2020 saw a record number of Republican women elected to congress, but 2022 could potentially blow that out of the water. Below are many of the women** that could make up the freshman class of the next congress. While the media and liberals claim that Republicans are anti-women, the Republicans are busy electing some bad ass women to office. Most are veterans, law enforcement/law enforcement families, and/or successful business women. It is also a diverse group that will likely make the heads of the View hosts explode.
The ones with * by their name are in toss-up or lean R/Lean D races. If you are looking to donate money to campaign, these candidates would be great options.
** Note: I am not a biologist.
Anna Luna (FL-13) - https://www.voteannapaulina.com/
Air Force vet

Yesli Vega* (VA-7) - https://yeslivega.com/
Law Enforcement Officer, military wife

April Becker* (NV-3) - https://voteaprilbecker.com/

Jennifer Ruth-Green* (IN-1) - https://jennifer-ruthgreen.com/
Air Force vet

Esther Joy King* (IL-17) - https://estherforcongress.com/
JAG officer

Madison Gilbert (OH-13) - https://www.madisongesiottogilbert.com/

Cassy Garcia* (TX-28) - https://www.cassyforcongress.com/
Border patrol family

Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) - https://www.monicaforcongress.us/

Mayra Flores* (TX-34) - https://www.mayrafloresforcongress.com/
Born in Mexico, border patrol family

Laurel Lee (FL-15) https://votelaurel.com/

Jen Kiggans* (VA-2) - https://jenforcongress.com/
Navy vet
Lisa Scheller* (PA-7) https://lisaschellerpa.com/

Erin Houchin (IN-9) - https://www.erinhouchin.com/

Amanda Adkins (KS-3) https://www.amandaadkins.com/

Lori Chavez-Derimer (OR-5)* - https://www.lorichavezderemer.com/

Harriet Hageman (WY-At Large) - https://www.hagemanforwyoming.com/
The ones with * by their name are in toss-up or lean R/Lean D races. If you are looking to donate money to campaign, these candidates would be great options.
** Note: I am not a biologist.
Anna Luna (FL-13) - https://www.voteannapaulina.com/
Air Force vet

Yesli Vega* (VA-7) - https://yeslivega.com/
Law Enforcement Officer, military wife

April Becker* (NV-3) - https://voteaprilbecker.com/

Jennifer Ruth-Green* (IN-1) - https://jennifer-ruthgreen.com/
Air Force vet

Esther Joy King* (IL-17) - https://estherforcongress.com/
JAG officer

Madison Gilbert (OH-13) - https://www.madisongesiottogilbert.com/

Cassy Garcia* (TX-28) - https://www.cassyforcongress.com/
Border patrol family

Monica De La Cruz (TX-15) - https://www.monicaforcongress.us/

Mayra Flores* (TX-34) - https://www.mayrafloresforcongress.com/
Born in Mexico, border patrol family

Laurel Lee (FL-15) https://votelaurel.com/

Jen Kiggans* (VA-2) - https://jenforcongress.com/
Navy vet

Lisa Scheller* (PA-7) https://lisaschellerpa.com/

Erin Houchin (IN-9) - https://www.erinhouchin.com/

Amanda Adkins (KS-3) https://www.amandaadkins.com/

Lori Chavez-Derimer (OR-5)* - https://www.lorichavezderemer.com/

Harriet Hageman (WY-At Large) - https://www.hagemanforwyoming.com/