This "task force" is responding to a non-existent problem. The bullsh** that Biden and his cronies have slung about states prosecuting women who travel out of state is just false. None of the laws in effect or likely to be passed in the future criminalize travel to another state. Even Texas' unique use of civil action to enforce its abortion statute does not apply to actions taken out of state. There are no laws that prevent the ability of people "inform and counsel each other about the reproductive care that is available in other states." This promise is damned ironic in the light of this White House trying to shut down counseling services provided by Crisis Pregnancy Centers (Elizabeth Warren Leads the Bloodlust Brigade in the Democrat Party Targeting Pregnancy Centers on Behalf of Abortion). DOJ claims it will step up enforcement of the grotesque Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACES) Act. This is the same DOJ that allows pro-aborts to literally block the entrances to the homes of Supreme Court justices.
As I've said, I am not a lawyer, but in light of Dobbs, it is doubtful that carving out special federal protection for abortion clinics and not for any other business will survive a challenge.
Good grief.