Is that Ted Kennedy?
Bill looking at pornhub to distract himself from the beached Blue Whale in front of him.LoudestWHOOP! said:
Example of a Big Fat ...NO!
AgsMnn said:
Ron White said, once you've seen one pair, you kinda want to see them all.
DrEvazanPhD said:
Unfortunately, the ones who will take advantage of this will not be the ones you'll want to see.
My wife points them out to me.GeorgiAg said:
They do this in Miami. For the first few it's ok if they're not fat cows. But it's mainly annoying because you gotta sneak a look at boobies without your wife/GF seeing you do it.
aTmAg said:
They need a hotness requirement. You have to rank 8 or higher to qualify.