade were also distributed in violation of SOS rules. A "trusted build" is an in-person upgrade of election management software that supports a county's voting system. Voting system equipment operate on a "closed network." This means that voting system equipment is not connected to the internet.

The Mesa County trusted build occurred on May 25-26, 2021. Personnel associated with any trusted build in Colorado include representatives from the SOS, experts from DVS, and a few designated county elections staff personnel who are designated and undergo a background check in advance of the trusted build.

Beginning in April 2021 and in advance of the May 25-26, 2021, trusted build, Tina Peters and Belinda Knisley, either as principal actors and/or acting as complicators, devised and executed a deceptive scheme which was designed to influence public servants, breach security protocols, exceed permissible access to voting equipment, and set in motion the eventual distribution of confidential information to unauthorized people. Furthermore, these defendants, without permission or lawful authorization, also used the name and personal identifying information of Gerald "Jerry" Wood to further their criminal scheme. This unlawful use of Mr. Wood's identity by Tina Peters and Belinda Knisley also subjected Mr. Wood to various forms of liability and criminal exposure.
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This happened to me years ago years and years ago when I was in high school just starting to date the girl that is now Agmom -

apparently local law ran my license plate and my last name was the same as a drug dealer they were after - so the police unit right behind me turned on his lights and I turned off the main road I was on and as i was stopping, two police units came up beside my car and another came around the corner and pulled right up to my front bumper - they had their spot lights shinning on my little Chevy Nova and had their guns drawn when they got out of their cars. I was told to get out of my car with my hands up and the policemen put hand cuffs on me while they searched every inch of my car - they finally asked for my license and I guess proved to themselves that I was not the person they were looking for - they asked if I had a brother and I answered in the affirmative saying he was 5 years old and his name was "Nub"

they got back in their cars and left me alone to clean up the mess that I had made !! -The future Agmom would not talk to me for a month thinking I was some sort of criminal - I was the talk of the High School for a couple of weeks - a good friend of mine with a more than shady older brother told me the law arrested the guy they thought I was a few weeks later on a major drug charge.
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What a load of BS.
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Pookers said:

annie88 said:

OK this **** needs to stop.

The Democrat party literally is no different than the Nazi party.

And what's funny is between Hillary, Bill, Bill Gates, Hunter and even Joe and Nancy they are the ones that actually should be being raided. But they clearly don't care about actual crime just perceived crime. And attacks on Republicans. And Trump supporters

The people can literally go to hell.
This doesn't happen without 99% of the GOPe sitting on their asses quiet as a church mouse. They are obviously complicit.

The GOP is weak. They've shown that for years but especially since Biden has been in office. Trump is the only one that wanted to stand up to any of this.
Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
fka ftc
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I would like to see Lindell be awarded the contract to provide all jails in the us with MyPillows, MySheets, and MySlippers as a way to say sorry for this heinous invasion of privacy.

BTW - Those who really plot against the government do not use their everyday cellphones and text messaging. If they seize a cellphone, its a political stunt.

I am fairly certain as well that they can access any and all information on the cellphone remotely. Used to be the ONLY information stored solely on the phone was the biometric security data.

Smoke, mirrors, men behind curtains and gaslighting nonstop. This is Joe Biden's America.
"The absence of the word accountability is not the same as wanting no accountability" -unknown

"You can never go wrong by staying silent if there is nothing apt to say" -Walter Isaacson
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DNC orders Biden to order DOJ to order FBI to go after "MAGA extremists".

Burn it down. If Trump gets to office there needs to be antifa speeches and Hillary's lawyers need to be pinned down.

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Currently a happy listless vessel and deplorable. #FDEMS TRUMP 2024.
Fight Fight Fight.
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CanyonAg77 said:

Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results
Every Dominion vote has a paper trail.
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WHOOP!'91 said:

J. Walter Weatherman said:

CanyonAg77 said:


Sounds like his overdramtic description of the "raid" was just them serving a subpoena that was from a grand jury investigation.

FBI could have showed up at his office, or contacted an attorney.

Instead, they did a felony stop, as if they were after Public Enemy #1.

How can you possibly think that at least three cars and six feds attacking you at a fast food joint is not dramatic? Do you routinely have other cars blocking you, and armed agents confronting you?

I don't know about you, but if I have a bunch of cars blocking me in, I'm worried about robbery, not the Feds. I'm amazed he remained as calm as he did.

If I'm connected to a federal investigation and a judge has seen enough to issue a subpoena then no, I don't expect the feds to just sit on their hands and serve it whenever it's convenient for me.
So not like the casual, unrecorded, off-the-record chat they had with Hillary over her mishandling of classified materials, then.

That's all you will get from a partisan hack. They lack critical thinking skills. And for some I think it affects whether they get paid.
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Manhattan said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results
Every Dominion vote has a paper trail.

What is your proof that there is a paper trail?
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geoag58 said:

Manhattan said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Sounds like the FBI is terrified that someone might be able to figure out how Dominion voting machines are rigged to give the (D)esire(D) results
Every Dominion vote has a paper trail.

What is your proof that there is a paper trail?
...and is the voter aware of what is on the paper trail? Doubt it.

The machine can say "you voted for MAGA" on the screen but log the actual vote for Xiden. The paper trail would just show Joe Blow is stupid enough to vote for this crap fest, and Joe Blow thought he voted to Keep America Great.

Even if you printed out a completed ballot that was readable by a lay person, it would then go through a programmable scanner machine to be read and tabulated.

This seems like an attempt to misdirect or obfuscate. If there is a paper trail, what does that prove? You'd have to call people to confirm whether their vote was accurately recorded.
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Dark Biden hit list, and insight into historical context

Robert L. Peters
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Do they have My Pillows in Leavenworth?
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The Green Dragon said:

Do they have My Pillows in Leavenworth?
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CanyonAg77 said:

Overthrow? What democracy? We ain't Ancient Greece.

I'd call it preserving the Republic.
I thought we were an autonomous collective.
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That idiot also talked to the FBI for twenty minutes before they asked for the phone. WTF is he thinking? Then when the FBI asked for the phone, he called his attorney who told him to give them the phone.

We are living in the dumbest timeline.
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We're living in a clown world.
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Manhattan said:

Careful or you will be paying Dominion's legal fees too.
It is my opinion that Dominion is actively working to subvert free and fair elections.

Now go report that to them, have them submit subpoena to TA to reveal my user information, and have them come after me.

I have a right to an opinion based on the preponderance of apparent malfeasance.

You don't scare me. Neither does Dominion.


"The Kingdom is for HE that can TAKE IT!" - Alexander
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HTownAg98 said:

That idiot also talked to the FBI for twenty minutes before they asked for the phone. WTF is he thinking? Then when the FBI asked for the phone, he called his attorney who told him to give them the phone.

We are living in the dumbest timeline.
You are calling him an idiot, when it would be absolutely idiotic to not consult an attorney before cooperating with an agency that is politically destroying anyone associated with Trump.

"The Kingdom is for HE that can TAKE IT!" - Alexander
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The idiotic thing was talking to the FBI for 20 minutes without an attorney present BEFORE he called his attorney. Mike Lindell evidently does not know about STFU Friday.
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The FBI covered up evidence in the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing, Hunter's laptop, Epstein and Epstein island, they were explicitly involved in Russiagate.....J Edgar Hoover denied the very existence of a mafia for years....they have always been corrupt...the only thing that makes them look not corrupt is the CIA
Ag with kids
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Hagen95 said:

CanyonAg77 said:

Overthrow? What democracy? We ain't Ancient Greece.

I'd call it preserving the Republic.
I thought we were an autonomous collective.
Well, technically an anarcho-syndicalist commune...
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