planoaggie123 said:
So we should still have muskets while the Army gets automatic rifles?
Isn't, in part, the right to bear arms to protect citizens and keep government in check? If we were limited to 1800s technology that would be a problem....if the army gets it, why not us???
Absolutely not.
What those that don't study history never seem to grasp is that one of the reasons why the Colonists were able to defeat the biggest and best trained and best armed standing army in the world at the time was that the Colonists were actually better armed across the board than the Brits.
A Pennsylvania or Kentucky rifle was far superior to the standard issue Brown Bess musket in every capacity with the exception of rate of fire. But rate of fire means little when you can't hit anything past about 50-60 yards and a Pennsylvania or Kentucky rifle was accurate in the hands of somebody that knew how to use it up to 300 yards. So a smaller force using tactics and weaponry that gave them an advantage could defeat a larger and better trained and equipped force because the small arms they used were superior.
Throw in the fact that almost every single piece of artillery used by the Colonists was privately owned and that every single naval ship was privately owned and you get the backbone behind the 2nd.
Also throw in the fact that the Founders never wanted a full time standing army. That didn't happen until well after the Constitution was ratified - they envisioned the army to be drafted only as necessary, and that it was the duty of all men to be prepared in the event of being drafted into the army (or militia) - which meant having the necessary firearms of the time, and the understanding and skill to use them. Or, as the 2nd defines it - "well regulated", which the vernacular of the time meant "ability to effectively use and kept in good service".