- It is ergonomic, and easy to handle because you have 3 points of contact
- With a half decent sight, you won't miss your target at 50 yards.
- There is practically no recoil, even 10 year olds can handle it
Wife , kids, nieces have all shot it.
This is the primary reason we have em and love em
- You can get it in multiple calibers
- You can get it in multiple barrel sizes to suit your need
- It is easy to disassemble, and easy (fun!) to mod
- 223/5.56./300 BLK ammo is relatively easy to find
- You can have 10,30, 50/60 round mags, again to fit your need
- For a beginner shooter, it is much easier to handle than a handgun or shotgun
- Personally, it's safer around kids. Handguns are easier for a child to trigger, ARs are not.
These are just top of my head