EclipseAg said:

It's way past time to stop blaming HR, PR and marketing for these types of statements.

The buck stops at the C-suite and the board of directors. They are the ones giving the green light to all these virtue-signaling announcements.

All it would take is a few high-profile CEOs to sack up and say "no, we're not doing that" and a lot of this foolishness would fade away.

The truth is that there are probably a lot of chief executives who are uncomfortable with the political winds. But they are too weak to stand up.
This is true but your statement in bold does not and will not happen because of what SB 43rd said right above you which was:


These corporations know that conservatives will never really boycott or refuse their products and services...not in any significant numbers at least. Unhappy leftists actually pose a threat.
I personally know executives who uncomfortable with all of this crap but they go along to get along because the spotlight put on them by the American mob and then half of their own employees (see Amazon employee demands) is too much to bear.